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Everything posted by twintrow

  1. Innkeeper Regarding planking videos, check out Chuck's planking video. Excellent!!! http://modelshipworld.com/index.php/topic/13850-chucks-planking-videos/ Tom
  2. My preference is Hobbylite. Sands really easily, holds an edge, extremely lite (used in RC aircraft) and a little less expensive and won't dry out. If it dries a little just add a couple drops of water to reconstitute. $5.00 at Tower Hobbies, on-line. I had the same jug now through 4-5 big ships. Tom
  3. If you are forcing the planks then they aren't the correct shape. Try sanding a little off in the areas you are forcing to get a neater fit. Planking should lay flat without having to force the plank down. If it is a curvature problem then you need to bend the plank before trying to place it. Reading the planking tutorials here will help with all those issues. As far as bending the planks, search "plank bending" in the forums fr some tip. Good luck Tom By the way a couple photos of the offending areas might help generate some solutions too.
  4. Pete Most all of the Anatomy of the Ship books (about sailing ships .e.g. Essex, Bounty, etc.) have drawings of the ships stove, in scale. Might want to check out those. I'd print out a page but think it violates the copyright. Tom
  5. Chris I read on another site that you had a pdf of the correct rigging and masting for the Amati Prince kit (the 1974 version) . would it be possible for me to get a copy?? I'm building the kit and would like to be as accurate as possible. Thanks in advance Tom Wintrow Your PM is full so I thought I'd try here.
  6. Mike Sorry I couldn't remember where I got the info. But yes as I described in another thread when someone wanted to know if the could get a build log pdf and I described how. I have this fear that somehow we will lose some of the stuff stored on MSW as we did before. And also after a couple years the photos no longer appear. I hope you didn't take offense. I'm marking the pdf now so I can give proper credit i ever needed again. Tom
  7. JayDee Here is an article (Author unknown unfortunately) on furled sails. Hope it helps. Good Luck Tom FURLED SAILS.pdf UPDATE UPDATE turns out the article came from mcpesq817 provided the article......
  8. Sunsanvil There is an excellent article in the Summer issue of the MSB Journal describing using silk span for sails. May want to check it out. http://www.msbjournal.com Tom
  9. Gunther: Go to the top of the page, Click on Nautical Research Guild Home Page then click o Ship Modelling Resources then Ship Modelers Database then Rigging and Sails Scroll down to the last item Masting and Rigging sizes for English Period Warships. Open up and look at bottom for either standing or running. There you have the full size and converted to scale size. Good luck Tom
  10. David, the discussion below from Models ship builder site may help some. It is relative to the Victory, but could be used generally in that time frame. Tom http://www.modelshipbuilder.com/e107_plugins/forum/forum_viewtopic.php?1655.20
  11. Mark this utube of the contents shows two types of planks, and the sales brochure say double planked to....so must be double planked!\https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RKhWhWMJLM0
  12. Toms10 If you have a Woodworkers source nearby. Go to their cutoffs bin. I find cherry, walnut and some exotic woods there, any where from 3' to 18" long x 6 -12" Wide. Usually for just a couple bucks. You need to cut it down of course, but with your ingenuity sounds like that won't be an issue. Tom
  13. I've translated his comments, but I am still at a lost to understand what he is doing. Making a new frame set from an existing model?? Thanks for helping a seasoned citizen understand. Tom
  14. I use jello and pudding cups (after my grand daughter empties), and also use them for her water colors. Double Duty. Tom
  15. Okay...well done, the final straw was Mark's comment, plus the use of 2 sizes of sanding bands. Thank you all for your input......Jim I'll place my order so as I move some money around ;o) Tom
  16. I'm thinking about getting a thickness sander, actually been thinking for months. I get the Micro Mark Catalog today and they have their thickness sander on sale for $239.95. Byrnes is $350.00, both plus shipping of course. So I know the Byrnes quality reputation but in the case of a thickness sander, is it worth the extra $110.00??? I seek the expert opinion of all. Pros and cons please. Thanks Tom
  17. One or two added words of caution....unless the boxes have been stored in an air conditioned and humidified environment, the wood is probably near useless. This is one big issue with buying from ebay. Always first write and ask how the kits have been stored. Just my 2 cents. Tom
  18. Sam, you might want to look at the Fair American (see picture) she was a Brig also. And has some great features to use in your's. You can see she had fighting tops as well. Tom
  19. Thanks to all who have contributed to this discussion ! I have learned a couple things not previously known to me. That learning experience is one of the hallmarks of this site. Both seasoned builders and novices contribute to the site. Keeps me coming back sometimes multiple times in a day, just to see what I might have missed. Tom
  20. Sure white glue. You will only sand it a little to create the dust. Shouldn't affect anything else. Good luck be sure and include some photos of the tests. Tom
  21. Jan-Willem if you put a couple drops of glue/water 50/50 mixture on the deck, rub around with you finger til nearly dry then sand lightly the dust generated will be moistened and fill the holes creating faux treenails. Just a suggestion. Tom
  22. Daveyboy: a point of reference The London Bridge now resides in Lake Havasu City, AZ USA. Tom
  23. Good idea Hornet....and I assume you donated generously of course! Tom
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