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About gulfmedic1

  • Birthday 09/02/1971

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  • Location
    Lafayette, La
  • Interests
    Model boat building (new to hobby), wood working spending time with my kids and reading

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  • Skype

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  1. Hey everyone, So I noticed some issues that I will need to take care of on the hull. I got with model expo and they are sending me the cut sheet so I can fair the hull. (think thats the right wording). I have looked at just about all of the build logs for his model and have learned a lot of great information. I also learned that at the end of the day its my model so I can change things with in reason to make it mine, meaning my ocd self shouldn't sweat the small stuff lol. I do work full time so it will be a slow build. I also have looked at many other model builds and have learned so much information about this hobby. I cant wait to get back to more hands on with this build. thanks
  2. question when you sanded down from Station 5 to 9 how did you ensure the gaps between the stations faired through. Thats the issue Im finding also did you have any issues with station 9 or 8 getting the template to match up?
  3. beautiful build, what was the end length of her and how big is that case, wow
  4. James does HobbyZone offer the option to purchase the building plans for some of these items
  5. Yea realized quickly after I started the kit that I had no Idea what I was doing. Since then have done a lot of other wood working things and understand wood working a lot more. Of course life got in the was as well lol
  6. Hey everyone, well Im back at it after a long long pause. I worked a little last night on the boat, mainly getting my stand to hold it while I work on it and rereading some instructions and going over where I am and where I am going. Ill post some pics and details later. Thanks Scott
  7. Chuck so on this board you will cut the plank strips from where I circled and put number 1?
  8. Ive lucked out my father in Law has a lot of mixed prime wood above his garage that I can get from him. One of my sons parents had some red cedar trees knocked down and they let me go cut it and get it and I had it milled. My cost about 150 and ended up with 85 planks of beautiful cedar. We have a lot of tree cutting companies here in Louisiana some times Ill go to them before they cut the wood for fire wood and by a piece of a big branch or trunk. Typically Im looking for pecan or oak.
  9. Chuck I know what you mean. I do other wood working and the wood I used has gone up so much I cant afford it even now in 2022, and here in Southern US every time we have a hurricane it shoots up even more
  10. I have really enjoyed this build, I learned a lot of tricks and tips. Your work is amazing
  11. so I watched the different videos and wow I had no Idea what it took to make this vessel move
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