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Everything posted by realworkingsailor

  1. Very nicely done. So after you've finished this one, then moved houses.. and somewhere along the lines finished "Mr. Teeny" (or Miss Teeny, whichever you prefer)... got any plans for the next one? Andy
  2. Ahh.. very good. I wasn't sure what your plans where, but go for it! I'm always a fan of the changes people make to their models to make them one of a kinds. You could always start with the decals as a base and work off of them from there. Andy
  3. Hmm.... looks like a lot of stainless steel... or should I say.. not alot... Looking forward to seeing how you manage with this wee build.. How's your tweezer collection? Andy
  4. Some decal advice if you want it.. After painting your wood panels, spray on a shot of Testor's Glosscote if you can get it. This will seal the wood and provide a highgloss surface that helps the decals slide into position, and avoids having too much air trapped in behind. When the decal is dry, dab on some MicroSol softening solution. The trick with that stuff is to be very patient, and not to freak out if the decal goes all wrinkly (that's part of the process, don't touch the decal). When it's dry it should have relaxed back to being flat. Use a sharp hobby knife to prick any bubbles that remain, and spot apply more MicroSol as needed. When you're happy, you can do one of two things, spray on another layer of glosscote and then a layer of Testor's Dullcote this will seal the decal and make the edged disappear. You can also get away with just a coat of Dullcote. Either way is up to you. Keep up the good work Andy
  5. Gee... you let Sjors have it easy! I hope he knows how lucky he is Andy
  6. Excuse me while I pick my jaw up off the floor... Amazing work with bone... Andy
  7. Congratulations Anja! I hope your first act as moderator is to have Sjors treat you to a night out, with a fancy dinner at a classy restaurtant. Andy
  8. Great job. Now you get the fun job of installing all the eyebolts everywhere You're probably going to want to do all the standing rigging first, but yes, before you install anything, make sure all the blocks and eyes and whatnot are already installed... Andy
  9. Whoof..... hack... cough... thanks for cleaning the dust off my build log, but you really didn't have to I don't think I have that issue, I'm pretty certain I have the 0.5mm (atleast that's what I used for the hammock crane top lines). I went over to www.agesofsail.com and bought a few spools to top up some other lines that appeared to be short. At least I know what sizes I ordered, so there's no confusion Weird... with every kit it seems like a mystery what line is inculded or omited. Someone over at Amati better check in on the thread department. Of course it would help if they actually labelled their line. Andy
  10. I think we need a new topic in the general discussion page.... MSW's WIndbag of the Week Award Given out to the person with the most posts over the course of one calendar week Andy
  11. See if this helps a bit... please excuse my crude drawing and handwritting and any crappy spelling you may encounter Andy
  12. Call me crazy... but I'm hoping that sometime in the future Chuck will find the time to develop a rigging plan and ME can create and after market "expansion" kit for her. (BTW Chuck... I know you'll read this... but for the record, I'm still a couple years away from possibly being ready to rig a Confed model.. so no pressure on you at all.) Andy
  13. I think what he is suggesting, is you can go ahead and put the channels on (the flat pieces of wood that hold the deadeyes out from the hull) but hold off actually installing the deadeyes. As he said, the line of the chain plates has to follow the lines of the shrouds. You don't necessarily have to have your masts fully installed. You can do what I did. I simply cut the mast dowel to the correct length and using the plans, mark a line around the mast at about the level where the shrouds originate. You can then simply tie a long thread at that point and keeping the end free you can use that as a guide to make sure your chain plates will line up the way they are supposed to. Of course, you can attach all your deadeyes and chainplates as you go with this system. Andy
  14. Congratulations on your selection for your next build! Augie is absolutly right! I may have mentionned before, I've not built this kit, but I know the high quality of Chuck's workmanship and his practicums (I do intend to start the Conferacy next, one of his designs). Enjoy! Andy
  15. And St. George gets it! USS Edson, as Danny suggested, on her way to Bay City Michigan for display. Photographed in 2012, in the St. Lawrence, just upstream from Cardinal, ON Andy
  16. My sympathies to everyone in Boston. SO just to keep the game going, I hope this one is not too hard..
  17. On the other hand.... if you do decide to go into business doing this.. you'd have ample data on time taken to build various components, and can then come up with a reasonably profitable cost per hour labour rate... of course that may drive away customers.. But as a buddy of mine down at the model railway club always says: "Let's see you work for $0.02/hour" Andy
  18. Wow!... That is quite litterally a rat's nest of lines ... how you ever managed to keep that straight is beyond me... It looks impressive... and that's only the bowsprit?! Best of luck with the rest of the rig. She looks amazing Andy
  19. Yikes.... he's gone and done it... he made a real shackle.... The only thing missing is a hole in the outside end of the pin so it can be moused... Michael, I must say I've been quietly following your build for some time, and your machining is utterly incredible, to say nothing of the impressiveness of your build. Andy
  20. Oh crap.... you weren't kidding..... just saw the headlines.... Boy do I feel like a tool... Andy
  21. In other words... one of the rugrats stole the TV remote from an other.. broke a lamp, blamed it on the other.. and mom is desperatly trying to keep things under control and make dinner... Something like that? I'll get something going soon, I have to go to work shortly, but I will have something up maybe later tonight... Andy
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