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Everything posted by Mirabell61

  1. update: Today the first 4 planks ( 6 x 1,5 mm) were glued on I must ask for excuse for the "chaos" on my work desk though, its just the way it goes during a work session..... Nils the typical color of the "red cedar" and even different tones within the same plank, but a injteresting aspect. Pencil caulking on the plank edges...
  2. Many thanks Piet, nice to see you`re still on board of this log... yep, in front of all the sofisticated power tools and machinery the old jig saw still finds its adequate place in model building....., I still remember when I was a teen and sawed out the first window frames for a boat and thought I`d never be able to produce a straight cut with that saw.... Nils
  3. Update : after fairing the starboard outer frame surfaces (contact for the planking) as well as bevelling bow- and sternpost, I`m very pleased with the straking checked out with a preliminary plank. it follows the curves nice and smooth without sanding off too much wood.... The card template for the upper deck with outcuts is dry fitted for making the raw deck after it..... Nils frames and bow post beveled for dry fitting preliminary plank same procedure for szern area... card template for high deck with outcuts... port side without fairing yet..
  4. superb built battlestation Karl, Thanks for your suggestion........ I may try to improve the carriages when I do the remaining 13 guns... Nils
  5. small update : brought on the main deck ( 0,8 mm ply) for planking on the model, with port side cutaway and some outcuts for gratings and stairs and masts. On the transom there are some diagonal placed stripes of the 6 mm wide red- cedar planking. A model out of a box kit would certainly develope faster, but due to scratch build and no pre- laser cut parts, every detail has to be dealt with seperately..... Nils some of the deck beams require thin eaqualizing spacers the curvature of the deck is quite strong 3-dimentional the port side deck- and hull side cutaway will enable good view into the model.... the red-cedar planks in their natural colors have pencil caulking, but I think that will show up after fine sanding and surface treatment later on.... the poop deck end piece in sky blue color. Perhaps the frame will have a gold rim around the edge
  6. awesome work Amalio, those canons and their rigging are fantastic, like the real thing !! Nils
  7. Wonderful work Bob, those bow pictures show your accuracy at work, nice color scheme also Nils
  8. fantastic work Jim, the sea, its foam crowns and the wake of the corvette is super realistic.... Question : how do you get the white foam on the sea where it has already been painted blue before ? Well done ! Nils
  9. Thanks for your word John, The stern piece plate as well as the seperate frame are cut from 2,3 mm thick 5 layer beech ply with my old jig saw..... The two parts are glued together with white wood glue. Nils
  10. Awesome work Keith, a stunning model and beautiful fitting out details... Nils
  11. Many thanks Keith, the pleasant lines of this shiptype was one reason to get her under way... Nils
  12. Update... still trying out fittings of timbers around the aft section... Once that is all Ok, the missing decks and the aftmost large grating platform will be made, before partially planking the hull it will go into the fairing sequence to enable good contact with the framework... Nils
  13. Hi Dan, great work on the stabilizer fins, and thanks for sharing the technical function drawings, very interesting machinery... Nils
  14. Thank you very much Carl and Antony, Carl, the paper bird has the size of the badge.... Antony, Thanks for your words, was looking a eagle badge in suitable size and pose, found the one shown at Ebay, but did`nt receive it yet.... Nils
  15. Update... the first of 14 canons mounted to the carriage, eyelets for the tackles, breech ropes, splints for the wheels and elevating wedge, are still in progress.... For the upper aft sternplate I thought I`ll mount an eagle in dive flight, ( here paper template) concentrating on his prey, with the background in light azur blue, and perhaps a golden frame... Nils the figurines are 1:48 (35 mm high) This will be a semi 3D bald headed eagle, size 1:1 paper template, going in compliance with the figure head at the bow later on
  16. Jim, again, thanks so much for sharing your work, its a pleasure to explore the fine details, the light and shadow effects, the ships wakes, even the small crtew members in action and the colors of the sea... Wunderbar !! Nils
  17. Thanks Jim, lovely marine artist`s work.... Nils
  18. Hi Jim, I`m amazed of your talent and skill with those aquarel paintings, and would love to see more.... Well done !! Nils
  19. Many thanks to Patrick and Dan, Patrick, When looking for 1:48 pirate figurine sources I came across the webshop of Hecker + Goros unpainted tin cast figures I liked very much.... Dan, I`m pleased you are enjoying the build.... Thanks for your comments with ref. to the carriages. I already recconed with feedback related to the size and design of the carriages and pivoted trunnions. The reason is that the gunbarrels should point out horizontal or a bit upward, instead of wedging at the upper side of the gunport (when the bulwarks are made later on). also the length of the carriages should be limited (space) to appr. 20 mm, when considering the aft two block-tackle for pulling the carriage back for reloading. The 32 mm guns of RB were a bit too short, and the next larger size of carriages were too large. I did check some sources, but found that there were next to non dimensions /ratings given. When using the smaller carriages the gunbarrels had to be set a bit higher, thats why the trunnions were done in this way What came out is a compromise I can live with... Nils
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