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Posts posted by GrandpaPhil

  1. The hull is done.  The base is done.  I made the parts for the foremast.  I made the main mast, itself, I still have to make the main top mast.  I made the parts for the bowsprit, including jib boom, flying jib and spritsail yard.


     I am waiting on the mast tops and caps to dry so I can laminate them onto another piece of cardstock, then I will assemble the masts, paint them and install them.


     I measured it out, the model will be about 36” long by about 24” tall and 16” wide, with studding sails run out.




  2. Thank you, much appreciated!


    Next time I do this, among my lessons learned is that I’m going to use 1/16th inch basswood for my underdecking to prevent the waves that are in the deck.  I’m also going to reinforce the bulkheads better to prevent the warping that occurred.  I discovered that the entire hull has a slight twist in it, after I had painted it.  I started putting large books on drying pieces after that.


    I made a mistake in my tracing of the bulkheads related to the spacing of the midships frames, in part because of the spine of the book, that I did not discover until after I had covered the hull, which caused the bulges around midships.


    I’m also going to try and not rescale images, from multiple sources, with multiple scales unless I am drawing up my own complete set of plans, which I did not do for this build.  That caused me some problems as well.


    I’ve learned a lot on this build.  It’s been a learning curve, but it’s been a lot of fun.

  3. I just installed the bow platform, the bow pin-rail and the chain-plates.  I also put a strip of card over the channels to hold them in place.  This means that the hull is done, except for some minor touch ups and a little bit of paint work.


    I’m pretty excited because I’ve never scratch built a model ship before.  Making the hull is the difficult part for me.  I’ve never really had any difficulty once I got to  the point of fitting out the hull.  Although, it’s a different ballgame when you have to make your own fittings.


    This has been a lot of fun.











  4. I finished and installed the foremast pin-rails.  The bow platform test fitted successfully.  I measured off and cut out the bowsprit pin-rail.  I also made the cap for the bowsprit.  I’m going to make the dolphin striker, jib boom and flying jib here shortly.


    The original masting dimensions are on Plate 3 across from page 236 of The Search For Speed Under Sail.  I’m using those for my dimensions.




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