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Posts posted by GrandpaPhil

  1. On 1/5/2022 at 7:58 PM, Thukydides said:

    Log #17: The Margin Planks

    My break was a bit longer than planned due to the other projects taking longer than I expected (I ended up painting a figure for a competition so was at it for over a month), other responsibilities and then finally Christmas.



    Nicely done on the Space Wolf!


    The Alert is looking great!

  2. On 1/9/2022 at 12:59 PM, Bill97 said:

    This is no big deal and maybe more of a question for the site moderator, but I am just curious. Do even if you get multiple duplicate notifications?  As an example I just went to my build blog and it showed a little red alert and said “26 Notifications”.  I thought wow that is a lot. When I clicked on it is was 26 duplicates of Marc’s comment. Earlier today I had a very large number of notifications and they were all duplicates of OC’s and Grandpa Phil. 



    Sorry, Bill,

    I read through your log that day, liking the posts as I went.

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