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Everything posted by src

  1. Its coming along J. Any progress is good progress when it comes to building. Sam
  2. Great planking Dennis. I see you are pre staining your planks, how are you keeping the stain from flowing to the underside and interfering with the glue? Oh, regards to your earlier comment, you never bore, (boar?) Sam
  3. Ding Dang it! Dennis! You snucked another one in under my radar. Guess I'll just have to pull up my usual chair in the back corner. Oh Bouy..... Sam
  4. Nice Start, the planking looks good to my eye. Something I have tried to do is ask myself what I would see on the real ship from various distances. your scale of 1:51, if you were 51 feet away or 102 feet away what would you see? look at you build from 1 or 2 feet away, what I consider average viewing distance of an interested viewer. That is 51 or 102 feet in a real world setting. I did the same thing after I did the treenails on my Enterprise, not sure I would do them again at this scale. In the end as Russ mentioned its your build, you have to make yourself happy and no one else. BTW, ya got a name besides stripehunter? Hhmmmm StripeHunter = Striped Bass?? Sam
  5. Thanks for the well wishes and likes every body, appreciated it is. Steve, she does but one is married. Fine Irish lasses all of them! But mine has the red hair - and the temper to go with it!!! Mark, yes this one snucked up on me when I wasnt looking. Carl, as long as your alive there is always hope. . Sam
  6. Mark, nicely done as always, although I think those blue tarps lashed down on deck are out of period??? As far as your epoxy drying, if you have an oven with a pilot light that will help with the cure time. A small incandescent bulb in a shoe box might work also. I know,I know, not environmentally friendly, but sometimes..... Sam
  7. Thanks every body for the well wishes and the likes. Russ, I was a bit worried about pulling them out of alignment since I wasnt able to put the cross rigging in(catherpins?) Pretty happy with how they came out, thanks. Dennis thank you, at a knot a day I may finish this century!! Carl, I just turned 54, you dont know how right you are, this will be my first. When we first met she was fresh out of a bad marriage and neither one of us had any intention of getting married. A couple of years ago we started floating the idea to each other, a friend asked if we would be able to care for the other when they were older and incontinent. She responded with "Sure, that's what trees, rope and a garden hose are for!" I knew I had finally found the right one! Rich, thanks! on the way!! Sam
  8. Nice work Dennis. Buoys Will Be Buoys they say. Ouch.... sorry. I know what you mean about hating a place you work, I love many things about where I work but one of the upper management makes me want to quit on a pretty regular basis. Sam
  9. Dennis,, I think MSW needs to create a Most Prolific Builder award for you. You get more building done in an hour than I get done all day and it never looks rushed or thrown together! Did I see mention of a Hood build somewhere? Sam
  10. Well done Daria! Mike you have a young Da Vinci on your hands; Master Shipwright, pneumatic expert and budding painter all in one daughter! Sam
  11. I have an intense dislike of moving, I feel for ya!. At least you are no further along in the rigging process, I can only imagine the stress of boxing up a fully rigged ship. Hope all goes well. Sam
  12. Well now, as I mentioned Life has interfered with life. The last several weeks have been mostly tying up loose ends that were left during the End of Year Insanity at work. Lately most nights I have sat on the sofa with Better Half and a snifter of whiskey or tequilla and either stared at the TV or read. Some nights I would tie a knot or two but thats been it. Not sure how much progress is going to happen in the near future, we started the year with 60% as much work on the books as we did all last year then we turned a bid in in mid January that pushed us well over that. A good problem to have but you wont be seeing much of me over the next several months. Below is the very minimal progress. I have finished the Futtock Shrouds and associated ratlines on the port side now on to the starboard side while I have some time. I found the ratlines on these shrouds much more difficult than the Main and Fore Shrouds for some reason, they kept wanting to push or pull the shrouds out of alignment. They are more or less straight. Close look will spot it but I think they should fade into the confusion of all the other rigging. After this I have to finish up the last details on the upper masts, I still have a cap to finish, a couple of cheek blocks for the For Top mast ad some how the pole on the Top Gallant Mast has removed itself and dis-aperated. Not sure if it was the cat, visitors or even myself. I think it was there at Christmas but I really cant say for sure. I am not remaking the entire mast, just going to carve a new pole and drill a hole and epoxy it in. Oh, and just to make the year even more interesting, Better Half and I decided to move our wedding up by a year, we take the plunge this April, with everything else going on WHAT AM I THINKING!!!! Sam
  13. Well done rich, good to see you back. Ya life has that way of interfering doesnt it?? Sam
  14. Wow Tom, great work! Filing all those pins must have been a test a patience, well worth it though. Sam
  15. Looking good Mark, Lots of progress since I was able to check in last. Hope Janet is feeling better. Sam
  16. Well done Dennis!! She looks great. glad to see the Helo survived its assault by PGPM (Precision Guided Pinky Missile) I know you have at least one other build going, gonna have to do some searching. Sam
  17. Rich, Looking good. yea lining things up by eye when a couple of thousands shows up is....fun. Your way is working. The one time I have made, steps and ladders I used a finer grain wood. I had some scrap Manzonia that worked well. Had a nice contrast to the Sapele also. Sam
  18. Like usual I am late to the party. Well done Ken, something to aspire too!! Sam
  19. Hey all! Been OBL as of late. (Overtaken By Life) it's all good though nobody died. Just lots of work and life stuff. Very little progress, I have the futtock shrouds on, tomorrow is saturday I hope to get some build time as well as MSW time in. Till then, sam
  20. I bet it was Russ, the joinery looks flawless though. Sam
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