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Everything posted by Waitoa

  1. Sad to hear but can sympathise, had a house fire and although all ok now made me rethink all the possessions and unfinished projects, gave away a lot and kept just a handful and trying to get the motivation back. Hope all goes well.
  2. Beautiful build and well done on completing it. The night shots really are evocative. Waitoa
  3. The trees and scenery really bring it to life.
  4. Amazing progress and look forward to see how you get on with the static grass and landscaping
  5. They may want to try sailing clubs. My father who has sadly passed away managed to get himself shipwrecked and was part of a small group at his club who had all had misadventures in the Sth Pacific.
  6. Looking really good and the lights add an extra dimension. Think you did a good job with the painting and look forward to seeing this build progress
  7. Have you thought of getting some figures 3D printed? I have a number for my build and you can get a wide range of characters and poses. Need to get back to mine but my son has me helping him paint Warhammer and Lord of the Rings figures. Keep up the good work it is inspiring me to dust mine off and do some more buildings.
  8. Looks good I have one in my stash and hopefully be able to achieve the same quality result as yours
  9. Beautiful model and had the joy of going on the real boat in the middle of falling snow will need to ad this to my build list
  10. Finished the carronades that I intend to fit. Trying to get slowly more accurate in terms of rigging guns but the scale and my incompetence works against me. The real Surprise was rigged with carronades but the having read the books I don’t see any reference to them being used other than ballast but I could be wrong. I just like the brute look of them so thought a few at the bow would look good.
  11. Making slow progress and on the more fun part when the little details start to detract from the faults. Fingers crossed that 2023 I finally finish this!
  12. Looking good, appreciate how much fun it is prepping all the stones, I think you are doing a great job
  13. No way you could do that, as long as you are enjoying it and building it the way you see it in your eye’s mind that I think is all that matters
  14. Hope there is room for one more watcher, my village has been on hold while I do jobs for the Admiral but hopefully those are coming an end. Waitoa
  15. Hi Harry, Had family that farmed nearby so was fun to see Manaia pop up. The other issue in the UK is the houses are centrally heated which is great, I struggle when I go back to NZ but it does mean they use more energy. OC - hope you get back into it I have had to put my village on hold with renovations etc and was looking through your log for inspiration, your figure painting is a really high standard and would love to see if finished. Waitoa
  16. Really nice build and thanks for sharing as I have an older kit that I need to get stuck into and this has given both inspiration and ideas
  17. Changed the scaling and happier with the size. Legs disappeared again so will have it as a resting beast. Replaced with a print from another company. Also printed some barrels. Getting itchy fingers about getting back to this but need to finish the Surprise.
  18. Thanks, I am sure that the tank is historically correct for the 1200s not sure on the colour scheme however. My modelling area is a mess. Partially down to having so many half finished projects and also in the middle of some building work and all the “treasures” have ended up where I work. Good news is that if I finish the decorating can splash out on a bespoke modelling area. Well spotted on the legs. Only two printed out. The third is a tail. Will do another print but increase the size by 10 percent and hopefully get at least 3 legs. New to 3D printing but the capabilities are great. Need to finish my HMS Surprise this year so I can get back to the Village next year. Waitoa
  19. Small update as promised my self to complete a number of half finished projects so this is on the back burner. My son got a 3D printer and I have printed a cart. Think I have the scaling wrong as this was a 28mm Wargaming piece and think it needs to be bigger
  20. Hull with modifications to make it look more like the Surprise rather than La Glorie, starting to pick up speed a bit and hope to complete a non rigged version but Christmas
  21. Finally managed to finish the gun deck and seal it up, hoping that this will mean faster progress as want to finish off a number of half started projects. Won’t fully rig this one as the full masts and rigging would take up too much space
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