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Everything posted by Edwardkenway

  1. Got to say brave decision to re-plank the deck, but the pale wood looks good👍😀
  2. Hi all, Chad I've given treenails a go, using tape and drawing a straight line on it, I think if I keep practicing I'll get the hang of it, but I have struggled filling them, I used toothpicks. Now the treenails have been sort of done🤔 I have given the lower deck a coat of matt varnish. The main mast bits are only dry fitted as is the test stanchion, the next job is the hanging knees and then planking the gundeck. Thanks to everyone who has looked in and for the likes👍 Till next time Cheers I have just noticed a mistake on the planking but it stopping there now🤔
  3. Hello again, it's been a few weeks since I've done anything on this build, but my small piece of 6mm pear has arrived so I've cut out the forepiece out. I have cheated a bit, in such as it is in two parts instead of eight because I made a right hash of my first try at cutting all the parts separately. Also I finally found a place to get my planking from in the uk. Now I know Chuck is planking the Winnie with Alaskan Yellow Cedar and it looks very good, so when I found the store here in the uk stocking AYC I decided to get it for my Triton as I'm getting slightly bored of walnut as hull planking. The store is online and is The Balsacabin.co.uk Cheers till next time
  4. Thank you Mark, this is my first ship/Xsection scratch build. I used to scratch build wargaming scenery, rivers,hills, bridges and buildings. So maybe that has helped me with this build as alot of the skills are similar. Cheers
  5. Hi all, @GrandpaPhil thankyou 👍 @ChadB(GROAN)😂 I have to admit it was after looking at your Eagle build and how great the oiled wood was that made my mind up!! Thank you for your support as I muddle my way through this. So now to a bit of the muddling through, I have planked just over half the lower deck. I used maple for the deck planks and beech for the water thingy against the hull. I'm still undecided whether to do treenails because if I don't do them well they will depress me but then again perhaps I should use this build as practice, I'll think on it. Still working on the gundeck, there's a few more ledgers to fit although the lodging knees are cut and fitted (only 1 edition needed this time round😃) Next time I shall cut out the hanging knees. Till then Cheers
  6. Hi Jo, I've been following your little ship build quietly but feel I must congratulate you on a beautiful build 😃 it really is very well done and will be something to be proud of when you finish. Cheers Jon
  7. Hi LS, What a glutton for punishment you are😆, third ship already and it's the Victory. Well I hope you have fun with her. I'll enjoy following you as you recreate this iconic ship and cant wait for you to do the same excellent work as you did with Ballahoo and Sherbourne. Good luck and most of all ENJOY👍 Cheers
  8. Good call Mark, I did some digging in the wood discussion and found a site in Germany (Massiv-Holtz-werkstatt). They have got plenty of species and ready milled wood, strips and boards, no boxwood but pear, cherry, beech etc.. reasonably priced and they ship to the UK. Just need to buy enough timber to justify 28 euro postage. That said my next order of wood will be from this site. @paulsutcliffe I checked the site you mentioned and they've got some decent wood but at the moment I haven't got a saw to cut it with but thanks
  9. Hi Paul, I will check that site out, thank you. I did see some on ebay 340×150×6mm which I've ordered, but always handy to know where to get more and different types and species of wood. I think your build of Sirius is excellent by the way.
  10. Phil, Mark thanks for the nice comments. 😀👍 I've stalled on this build as I'm getting stuck into the cross section and I'm also waiting to get some swiss pear for the keel, stem and sternpost but I'm finding it hard to get hold of over here without paying through the nose. But hey ho I'll get there eventually Cheers
  11. Hello everyone, @AnobiumPunctatum thanks for looking in. @ChadB I'm glad you like them as they are the 3rd edition knees as 1 and 2 just didn't cut it! WOOHOO!!! another deck to do! I've done it a different way this time, I've used a spot of CA glue just on the edge carlings to make the framework and then filled the rest in using white glue. I didn't have any teak oil left so bought some Danish oil, tested it on some scrap, (Hanging knee edition 1 haha) liked it so put a coat on the lowest internal planks also on the hatch coaming. That's it for today, thanks for the likes everybody 👍 Till next time Cheers
  12. Hello all, thanks for looking in and the likes 👍 So just spent a stressful couple or four hours cutting, shaping and sanding only to scrap them and recutting and reshaping!! Welcome to the quest to produce eight reasonably similar hanging knees, I think I've managed it and have fitted them to the underside of the lower deck. Also fitted gunport sills and dry fitted lower deck centre supports. The frames need a bit more fairing on the outer side but I'll do that next time. Dry fitted gun deck beams and cut the beam arms. That's it for this post. Till next time Cheers
  13. Great job, love the rivet jig. I am following this build with interest. Thanks
  14. After doing the obligatory Spitfire and Messerschmitt 109, the Shannon kit was my first sailing ship, I then went on to the bigger kits. Ahh childhood memories.
  15. Yes it was only very small with the sails moulded in the same plastic as the hull and other parts. They also did Victory, Revenge and Golden Hind in this series, I'm not sure but there may have been a Cutty Sark as well
  16. I like this idea Chris. I for one would definitely buy a Shannon kit as I fondly remember a very small scale Airfix model of the Shannon I had as a kid. So to echo Mr CCoyle "go for it "
  17. Very very nice LS she compliments Ballahoo beautifully. You got some great touches in there and they have elevated her out of the ordinary. Well done 😃👍 So on to the next project with a whole lot more skills than when you first started with Ballahoo. Keep up the great work.
  18. Hi LS, what can I say but great work!! You've done a sterling job with the rigging and Sherbourne looks fantastic. I hope you had fun along the way? Whatever you choose to do next I shall be following with interest. Good luck Cheers
  19. Hi Chad, Eagle is looking amazing!! I am in awe of you and other full frame ship builders as you put so much detail into the ship. Please keep up the good work and I'm watching avidly. Cheers Jon
  20. Hi Chad I'm in construction as a bricklayer and they don't lay well in the wet!! Also when the temperature drops below 2 degrees Celsius work grinds to a halt, so over the British winter I can get quite a bit of time in the shipyard. I'm mainly a housebuilder but do get to build other things from time to time.
  21. Hi, been at work today so only had couple of hours on X section this evening. Still at work on the lower deck structure, lots of components, the knees take a bit of cutting and shaping to make them fit. I think there is at least another 2 or 3 hours work before this deck is done, then it's more of the same for the gun deck. Thanks Chad, Eamonn, Phil and Blackviking for your interest 👍 Til next time. Cheers
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