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Everything posted by Mirabell61

  1. Hi G.L. beautiful work on the planking, I very much like that you are planking in oak, it looks very authentic, it gives the character of a real working ship. Well done ! Nils
  2. Hut ab Karl!, lovely work, you`re doing a great job on this chebec section... Nils
  3. Christos, thank you very much for your appreciative words, As the Amati Chebec was too small (1:60) to suit my intentions of the model, I decided to make "something special" out of the basic plan without making things too complicated.... I must admit, that the plan is not going much into detail, but I`ve studied a lot of chebec models on the web, and will try to adopt quite a lot of details I liked during this search. Also there is my imagination and improvisation which provides me much fun... In scale 1:48 the complete model will be 900 mm long between bow sprit and aft-sail boom. It certainly will require quite a large glass case when finished... Nils
  4. A very nice looking model of the Brandenburg Fregatte Max, the rigged sails really give her a lovely touch, well done.. Nils
  5. Stunning work Mike !! congratulations to this beautiful built cutter, an awesome piece shipwright art..., love it... Nils
  6. Hi Michael, thanks for catching up, I`m glad you like it.... I`m moving on to the starboard gun platform ( also deck planking for the platform and the one step down middle deck ) Nils
  7. Many thanks Moxis, thanks for sharing... good news for using acid primer on shiny blanc aluminium surfaces without prior surface treatment. Guess the primer is somewhat the same that the actual aircraft industry uses.... Nils
  8. Very good looking hull Moxis, how`s your experience now with the acid primer. do you have a sufficient bonding with the aluminium ? Nils
  9. Outstanding hull planking Robert !!!, one of the best planking jobs Ive seen..... Nils
  10. Awesome work Amalio ! beautiful joinings and fitting out... Nils
  11. Very interesting procedure Adrian, never seen the planking of a negative hull-side on this forum before You seem to know exactly what you`re doing there....., looks well thought through Nils
  12. Update : (status report) made some additional supporting braces in the areas where the gunports will be cut into the bulwarks.... On the stb. side the template fror the gun plattform can be seen Nils the guns standing on rails, the barrels pointing upwards, where they will be strapped to the upper bulwarks
  13. lovely handcraft work G.L., Many thanks for reissuing and sharing your build log with your fellow members.... Nils
  14. Hi Adrian, I like the design of the "Flower Class" Corvettes, and shall be following with great interest, all the best with your model and much fun with the build.... Nils
  15. Wow Jim, what an allround talent you have ! Nils
  16. Update : on the deck outcut side i put the braces on that hold the 9 side gratings in place. The 7 port guns will be arranged between the gratings, with barrels tied up at the upper bulwark, and the carriages tightly rigged for non battle mode. The starboard guns will be pointing out through the gun-ports. I am concidering if eventually I should show the sweeps in their oar-port positions, at least on one side.... Nils
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