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Everything posted by Mirabell61

  1. Kees, that hull is looking excellent and the rudder is fitted in beautifully, love your work... Nils
  2. Update... started with the making of the mighty main yard. I measured several times in order to get the correct length but it is really about 2/3 of the total ship length ! I still had some of the bamboo flower sticks in sufficiant length and diameter for making the two-spar lashed yard. For tapering the spars I used the slotted side of a scrap floor pannel plank, a small hand drilling machine in the left hand, and an electric belt file in the right hand. The result was very pleasing to see, and the bamboo material easily allows to buid in a slight curve of the lashed yard. Those lateen sails will be quite large later on... For making the parral coller I used some etched brass ribs I still had from my Pegasus build, and fashion beads for the trucks. The lines of the main fall go under the parral collar, and the fastening toggle for the main yard is just beneath the parral. A Trus pedant line comes from the one paral collar end and goes through a thimble at the other end. This line holds the yard close to the mast, especialy after bracing the yard, when wind from afterly directions..... The angle of the yard is set with the two "top lifts" that come from deck and over the mast top... Nils
  3. Danny, Masterly work with the propshaft housings, the shaft supports and the rudder blade.... Nils
  4. Compass and machine- telegraph look outstanding Moxis !... just a question.... , have you been working on the lifeboats yet ? Nils
  5. Looks good Karl, is this the ballast you`ve been talking of ? How was it prevented by the shipmates that the stones did`nt move to one side in heavy seas ? Nils
  6. A nice built boat Igor, and the beautiful figures I understand are also in scale 1:72.... Nils
  7. Karl, awesome work... beautiful casting of the tin gun barrels out of that heat resistant silicone mold, looking great ! How much weight does the complete set of guns bring to the deck ? Nils
  8. Thank you Bob and Antony, for your kind comments, much appreciated.... Bob, its not so far more to go now... Antony, the rigging is a bit strange with these chebec ships, but its fun to see the progress. I can now use some odd rope-lines I still had from my "Pegasus" project.... Nils also many thanks to all the "likes" for clicking the thumb up button
  9. Lovely , the ships wheel, the search light, and other details Moxis, Nils
  10. Hi Denis, with ref. to your question I would like to answer , (......do you normally use jogs to create the pulley assemblies? ), please helpme along, as I`m not familiar with the term "Jogs" in this case.... Nils
  11. small update : this is the the tackle for hoisting (fall) and lowering the main lateen yard, it will be mounted on the aft side of the main mast. The holding lines coming from the yard will go through the two pulleys at the mast top. Active are 5 sheaves, so its quite a long running end to be coiled afterwards.... Nils
  12. Welcome Javier, and enjoy your stay with MSW, Your model is looking excellent NIls
  13. Hi Doris, wow, windows, sculpturing and forming of the QG is marvelous, you`re doing an amazing job there ! Nils
  14. Super restoration Michael, decks and superstructure looking better than ever.... those outside doors and stairs down to the waterline look great.. Nils
  15. Thank you very much Piet and Michael, for your kind comments...., much appreciated.. Piet, yes, this way of rigging the shrouds was new to me... Michael, many thanks for looking in again, its been quite some time since I last heard from you Thanks also to all the "likes".. Nils
  16. Update : all 6 shrouds of the main mast are on, together with the 6 haul lines for tensioning the tackles, these are now the only lines oft the main mast standing rigging. Note all the toggle connections ( as shown in Amati plan) Nils some of the rigging members all belaying points are exactly in the foreseen place the rounded spacer lugs are necessary to give the yard sufficiant movability and clearance to the mast
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