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Posts posted by GrandpaPhil

  1. I’m having a lot of fun with this build.


    I’m working on finishing up preparing the ship and the yards to receive sails and the running rigging.


    I have the foot ropes installed and am installing the last round of blocks.


    I’m going to display the Prince de Neufchatel as running under full sail, which means that I have to make allowances for the studding sails as well.


    This means that I will have to install another round of blocks around the hull.


     I have all yards, booms and gaffs sitting on the deck in their approximate positions so I don’t get them confused.






  2. 1 hour ago, Wallace said:

    What a great idea Phil. I used to use that method when I painted fantasy models back in the day. Will be storing that one away for future use sir. 

    I always treat my models exactly like overgrown war gaming miniatures.  I use the exact same painting and detailing techniques.


     I may or may not have learned to paint war gaming many years ago.

  3. I’m in the process of installing blocks and foot ropes on my yards, booms and gaffs.


     I had to make a couple more cleats.


    I’m getting better at making small parts.  That’s another skill that I will carry forward.


    I also inked (using thinned down paint) all of my rigging blocks and deadeyes so they don’t look too light.


    I’m currently waiting on the paint to dry.


    I’ll post pictures once I have something worth showing.

  4. Yes, it is definitely two legged.  I’m not 100% on exactly where the split should have been, I made a guess based on other models, but it terminates at two separate points.


     I had planned on putting the gaff sail to the starboard side of them.  


    All the pictures that I have found of a Baltimore Clipper under full sail has the bottom corner of the gaff sail basically at the starboard rail.


    That’s why I’m confused about the staysail.  I didn’t even notice it on the plans until I started making yards, gaffs and booms today.


  5. The plans for the Prince de Neufchatel show a main stay sail in the same space that the fore gaff sail should be occupying.  I’ve never done a full set of sails on a schooner/Baltimore clipper rig before.  What am I not seeing and how would this work?


    Does one sail sit off to the side?


    If I am going to billow the sails, how do I make them not interfere with one another?


  6. I personally like Delta Ceramcoat paints.  They have a nice clearcoat that I use to seal wood models.


    For brushes, I buy the mid grade craft paint brushes at Hobby Lobby and that works for the majority of my painting.  For tiny details (and figures) I like the Army Painter paint brushes.


    A couple of good round brushes, for general painting, along with a couple of flat brushes for dry brushing, will get you a long way.


    For painting ships, painters tape is your friend.



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