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Everything posted by src

  1. Thanks everybody. Good to see you back Robbyn!! I am kind of surprised the netting fits as well as it does, it never crossed my mind to make the height correspond to the flats on the netting. Happy accident!! Hope everybody had a great thanksgiving, those of you who celebrate that is. i need to walk the dog and take a nap. Sam Edit - Brian, sorry to hear about your computer issues, understand that Win 10 is a real pain.
  2. Yes Sjors, interesting-er and interesting-er, its the Constructo way. Small update, I replaced all the kit stanchions with scratched parts. I was able to use some brass tube to recreate the flange at the base and then made simple eyes at the top and soldered everything together, epoxied them all in and started tying string to run the netting. I started out trying to tie first a constrictor knot and when that wasnt working out I switched to clove hitches. No matter what I did the 8/0 thread I was using would hang up on the plastic netting and would not cinch up properly. I would get to the end of a run and the knots I had tied just a few minutes ago would be undone. GGrrrr!! I went with square knots, they are more bulky than the others but they're staying tied at least. I think the only way I would be able to use the other knots would be to make my own netting. NO!!!! hush up! It AINT happening!!! Hmmmm...... I wonder how hard it would be........... I finished up the port side and realized my lines were not parallel to the cap rail AND the knots I used to anchor to the stanchions were REALLY bulky looking, so, off they came. I seized the ends this time and not only do they look less bulky, but the netting laid a bit better. I tied off every fourth full column, I may decide to go back and do every second. we will see, the better half went to Denver for the weekend so I should have plenty of time to play and get it right. (Silly girl, its SNOWING!) Thats all for now. Sam Tied off with hitches and constrictor knots, I couldnt gt the constrictor to tie through the loop, should be the same procedure, but I just couldnt make it happen. All tied off, the knots that tie to the stanchions look kind of bulky. Replaced with seized ends, tidier and the netting lays better. While shooting the shots above this jumped into my viewfinder, other than the blackening rubbing off I like how the barrels came out. How she sits right now. Of course Commander Lorcan had to get into the picture and give her blessings.
  3. J, I can just imagine the words that came out. We feel for you, looks like you made a good save though. Sam
  4. robbyn, thats good to hear, hopefully the feeling comes back in time. The couple of times I have sliced myself bad enough to loos feeling in a finger, the feeling took a couple of years to come back completly. Now then, SAW DUST!! Sam
  5. Health comes first. Take care of yourself. Of course I am being selfish. We want to see more work from you..... Sam
  6. I was going to add to marks comment about falling and tell you to gte knee pads then remembered the X-Acto Chronicles, how is the hand? All better? Sam
  7. Welcome home Robbyn! Its like anything, it all comes back as you get into it. Nice work shop, I am jealous! Sam
  8. Jeff, Toms10 beat me to it. I think they look great, but what do YOU think? Sam
  9. Thanks Dan, I dont think I put my question correctly, what keeps them from rolling (pitching?) side to side? I dont see what keeps the entire assembly from tilting to one side or the other. D@mn, I know what I want to ask just dont know how to ask it!! Sam
  10. Dan, That looks really good! I am not sure how to ask this question but here goes. I can see how your jig keeps you square to the keel (looking from a plan view) as well as plumb (looking from a port/starboard elevation) but what about keeping the tops of the frames the same height as in looking from a bow on view? Am I making sense? Sam
  11. Ken, That looks really good, I too like the contrast. The others who have built this are right I am sure, you will never notice the nick. If you think it may bother you in the future though, fix it now, maybe just a light dab? Even if its darker it will tend to fade away. Either way, it looks great. Sam
  12. J, That looks really good. I tred to make one like that for my Enterprise and it fell short. I went back to a straight one, yours is much nicer. Have you thought about a pin to reinforce the glue joint? Sam
  13. J, Thats some nice miniature plumbing there. As for posting pics, yea I have been doing them one at a time, there have been a few times where the order they went when I let the web site do it were not always in the order I wanted, and I like to add text as I go like you did. Sam
  14. Capt, isnt that the sub-definition of ship modeling? Looking forward to the update. Sam
  15. Jaw dropping work once again Siggi. As far as forgetting something, where would a captain clean his fire arm? or perhaps polish his sword? Maybe play a little music? Sam
  16. Jay, Looks great. As far as the loading of the pictures, I usually choose "Add to post so I can make the decision on where and what order to place the images. Sam
  17. Brian, I replaced all the rope with Chucks rope a while back. I plan to sew it on like you did. I dint think about wrapping the rope around the head of the kit stanchion like you did, if I wasnt 1/2 way through making new parts i just might have gone your rout. Sam
  18. A birthday?!?!?! Happy Birthday! Party at Augies house!! Hope youre feeling better and you have agreat day. Sam
  19. Looking good Sjors. Me-thinks you need to talk to the gnomes though, that foreward most lid on the port side looks to be about 1.2º off from the rest. Sam
  20. Capt, Yes, the center is the same unmodified kit part (blackened) The left I have filled the oversized hole in a kit part with some tube, all the blackening either was filed off or was burned off when I soldered the tubes in. The far right part is a 'quickie" I made to see 1) if I could do it and 2) how it would look. At the moment I am leaning towards that one also. My dilema is, if I go to the trouble of fabricating new stanchions, what would be more correct, a simple pole with an eye for the rope to hold the netting or a U-shaped stanchion to hold hammock netting? Sam
  21. I found some brass tube at the LHS from a company called Albion Alloys, they have some very nice brass tube in really small sizes with VERY thin walls: 1mm o.d. X 0.8mm i.d. Lots of sizes. There are also some slip fit kits; 4 pc that fit one inside the other, very smooth, hinge/bearing smooth. Anyway I found a couple of kits that would fill the over size hole in my stanchions and leave me a 0.8mm hole about 1.625" at 1:51. Much more better than three inches. Filled one stanchion and said to myself, "Huh.." I soldered up a ring on top of a 1/32" post with several layers of the slip fit tubes at the bottom to create a flange to fill the hole already drilled in my rails and said "a-huh.."Ok, I think I need some advice here. Such a minor thing, stanchions...... What kind of stanchions would be on a small ship of this period? Chucks Confederancy has some stanchions capped by a wooden rail: http://modelshipworld.com/index.php/topic/1395-downloadable-instructions-for-the-model-shipways-confederacy-kit/?hl=%2Bconfederacy+%2Binstructions I have seen U-shaped stanchion on the Constitution but really dont know if that would apply to a smaller ship. When all is said and done I may have no choice but to go with the modified kit parts because I have already drilled holes in my cap rails but before I do knowing what my other options are would be nice. So in my long winded way, do I Adapt, Improvise or Overcome???? Sam
  22. Siggi, those chairs are anything but "routine" Well done. Sam
  23. Ken, Reheart was a great choic for your carriages, looks good. What do sons know anyway? Dosnt he realize Dad is always right? Freapping the training tackle must have been fun. Sam
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