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Everything posted by src

  1. Thought so, thanks. sam
  2. Nick, "Trapped Loop?" is that the same basic method Jay showed in his video? Sam
  3. Nicely done Matt. In the secodn picture there is a small curved part with a cap on the end, what is that? Sam
  4. I hadnt thought of JB weld, they need more blackening anyway. I picked up something called Brass Photoetch Burnishing from AK interactive. The LHS said it was a replacement for BLacken it. Youre giving me an idea, maybe I can get some brass tube and solder it in then reblacken. Sam
  5. Thanks Sjors. good to hear from you again. So, I have a dilemma. Constructo gave me a bunch of "stanchions" for the netting that I planned on using rather than building my own. I drilled the holes in the cap rails and set the first three in and started playing with string to see what would look ok and realized, @##&^@! the holes in the stanchions are WAY bigger than the rope. They scale out to over 3" and I figure a rope somewhere in the neighborhood of 1"dia would be about right. I tried tying around the stanchions and am not sure about it. I am half toying with filling them in with solid rod but I dont know. I may end up putting it off for a bit and starting my bowsprit. Anyway, enough b!tching, I am open to suggestions. Sam
  6. J, you can come to work with me if you want. We have a saying, "We do it better 'cause we do it twice." Sam
  7. Yes, nice save. Green Stuff? I used that in my younger days, it was a laquer based spot putty, same stuff? Sam
  8. Yes, very nice! I read your block stropping tutorial last night, gonna try that either tonight or tomorrow depending on my work life. Thanks Sam
  9. Dan, really? 4 weeks for a little package of wood to clear customs?? Sad. Sam
  10. So I have been using Moddelr12's method (previous page) for the last couple of months and am having a problem with the stropping holding. I first used CA and found the rope became brittle so I tried GS Hypo and then moved to diluted PVA 50/50%. My last several attempts I have coated the block with glue, stropped the block then applied more dilute PVA, let it soak in for a couple of minutes and then soaked up the remainder with a Q-tip. I am having about a 30% failure rate, the strop just pulls out when I tighten up the line. I dont know if I am just trying to pull the line too tight, not enough glue or what. Pretty frustrated at the moment. Thoughts anybody? Sam
  11. Feel better soon. We will be here when your get back to building. Sam
  12. Wow, crowded already. I'll just peek over shoulders, thankfully I am tall. Sam
  13. Thanks Joel. Looking at Constitution pictures here and online I think I will go with what I have in the location Constructo indicates. Its more or less what I have seen in the Constitution pictures and good enough for my simplified build. She will never be in a museum or contest. Sam
  14. I did mean the foamy version, and was unaware of their other glue. Thanks for straightening me out. The things you learn here. Sam
  15. Very nice! Never quite got the hang of dry brushing myself, well done. Sam
  16. That was the whole reason for the sub title in my first build - Lessons in Adapt Improvise and Overcome. That and a nod to the Marines. Also, I think somebody has mentioned it already, dump the Gorilla Glue. For me PVA and epoxy in 5 and 30 minute working times are my best friends (60 minute too if you can find it) So, when is your kit due in? Build log! Build Log!! :) Sam
  17. COnstructo wants me to take a length of 2mm brass rod to make my boomkins. I tried it their way and while I dont hate it I thought could improve on it by making my own from wood. After poring through my "extensive" library consisting of the Fully Framed series, Masting and Rigging and Arming and Fitting the only real information I came across was for the Swan Class Sloops and they seem completely different from what Constructo recommends My first question is where should it be located, the second is size. I am guessing the size is some ratio of the bowsprit, but really I havent a clue. Any thoughts or direction to search would be appreciated. Feel free to mark up my photos if that helps. Below is a couple of pictures showing what I have at the moment. I taped the brass rod to the bottom of the part I whittled last night. The position and angle is roughly where Constructo locates it on the plans. Thanks, Sam
  18. Bob, sounds like a pretty complete list, Brian mentioned calipers, in addition I couldnt work with out my little Incra Tiny "T" Rule. http://www.amazon.com/dp/B002GU68LM/?tag=googhydr-20&hvadid=74765323987&hvpos=1t1&hvexid=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=5982970346842380787&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=b&hvdev=c&ref=pd_sl_6tfziwgwaz_bIts great for layout and parallel lines. Marking out tenons, etc. LOTS of # 11 blades for your X-acto, maybe a razor saw. Carving chisels you can wait on but I love a good bench chisel, if its in the budget Pfiel (Swiss) or Two Cherries (German) are my go to brand, expect to pay a premium. One thing I havent seen mentioned is PATIENCE and a willingness to redo mistakes. I have found I make 3-4 mistakes for every success in this hobby (Murphy and I are best buds). Sam
  19. Danny, Squeezing in here, crowded room. I missed out on most of your Vulture build, what I did watch taught me a lot as well as left drool on my shirt from envy of your skills. The comment abour the CA and brass was good to know, I didnt realize CA would cause brass to corrode. Sam
  20. Dont you just hate it whenwork interferes with life?? Bosses! Just give us our check and let us stay home! Those pipes loooked to be very fiddely. Nice save on the break, Any idea the purpose they served? Ventilation of some sort I imagine, but why the 180 degree turn? Dont work too hard. Sam
  21. Outstanding work like always Siggi. Youre both an inspiration and a cause to throw my tools in the coner in disgust! Sam
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