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Everything posted by realworkingsailor

  1. Me? Seasick? If I was I wouldn't be in this profession... Which co-ordinates are you talking about? In my Signature? the MIL TF D41*? It Means "Make It Like The F***ing Diagram For Once" Andy
  2. Having come this far with the Syren (and the good job you've done with her) Pegasus is not a bad kit for an encore. You're left quite a bit more to your own defenses with respect to the instructions, and the gunport patterns can be a bit of a pain (although I suppose you could opt out and buy some extra planking, if you don't mind going that route), but overall it's a good kit with a wealth of detail. All more options to consider in the near future Andy
  3. From the forecast, it looks like it's going to affect the southern (L. Erie mostly, but parts of L. Ontario) great lakes, it's going to miss us up here Andy
  4. I'm still keeping in touch.. been in Thunder Bay since yesterday noon (EDT). I'm relegated to working on 1:1 ships for the time being. I'll try and restart my old "Andy's Maritime Adventures" Thread from MSW 1.0 (with photos, of course) Andy
  5. If at first you don't succeed... try, try, try......try.....try............**** it, go and get drunk. Isn't that how it goes? Lessons learned are still progress.. even though it may not feel like it. Andy
  6. If you want to mute some of your weathering effects, you can try going over with a very light overspray of white or black (depending if you want her to look faded or grimey). If you can of course... I don't know if you have an airbrush... or access to one... Andy
  7. Trying to think back a couple months.... I basically had the overhand knot of the strop tied before I slipped it over the block. If you're having problems, tweezers and alligator clips are your best friends. See if you can locate a set of mounted alligator clips. They come in a set of at least two mounted to a pedestal, some even come with a built on magnifying glass. Andy
  8. It's one thing to stick your nose out the door and go "*sniff* Hmmm cold out..." and the retreat back inside.. Try having to clear frozen sounding pipes, valves and other plumbing work, when the contents of said plumbing would prefer not to exist in a liquid state... Oh yeah... Did I mention that at the same time you yourself has also been forced to endure said frigid temperatures for several hours and most likely due to the aforementioned issues are also soaked to the skin (yet the outer layers of your clothing has begun to freeze).... "Man up"..... Yeah... Sure... You first... Andy
  9. I have to go up to Thunder Bay tomorrow... The forecast has it -14 C in the morning..... **chatter*** Andy
  10. Hey.. I only poked... It was your "buddy" Mobbsie that suggested a whack... **looks around innocently** Andy
  11. That's what I'm afraid of Yeah... Cold... I'll be packing the thermal clothes.... Someone forgot to turn on spring this year... Andy
  12. You need to check out Petrus' scratch build O19, he's got a whole history lesson on his father's service (and a photo of the Java) Andy
  13. **Pokes at Sjors with a stick** Of course we can wait. We've been waiting patiently so far, we can continue do so. Andy
  14. What? Not a tug? Is the world turned upside down? Andy
  15. Here are a couple sites you can use to follow the ships: http://www.greatlakes-seaway.com/en/navigating/map/index.html That one deals exclusively with the St. Lawrence Seaway and Welland canal http://ais.boatnerd.com/ That one covers most of the Great Lakes. Andy
  16. Great.... Now the natives are restless... Somebody better start sawing logs to settle 'em down.... Andy
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