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Everything posted by src

  1. Thanks everybody, the deed is done! I am an honest man now. When there are some photos Ill get them up. The photographer is a friend and inst charging us so I am trying to not push him on time. Work continues to be very slow on the build front. On another front my new brother in law is a ship builder, who knew? looking forward to getting out to Boston and see his work. Never got a chance to see if he is here at MSW, need to look into that. Sam
  2. Mike, That looks good, you did a better job on yours than I did on mine that is for sure. Mine had a reverse tumble home that took a lot of correcting and redoing to straighten out. One of the many things the Constructo glosses over is the inside porting of the stem. They make no mention of how to handle it and very conveniently leave it out of the pictures. I ended up covering in some left over 2nd planking strips when it was very difficult to do. As far as your gun ports and I hope somebody jumps in here if I am misdirecting you. I made the bottom and top parallel to the deck and the sides square to the top and bottom. If you want I can PM you some photos or check out my build in the early pages. Take a look at the picture below of the Enterprise. It is after the rehab but I think it may help. Best Sam
  3. Piet, Yes both BJB and Silpak have some great stuff. I happen to prefer BJB as their technical help is superior in my opinion. Cant wait to see how you handle the white froth. For the record those tints will break down in polyester without affecting cure. I had to know. Sam
  4. Woooo! Hoooo!A front tow seat!!!! That's a rarity for me. Setteking Settling in for the show. Sam
  5. Piet, The sea is looking great! Well done. would something like this work for your white foam tints? https://bjbenterprises.com/index.php/pigments/ I have never tried them in polyester before but if you are interested we have both polyester resin and some of their tints at the shop, I could mix up a small batch. Just a thought, Sam
  6. I dont know Mark, it looks to me like they are ready for Hot Dogs and Marshmallows. Sam
  7. No, gents I will be walking on gravel. There was a note on my front door this afternoon. The city is FINALLY repaving our street.... THIS WEEKEND!!!!! They say the street will be closed. Eh, no problem, my mom is a young 87, her sister is a young 86 and my brother just had a kidney removed in February, they can make the 300 yard walk from the corner. Good Times On the build front I have been stropping blocks and adding them as I have time, I have managed to strope 8 in the last 2 weeks as well as rigging the Fore Jeer blocks. When there is something to show I will get pictures and maybe a couple of the ceremony if your all real nice and the mods dont object to loudly. Till then. Sam
  8. Mike, constructo gave you walnut veneer? Did they up their game or did you buy new veneer? All the enterprise builds I have seen including mine have sapelli for the second planking. Sam
  9. Those are some nice looking stair Dennis. I know somebody who does stairs in Los Vegas, want a job??? Sam
  10. Well done Russ. Is it back to the Capt Roy, or on to something else? Sam
  11. J, Check out these reamers at Micro Mark. I used them to clean out the holes on my dead eyes. You have to be careful you do not over size the holes but I found it much safer than a drill bit. Bits wanted to crack my blocks and dead eyes when they grabbed. https://www.micromark.com/Micro-Size-Precision-Reamers-Set-of-6 Sam
  12. So, based on the above formula, if I am using Chucks blocks and ropes I can multiply the rope diameter by 8 and go with the closest available block. For instance if I have a scale rope that is 0.025"D multiplying that by 8 gives me 0.20." my closest choices are 3/16" and 1/4." 1/4" would be easier to rig but 3/16" would probably look better if I have understand this correctly. Sam
  13. Piet, What a great tribute to your father and all the other members of ABDA who didnt come home. In regards to your smoke effect, I am in agreement with Jan, most efforts at making smoke just dont look right. I think it might be the scale of the material used when compared to the scale of whatever is creating the smoke. If you are really set on modeling smoke check this site out he seems to do a pretty good job. There might also be some ideas for your water spouts, I would assume a shell bursting under water would have some kind of light component to it. http://dioramas-and-models.com/how to do it.html Carl and Jan have a good suggestion regarding softening the edges of your grooves. Set designers use something called a Cyc wall to suggest unlimited space on a set. I would think the concept same would apply here. THe link below has a couple of pictures of cyc walls to help visualize. http://westlightstudios.blogspot.com/ Best of luck. Sam
  14. Ahhh... Your bringing back memories! Ill pull up a chair and follow along. Sam
  15. Jitterin' and Jivin' Gents, Jitterin' and Jivin'! Actually things are progressing well on the wedding front for the most part. She keeps coming up with ideas for the backyard and I go into installer mode and start in with, how do I anchor it? What about the wind? People from work will see this. She has to pull me back and remind me that "You're not installing it for the Mouse, it'l be fine." We are having fun with it, the lady who is marrying us is one of my oldest friends and both of us are figuring ways to make HER stumble! Naturally I have a few set aside for Better Half too. Nothing to show build wise. I have finally finished stropping the Jeer Blocks and have mounted them with the cross lashing (whatever its called, too lazy to look it up at the moment) It only took me 3-4 tries each to get the length and hang reasonable to my eyes. Its going to be June before I get a chance to really sit down and build again. The project we are working on currently has a due date of mid May. But, the customer has given us steel drawings that have one set of callouts, the architectural plans have a different call out. We correctly built to the steel drawings that are wet stamped by the engineer, the general built to the Architectural plans and the two dont mesh. Just to add to the excitement the two biggest scenic items we are building have two different 3d models provided to us and a graphics package apparently drawn by a third person. Guess what, non of those three items match either!! Apparently the customer does not have a team overseeing the drawings and designing. Very unlike them. We will get through it, but I dont see us completing in mid may like the schedule calls for. Good Times!!! Sam
  16. Just caught up here Dennis. The stairs with the sides looked much better then the set without. The spiral stairs however will be much nicer, you can do it. Sam
  17. The whole build looks good Dennis. I like the net you used, the others were too "perfect". I like the kinds of ratty used look. As for how cod looks, I like the "Golden Brown on a bed of Chips" look myself. With an adult brewed beverage and some malt vinegar. Yours however look like they are ready to be filet and fried up tasty like. Well done. Sam
  18. Looking good J. I am sure Rons comment is spot on but if moving things about tidies her up and pleases you then ya done right. Sam
  19. Mark, She is coming along nicely. Sorry to hear the micro-blocks are giving you fits. I used the same size block on my Enterprise carriages and remember well the learning curve, they were the first blocks I ever stropped. FWIW I used a fly tying vise, very carefully adjusted so it did not crush the block. That and the ever present lighted magnifiers. Looking at Dan's technique I may be trying that out next though, that spring looks to be the ticket. Best of luck, Sam
  20. J!! Thanks for dropping in. Yes Better Half and I are getting married in a couple of weeks, thanks for the good words. She saw me tying all those clove hitches and decided she wanted a "Hitch" of her own. Or, maybe it's a constrictor knot!!! Lol. As far as paint I don't know for sure. I never planed to paint so it's not something I ever looked into. What "Research"I have done has been spotty at best anyway. There is another member here, Charlie Zardose I think. I seem to recall he was doing some research on the Enterprise. You might try tracking him down. Not sure if I have spelled his name correctly. His avatar used to be a youngish guy with long dark hair and close trimmed goatee/van dyke beard. Best of luck Sam
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