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Everything posted by src

  1. CAtching up here, Horray for Lighting!!! Looks great. As far as the light bleed through, how often will she be lit in complete darkness? I would imagine most of that will drop off with room lighting on. Sam
  2. Sjors, I turn my back for a few days and look what happens, you sneak an update in on me! Those gun port lids look great. I wont be turning my back again for fear Ill miss the finish Sam
  3. Getting caught up. Looks great like always. Interesting that the fourth is the shortest funnel, is this the false funnel I have heard about? Sam
  4. Mark, Getting caught up here, Really nice work - as if we would get anything else from you. Looking forward to the rest of the planking. Sam
  5. Getting caught up here Augie, like always I need a cushion on my jaw, it bounces off the desk every time I stop by. Watch out for those knives, if you keep that up you and I will have to share the nickname "Shanks!!"
  6. That looks great Mark. I love the look of a framed hull. And the extra large pictures you post, I can really get in and see what your doing. Sam
  7. Wow, its been over a month already since my last update! Unfortunatly not much to show, All but two of the carriages are lashed, I have a few sets of rope to trim. The last two carriages are the forward chase guns that I plan on lashing sideways to cover up the holes in the deck left when I reinstalled the timberheads in the correct positions. Which leads me to a question, looking at the picture below there are two sets of blocks, one on the bulwarks to the rear of the carraige and one forward. The set forward of the caraige appears esy, it looks to be that it hooks to the eyebolt for the training tackle, but what about the other? Where would that attach? There is nothing indicated on any of the drawings I have seen, is there some advanced Stealth Ringbolt I am not aware of?? I can add a ring (red dot in picture) in and nobody but us will ever know, its not like I am building some historicaly accurate museum piece here but it would be nice to know before I make my decision, thoughts anybody?
  8. Wow Mark, those look great! I cant imagine ANYBODY being able to cut some of those parts on a scroll saw, the short grain would just turn to saw dust.Very impressive. Sam
  9. THats amazing work, youre secretly one of those guys who build operable 1:200 scale 4 stroke engines arent you. I need to place some padding on my desktop, there is a dent forming from my jaw hitting it repeatedly. Sam
  10. Try McMaster-car for that. search for polishing paper. They have it down to 0.1 microns (2500grit) PN: 8258a11 Sam
  11. "she drew 17 feet with the lowest gun port sitting 4 feet out of the water." Wow, wouldnt that put the lee side gunports at least partially under water in a strong wind? How well did port lids actually seal? Lack of experience makes me hold my toungue on the planking "upgrade" but she looks better and better each time I stop by. Sam
  12. Holy Smokes that's looking great! Too bad about the lighting, I guess even fiber optics are out to light selected portholes? Sam
  13. Russ, Great to see you back. Been wondering where you had disappeared to. Looking forward to seeing more. Sam
  14. Wow, she is coming together! I think I would be afraid to build her in sections like that. My fumbling fingers would remove half of those parts inadverdently! I know what yo mean about scared doggies, ours hid in the bathtub last night! Couldn't figure out where a 55lb German Pointer could be hiding with all the doors and windows closed until I heard his nails on the tub! Hope yours are doing better. Sam
  15. A birthday?!?!?!? Woo Hoo!!!! Party at Marks house! Have a great day. Sam
  16. Looking real good from hear Popeye. I think we all have innapropriatly snapped at our better halfs at some point or another. The trick seems to be keeping it to a minumum and emediate damage control. Trinkety gifts or flowers never seem to hurt either, at leat in my world. Based on the patience youre displaying in your build I imagine those outbursts are rare. You mentioned earlier when you posted the prototype picture about not wanting something on your build, slap me upside the head and call me unobservant but, what were you refering to? Sam
  17. A www what's a little flogging between spouses??? Some would consider that to be fun! Congratulations on 28 years! Sam.
  18. Dennis, Multiple builds, fixing cars, mowing lawns, etc, I am putting you in for the Over Achiever of the Year Award. She is coming together, is the additional sprue intentional do you think? If so those must be some pretty delicate parts! I would almost think PE would be easier? Sam
  19. That happens to our programmer at work, every time somebody has a computer problem they go to him, some people expect him to diagnose and fix for free because they are friends/coworkers. He is such a nice guy he just does it. Dennis, regarding your lighting, what kind of camera are you using? If its an SLR type with a hot shoe for the flash, try turning your flash either up to bounce off the ceiling or off to the side to bounce off the walls. That should help with the lighting some. Assuming of course you don't have wild colored walls then that presents another problem with the color reflecting on your subject. Sam
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