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Everything posted by Richmond

  1. Hopefully this has been posted in the right place Would someone explain the difference between Keith Julier's the Period Ship Kit Builders Manual and the Period Ship Handbook I am currently ordering some books among them Mastini and Peterson (it appears there is a consensus that these would be good buys) and was thinking of adding the above. I am also considering Dressell but I am not sure if I am going over the top. Any advice re beginners books or good ship building technique books in general would be appreciated RICHMOND
  2. Have you tried looking at scalemates.com this might give you some indication.
  3. Shipyard manufacture 1/96 barrels kits
  4. Joking aside, it's a wonderful build. It's a very high bar you are setting, not sure whether I will I hit my head or walk right under it!
  5. Chuck That windlass really came up well. The template was a great idea. The thwart and the pins look fantastic especially considering how small a detail you are working with. Still can't see any fingerprints, smudge marks, dirt and the like on the build, either your work practices are very clean or your an expert on photo shop. . Richmond
  6. SHIPMAN scalemates.com is a good resource for aftermarket parts, find your ship and it will provide list of aftermarket kits. RICHMOND
  7. GLEN Scalemates.com has an extensive database of model kits, you may want try there. RICHMOND
  8. Hi Tomek, it's good to see another card modeller joining the site, I'll be looking forward to your contributions. Richmond
  9. Absolutley superb workmanship Danny, this is so impressive. Richmond
  10. Pavol I wouldnt mind giving it a go, I don't intend entering the Mauretania in the World Cup of paper modelling this year! 😊 However, wouldnt the expansion try and push the card? Richmond
  11. Is there a historical relevance to the flag colours? , I have seen blue used as well. The biggest errors that people usually pick up on are: it being mounted upside down;and changes made as other countries were absorbed into or joined the union, I am sure the Stars and Stripes has changed similarly. If I have interpreted things correctly, a rarity, the one you are showing doesn't seem to have come into use until 1801 however I am sure there are some Union Jack experts on the site who can advise better than me.
  12. Just seen this log for the first time, your work is first rate, each step of the build is work of the finest craftsmanship. Absolutely superb! Richmond
  13. Mark Yes, I have had this issue myself. Sometimes if you write to them and tell them you think PP is exorbitant they will sometimes look at it for you - they may have a simple computer system that doesn't take into account the intricacies of the postal system Richmond
  14. Mark You just need to experiment with package sizing, this is where the big issue is with international PP rates i.e letter v parcel. I just ordered a lot of Tamiya tools from a company in Japan (hobby link) which you pay for when they become available and they are stored in a 'private warehouse' for up to 60 days for later shipping. Once all the goods were available and ready for shipping I sent the whole lot to be quoted for shipping and the PP was exorbitant. I cancelled and then tried adding the goods one by one to establish when the size of package went from 'letter' to parcel this way I could work out how much I could send in one 'letter' size package. For example if I has sent the whole lot in one go PP would have been 25% of the goods value as it would be categorised as a Parcel. By splitting the overall order into smaller shipping lots total PP was only 10%'of goods value as I reduced the size of each lot into 'letter sizing' I hope this makes sense. Sounds complex but only takes a few minutes of your time. By the way there are several companies out there who will have a lend with PP, they lure you in with reasonable prices and then kill you with the PP , I think it's a bit of a scam. However once you get a feel for what PP should cost you can easily weed them out and not buy from them in the future. For goods within Australia it should be easy to work out what PP should cost by checking with AP. Richmond.
  15. That was a quick response! I actually edited my post. I echo your sentiment on the 'misty' coats.
  16. I echo these views on the PE and the paint job, fantastic workmanship. Just a few questions if you don't mind: How much of your jar of Tamiya 10ml are you getting through when painting the hull. I have the Tamiya Tirpitz 1/350 in my stash and am concerned that I will run short with a large paint job. Are you using the creos levelling thinner with your Tamiya? Richmond
  17. Pontia Thanks for the link, for the life of me I can't think why I didn't think about looking at Hearns. By the way Cornwall's postage rates are good if you understand how to get around the system. Richmond
  18. CHANNELL Maybe I missed it in the log; are they PE steps on the side of your hull or and if so how did you get them so well aligned. I have seen many modelers struggling with this. RICHMOND
  19. I have just ordered Shipyard's HMS Wolf and will soon order HMS Mercury from Cornwall Model Boats both are at 1:96. However Cornwall do not stock the rope that is standard for the kit refer below: I do not intend to buy straight from Shipyard as there postage is exorbitant - for illustration Shipyard wanted 120AUD (85.00USD) to ship the kit to Australia from Poland - Cornwall are shipping the whole kit for only 6GBP (8 USD) Therefore does anyone have any recommendations where I can but alternate rope in Australia or if not in the US - I note Syren provide rope in different colours (though I am not sure what each colour represents) - Also I have the issue with these being sold in imperial measurements and after conversion the sizes do not correspond with the Shipyard metric recommendations, however I am not sure if small differences would be noticeable as long as I got to the nearest size. Shipyard also sell blocks but I did not purchase these - has anyone used them and if so can they advise materials and quality. RICHMOND
  20. Jaager Thank you for your detailed and helpful response. I actually made an error, the main species is stringy bark, not spotted gum. We use spotted gum, grown in Queensland, for amongst other things, high end decking materials. Will got to the nursery this weekend and see what's available from your list. Richmond
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