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Everything posted by realworkingsailor

  1. Here Here! We want pictures! We Want Pictures! Andy
  2. Very nice, she's coming along well. Can't wait to see the start of your second planking... Andy
  3. One thing at a time... Go do a Syren build.... you could probably get a bit of practice with the castings that are included in the kit.. enough to learn on, but not so much that you'd be overwhelmed. And from what I've seen, they're fairly good quality castings, so even if you're not happy with your first attempts, you'll still have a sharp looking build. BTW, I'm pretty sure you can get some fine carving burrs from Lee-Valley tools... Andy
  4. Heh heh heh Just checkin'... hadn't seen a guess in over 24 hours... Andy
  5. I imagine one can do pretty well with a Dremel and the flexible extension. It would be the "poor man's" version... but the carving technique would be the same. Andy
  6. Yay! Pictures... and lots of odd fiddly bits... even better I bet the anchors might be stowed below... so they don't get lost Radar domes are more like oversized cakes, rather than mushrooms... that's typically for communications (sat phones and whatnot...) GPS antennae are quite small and then can be mushroom shaped.. or sometimes like a popsicle... Andy
  7. Don't tell me I broke the game? (again......)
  8. I think you'll do well with the Syren. You've done a great job for a first build on the SF. Just imagine how much better you'll be when you've got two under your belt. Then you could really go to town on something like the RW or Mordaunt. As many people have noticed, there's a lot of room to upgrade Euromodels kits with scratch build extras. Maybe you'll pull a "Bill Short" and re-carve all the decorations Andy
  9. Just be happy he's not doing to your teeth what he's doing to the boxwood... Bill, as others have said, simply amazing. I'm very glad you're taking the time to repost your log. I can't remember where you had left off before "The Big One" so some of this seems new to me.. Andy
  10. She looks really sweet Peter, I've always liked the flat-bottom boats. And your colour scheme is great! Andy
  11. There's a whole other ship in the background.... you can ignore that one Andy
  12. I dunno there has to be some sort of co-relative algorithm that links time vs knots and probability, keep in mind.. he's got another monster waiting, so the likelyhood of an episode will increase with every knot tied, length of time it takes to tie one knot, number of shrouds, the number of knots that come undone...... and... oh I just gave myself a headache... Anyway.. Mobbise you better be ready to take in refugees.. there might be a lot of them... Andy
  13. Yeah.. I forgot... you sub jockeys see the world as one big shooting gallery.... Andy
  14. *Snicker* (Since there is no more emoticon for evil-twisted anymore...)
  15. I think we need to start a countdown clock here... Estimate the time to remaining before Sjors gets totally driven nuts by ratlines... although at the moment he seems to be evading the task at hand ANdy
  16. That's just it.. they all look the same... its like putting up a picture of a black car and asking who owns it... Unless it did something drastically famous... (why I guessed Conqueror..) SO do I get to post half a ship now? Andy
  17. OK... I'm gonna start guessing.. HMS Conqueror?
  18. Check with Mobbsie, he was in contact with them, but I wouldn't hold your breath for good news... :mellow: Andy
  19. I dunno... looks like it could be a Trafalgar class sub.... they all look black and sausage-like to me... Andy
  20. Well the ship is the RFA Diligence... The Sub... *Shrug* Andy
  21. The $6 man? Nice yards BTW.. I wonder how many it will take to drive you-know-who wacky? He's got alot to make... and a lot of ratlines before that... hmm... Someone over there better offer Anja safe haven in case things get... weird... Andy
  22. You can just keep your nearly disembodied digits to yourself, I'll keep my spider fingers safe with me thank you I would suggest maybe getting your "assistant" to duct-tape any tool you're having trouble with, to your hand. (I'm thinking the handle of your exacto knife in particular) And speaking of next builds.. have you narrowed down your choices? Or are we all making things harder? Andy
  23. So, this is now, what, the meeting of not so anonymous attempted amputees? I'll be sure to read this log after I've had my lunch.... my fingers hurt just looking.... ow... Nice work on the ports Robbyn, and congrats on nearly reaching the end of hull construction! Andy
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