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Everything posted by twintrow

  1. Sorry I haven't been on line for a while and entered the picture without the dialog! Im looking for instructions on how to mount the Dolphins so if someone has used these I'd appreciate some guidence. thanks Tom
  2. I recently asked to finish an unfinished SOS model. I was asked to finish it to honor the now deceased builder. I received several bags of materials, and many pieces are missing. I can build the ones made of wood OK but the cast metal figurehead is missing. It is a horse and rider and an important piece. Anyone know where I can locate one reasonably priced. I.ve located one for $157 and really hate to ask the family to pay that much. Appreciate any suggestions, Thanks Tom
  3. Okay...Price now $350 plus shipping..... No takers, off to e-bay which I really don't want to do. thanks Tom
  4. I've got other ships in line, including reconditioning a 7 foot 200 y/o model built by my client's great grandfather first. I guess I should drop my asking price to $400 plus shipping, or would consider an offer near there. Tom
  5. I am currently building the Amati version of the Prince and have a brand new Constructo version I won;t be building. I've checked several sites and it retails for anywhere between $689 to $559. (Ages of Sail; Amazon;Mega Hobby;Internet Hobbies; and EBay) I'd like $450 plus shipping. I'm located in Sun City AZ a suburb of Phx. So shipping costs will vary. Let me know if interested and I'll take her to the Mailbox Store and get a firm shipping cost. PM me for phone number or for any other info, including an offer.Pardon picture quality I can email some better pics if requested. Tom Wintrow PS I use PayPal.
  6. I notice that most all of the Bounty builds are not copper bottomed. Yet her refit description says it was one of the first things done to the begin the Bethia refit? I'm in the process of rebuilding a Bounty model done several years ago. I was asked to be as authentic as possible. I want to turn it out correctly. Comments? thanks Tom
  7. How many days before grandson comes in with the coach and says "I dunno Grampa, me and Billy were just looking at it and it broke"..... I have 14 grandkids....I usually make them chairs!.. One is now married and has two of her own, and the chair is still intact. Still great job, as usual....... Tom
  8. Since most of us are "Hobbiest" only and not in it to sell our creations. (Although I have sold a few.). We tend to work when time permits, even if you are retired it is sometimes hard to find time to build.....whereas, our ancestors that built usually had more free time, and those that were building for masters, had all day and all night if needed. So we tend to want to accomplish more in the time available than just "hand tools would allow. An example would be shaving masts and yards. And a few other tasks which electric tools can expedite. Tom
  9. moreplovac First, When someone asks how much I charge to build a model, I answer, I generally charge $100 per inch plus the cost of the kit. And possibly a little more depending on the complexity of the build and amount of ornamentation. ALWAYS establish the finished price before you agree to build. I make a copy of the Deck plan then pencil in details I intend to add on e.g.,barrels, fire buckets, etc. and have the buyer initial. Suggest a probable finish date, and give yourself some extra time just in case "honey-do" projects come up unexpectedly. Take lots of pictures while you build and send to buyer keeping them up to date on the progress and at the end of the build, on delivery copy of a CD or DVD for the client to keep. That is probably the basics. But certainly not cast in stone. Different builders do it differently. Personally I don't like commission work because that is what it becomes when you build for money....WORK. I wanted this to be a hobby not another job. Good luck Tom
  10. Druxey They have the manifest, and have located other artifacts dating to the correct period. The show "Coopers Gold" is pretty good, repetitive, but interesting in that they are using maps Gordon Cooper made while orbiting the earth looking for possible missile sites. Tom
  11. http://www.foxnews.com/tech/2017/05/02/experts-discover-christopher-columbus-anchor-at-caribbean-shipwreck-site.html Tom
  12. Welcome Constant: I was especially interested in your narrow boat. A very close couple, friends of ours, bought a narrow boat and they were in the process of converting it into a full time residence. It was their intent to live full time on the narrow boat and just roam the passable waterways of Europe. Unfortunately the husband passed before the completion. Very nice build...... Tom
  13. Mike: If the warp isn't corrected with the weights, I would cut the existing keel at the bow just where the keel ends the bow curve, then cut of the stern just where the stern curve starts, the pick up a piece of poplar for your local wood supplier and remake the section cut out and reattach the bow and stern pieces. I've had to do that several times.........and sometimes remake the whole keel. It is also easier to cut the rabit in a solid piece than into plywood. God Luck Tom
  14. Derek I went to eBay and searched as follows: http://www.ebay.com/sch/i.html?_nkw=dietzgen+proportional+dividers It shows PDs from $21 to over $300. Most important feature of a PD is the accuracy of the measurements. Dietzgen is a premier maker of all sorts of engineering and drafting tools. I've used the same pair for over 40 years and they are still accurate. Good luck Tom
  15. The parts look to be 1/16 to an 1/8th thick. I'd go to the nearest big box store (i.e Home Depot or Lowe's) and by the equivalent thickness in Poplar. You can always stain it whatever color you want. Poplar is inexpensive and comes pre-cut in 1/16 and 1/8th " thick plus many other thicknesses. Tom
  16. jmartin the two you gave links for are not scale models. They may be decorative representations, But not scale. Neither has a copper bottom, not to mention many other shortcomings, i.e. the first one looks way too short. Find a good model ship builder near you (check out the MSW membership roster) and see if you can work out a deal, maybe even barter depending upon you occupation. Tom
  17. Remember too that the purpose of the deadeyes is to adjust the tension on the shrouds. Realistically the deadeyes then would not always be exactly in a straight line. Some variation would be expected. This is one area where I think we builders try and strive for perfection where perfection did not actually exist. Admittedly the straight line "looks" better , or neater, but not necessarily scale. IMHO Tom
  18. Another reason not to soak planks before bending!! Tom
  19. Thanks Wayne, interesting. Tom
  20. Jack: other than the MarisStella model, are you aware of any plans for the boats you have shown/? thanks Tom
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