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Everything posted by GrandpaPhil

  1. And the cutouts from the kits will make perfect templates for those wish to make their own carvings to do so. This will make an awesome kit!
  2. The starboard battery armor is on: I still need to cut out the port side and then install the waterline armor belt. After that, if I actually get my copper tape, I’ll copper the hull.
  3. The fore and aft hull pieces are on: Currently working on the side pieces: Working on installing the gunport frames. Still waiting on the copper tape.
  4. Thank you all very much for the likes and just for stopping by! The windows and doors are all assembled (some are already installed): The first piece, the starboard bow section is on: The starboard aft section is partially shaped and almost ready to receive a door and 12 windows: In a card model, always preshape pieces before installing or you run a significant risk of it deforming the model.
  5. When I paint a wood part for a war gaming miniature, I prime it black. I then base coat it with a dark brown and dry brush with consecutively lighter browns, with consecutively less paint. The last coat is more of a tan and is more of a highlight coat. Then I put down a highlight coat. And it ends up looking like: That’s one of the bombed out buildings from the Bolt Action Band Of Brothers set by Warlord Games. I personally like acrylics. I also learned to paint, and many of my model making skills, playing Warhammer and Warhammer 40000, many years ago. For acrylic brands, Vallejo is hands down the best. Citadel and Army Painter are also very good. I use a lot of Delta Ceramcoat paint. It works well for me. Also, that carving group is most excellent. That’s how I learned how to carve. I really recommend it. After I carved the pieces from the example sheet, I had to go on a business trip. So while there, I bought an Excel brand knife, with some extra blades, and a sheet of basswood, and sat in my hotel room carving figures off the stern of the Triton and the Winchelsea for extra practice. I got decent at carving from that (not good by any stretch of the imagination), but decent enough to carve somewhat passably.
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