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Everything posted by Edwardkenway

  1. Umm, that's the plan. Hunting around modelshipworld has inspired me to take more care, when possible. Thanks for the encouragement! Eric what I meant was as a kid, impatience took over and my model was thrown together, no thought about upgrading or re-modelling. Same with the rigging just used whatever was supplied. No offence intended. 👍😉
  2. Hi Eric, I built this model as a kid, so much fun even then, but it was just glue it and paint it, built from the box, rigging and everything. Yours already looks 100% better than mine ever did. Keep up the good work. Cheers
  3. Wow Chuck, your Winnie is amazing, the more I watch this group the more I think about putting Triton on hold and trying Winnie. Thanks for the very informative posts. Cheers.
  4. Eamonn it's good to have you back😃. How is your new shipyard? Your Ballahoo is looking very good and it won't be long till you're masting and rigging. Sooo good to see photos 👍😂
  5. That's very good Phil, do you use these side projects or just display them? If you use them, do you have many armies?
  6. Hi, an unexpected day off, (waiting for a scaffold to go up at work) So I am doing the treenails on the hull. Not been on this because I've been trying to get the full Triton POB build moving forward. But today I thought I'd work on the Xsection Treenails? done properly they look fantastic but I don't have the patience or the dexterity to make them fantastic. After putting them on this build I'll think long and hard about doing them on future projects. That's it for now. Thanks for looking in and the likes. Cheers 👍 Also posted a couple of photos of my attempt at the moulding for Triton full build.
  7. Hi all again, regarding the stern fillers I've done a Dirk(Dubz) and resorted to a bit of deconstruction. The remade fillers look better and the stern timbers for the cabin and counter fit way better than before 😅 I have partially sanded one side and still have one to stand. Mark you are correct in the fact that they were short but I think I've got it sorted now, thanks for your advice.👍 LS I don't think I would have got a plank to fit on the original fillers but I shall test the remade blocks, thankyou for your input my friend 😉 Thanks for the encouragement and kind words Mark and LS.
  8. Hi all, LS I'm not sure that I shall need fillers at the bow though they are need at the stern, but this is where I've got a problem. I have done filler blocks taking the shaping from the fully framed plans but it just doesn't look right, so I'm hoping someone will help me out.(see photos) Stern aside I've framed the gunports and fixed the keel to the former. Once I have got the stern sorted I shall make the framework for the great cabin, counter and taffrel. Til next time Cheers 👍 Thanks to all for looking in and the likes.
  9. Very nice job, the headrails look A1 with the coat of black paint Phil👍
  10. Hi all, LS you were right everything was fine, albeit with a little bit of tweaking. The forepiece has been fitted and I've placed strengthening pieces between the bulkheads, which have also helped keep them square and true. The filler blocks at the stern still need shaping and sanding. I'll do that next time along with the timbers for the stern. Cheers👍😀
  11. Thanks Chad, the moulding was scraped in one long piece then cut, and yes it is an art, one I'm still practicing. I have made a more decorative pattern and practicing on a 3mm piece of walnut and I'm pleased to say I'm getting there. I will post some photos when I get it right.😓
  12. Hi, if you do go over to the Dark Side what are you thinking of building? Would have to be an actual vessel or something from greek mythology, perhaps the Argo or Odysseus's Penelope. Whatever you choose to do I'd be interested in watching 👍
  13. Hi all, well the sun came out today so I took the Triton framework into the garden and made some dust, I didn't realise just how much wood needed removing but all bulkheads are back in the former and may need a bit of tweaking here and there. I think that I will recut number 27 bulkhead as it looks wrong and when the test batten was placed it gave the stern a flare and not the gentle curve that my deck template has. Have squared up the bulkheads but still got to put some strengthened in and some filler blocks. That said I have got ahead of myself with putting the timbers for gunport in because if the bulkheads aren't squared they'll have to come off. That's it till next time Cheers 👍😀
  14. Very good looking frigate, workmanship is amazing. My choice would be 1+2 teak
  15. Thanks Phil, I wish you all the best with your 18 cannon barrels, that ONE took me long enough, but then after seeing your detail carving I know you are up to it 😆🤪 Thanks to everyone who has looked in and for the likes👍
  16. Hi LS, I had started to fair the bulkheads but because of the rain I put it on hold, have to do the sanding outside, but Sunday's weather looks better so I'll get cracking on with them. Thanks for looking in 👍 Cheers. @mtaylor thanks for the continued support and encouragement 😀
  17. Hi all, A rainy Saturday and a couple of hours on planking. I've fitted the wales on both sides and planked Upton the sheer rail on one side. Had a bit of practice at forming a mould on the gunwale with a shaped scraper, its only a half round pattern but will continue to practice with more elaborate forms. I'm letting the glue dry now and want to get on the full build tomorrow and fair the bulkheads so won't be back on the Xsection till sometime next week. Cheers . Thanks for likes and comments 👍 I can see in the photos that I need to tweak the gunport planking, looked ok until I posted the photo 🤨🤔😥
  18. https://twitter.com/LtLapenotiere A very interesting and informative site OC thanks.
  19. I've received my delivery of Alaskan Yellow Cedar today, so hopefully will try and find some time to fair the bulkheads on my Triton this weekend and work out the planking belts, but everything depends on life leaving me alone for a bit. It does look very nice wood with clean sharp edges, and didn't break the bank👍😉 Cheers Sorry for the photo quality
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