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Everything posted by Mirabell61

  1. Christos, one of the men stays at the beach and looks after the pinnace. He stays sober hopefully and is equiped with a can of frech squeezed orange juice..... Nils
  2. Thank you very much Patrick, the ideas come along as the build progresses, sometimes even ahead, and you`re right its fun to work on solutions for ideas,..... my luck, hardly something went to the bin and so there is no frustration coming on, but I guess you are experiencing the same, for example with your "Shadow" (an endless chain of fun with realized ideas) Nils
  3. Just recognized, its your birthday today...... wish you all the best, enjoy your special day, and have a happy day with family, and freinds .... Nils
  4. oops, the last pic was tripple, who knows please how I can eliminate two of them ? Thanks in advance... Nils
  5. Update.... I decided to place the pinnace, occupied with some crew members outside and next to the ship. This provides a bit more action and makes the project live..... The pinnace and its holding support can be removed from the stand-plate at any time. Waterline of pinnace and chebec are corresponding Nils these guys will row to the nearby shore and visit the Taverna in the harbour rowing arrangement for "staggered" mode 4 oars will do.... departing from the ship...
  6. Wow ! Patrick, the "Khalilah" is a real super trooper, you can be sure that I`ll be watching..... BTW did you find any plans for her... ? Nils
  7. Congratulations Patrick ! you have created a beautiful luxus yacht, like in actual one could probably never call his own. The fitting out of this model is a stunning example of how far the modeler can go into details, and you`ve made a master piece out of it. If this would have been a commercial available kit, it would have hundreds or even a thousand of individual parts integrated into the different decks In all a very well done achievement you can be proud of. Have you chosen out a next project already ? Nils
  8. Hi Christos, 6 crew members are already placed under deck (for reasons of access), at an early fitting out stage, the main bunch of population comes on, when the running rigging and the sails are mounted. Perhaps there will be be additionaly a 5-6 person rowing comando in the pinnace when they are just leaving the ships side, heading for the shore. This depends on, if I am able to set the pinass at the same waterline as the ship, and still have it within the glas casing afterwards. I have an idea....we shall see... Nils one in the aft ship... four at the table and one handling a barrel
  9. Hi Christos, the use of laundry starch at the early stage of sail making is mainly to keep the cotton cloth flat and without any wrinkles, when drawing the sewing pattern. After starching I iron the cloth dry and It gets a little stiffness which is welcome, but it soon is fading during the sewing action. You are right there. The blown sail effect (if wished) is brought in with a wire in the bottom bolt rope, like I did for "Gorch Fock" and for "Pamir" hard braced at the wind.... Nils
  10. Hello Barbara and dad, welcome to the forum and enjoy your stay. That is a very interesting introduction you have given and I wish you and your dad all the best with this great hobby. Telling by the pics of the Victory model you have a very skilled and talented and experienced father. It is a pleasure to see you in his footsteps, looking forward for more to come... Nils
  11. Christos, I have`nt made up my mind yet for considering the sail setting / resp. wind direction, but the running rigging shall allow later to set all to optimal conditions. Perhaps even a large sail could be slightly furled towards the yard.... Should the sail require a slight "bulbed" shape, I may perhaps build a thin and shaped stainless steel wire into the bottom bolt ropes for appropriate curvature. For conditioning the cotton fibre cloth I usualy apply normal laundry spray-stiffener (like my wife uses for ironing shirts, etc.). that will be done before the sewing pattern is brought to the cloth by means of soft pencil-lines.... Nils
  12. Igor, your small boat is amazing, also the lovely little chest with miniature Padlock, I would`nt wonder if there is a little treasure hidden inside it... Nils
  13. Thanks for your answer Kees, now I understand how you filled up the hollow spaces due to the overlappeing plastic strips. The result looks splendid. Are you intending to resemble the riveting, as you mentioned earlier with enbossed self adhesive foil.... Nils
  14. Thank you very much for your nice words Christos and Denis, much appreciated.... Also many thanks to all the "likes"... Christos, for the sails in general I shall follow the technique I used for sewing my "Pegasus`s " sails... Denis, no, I did`nt use special jigs for doing the pulleys. I simply pinned the loop of the upper and the lower block down on a flat piece of wood in order to prevent the "rope" end flat avoiding too much twist in the line, and to keep the overview of the lines directions, especially with the two sheave- and the violin blocks.... Nils
  15. Hi Kees, just a question,... with what glue type did you glue the plastic stripes onto the reinforced glassfibre hull ? Regards, Nils
  16. Status update... all three masts and yards are rigged now, time to have some overall shots for the progress of Eagle of Algier..., and make some thoughts about the sails and their rigging Nils note : the main yard is attached to the mainmast stb. side, the foremast yard and the mizzen yard are attached to the port sides of the appropriate masts....
  17. Hi keith, the comparison with a two hand gunslinger is not too bad...., in lack of a third hand the spar is kept down in track (slot) by means of a clamp. I never used this methode before, its so easy to do with spars, masts, etc.... I did produce the sweeps this way as well.. Nils
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