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Everything posted by Mirabell61

  1. Wow ! just like a snapshot, out of downtown Lisboa excellent work Mr. pucko... Nils
  2. Hi Marsalv, your build is a real treat for eyes and soul, surely one of the highlights here at MSW. Congratulations, fantastic handcraft work and love to details, and all in super looking accuracy.... Nils
  3. Hi Daniel, the hull looks great, love the look of the excellent planking and of the brass-wire treenails (will be quite a procedure to get them all done ! ) Nils
  4. Very good work Joachim, your AV model has the charme of the actual ship, and also your love to detail pays off very well here, wunderbar ! Nils
  5. Thanks for your words Patrick, I`ve taken farewell from the large scale models some time ago. The ones I had were designed for a RC control device, the hardware I had from the sixties or seventies and some people asked me if it was self made, it was one of the first Robbe 2 channel devices. Then I was told that it was not allowed to opperate the appropriate frequencies any more, so it went to the electronic waste bin. Now no more large models, on top of that I do`nt have the space in the house any more. For building sofisticated interior like you do, I trust I would`nt have the patience.... Nils
  6. Thank you Greg, I need to do some more research to help myself on the decision track, and have an eye on a certain set of plans for a scratch build, more probably next week... Nils
  7. Patrick, wonderful views into your excellent model, must be several hundred single built objects.... Nils
  8. Patrick, thanks very much for your words... there are still the radio aerials to make, the nameplate, and the derrick cargo beams to be rigged. As the casing will also take some time to complete, I think I can do that simultaeously. For the next project I have`nt made up my mind yet, although there are many ideas spooking round in my mind and I would like to settle on the right decision, to stand it through..... love the "Chebece 1750" , Karl (Jeronimo) is doing in the moment, (not an easy one !!) or the Danish "Hjejlen, paddlesteamer", live museum ship or the German "lightship Elbe 1" or the British cutter "Alert" of 1777, (the uncompleted build log of MSW member Lee has given me a very strong inspiration some time ago....) or the French "Le Canot Imperial" Napoleon`s oar-driven state bark And it could just as well hapen, that something else strikes my mind on short term, which would possibly even overrule the others Nils
  9. Thanks for catching up Piet, and for your compliment with the hoompa band..... I`m just preparing for the production of the custom taylored glass casing. Think I`ll order the cut glass panes (4 mm glass thickness) from the glasser`s shop tomorrow, it takes about a week to get them... For the design a have a little 1:1 dummy model of the casing bottom corner, in order to show the glasser where close tolerances are required for the cut. Nils the long casing profiles 12 x 12 mm come only in 90 cm length, so the four of them have to be shafted and the joint reinforced with 4 mm brass square tube, and glued together. The wooden frame will be stained in cherry tone and dull varnished, like the finished casing in the background showing the number of elements that go into the casing the entire 5-sided upper casing can be taken off the base, it will be secured in place with 6 slide pins the slots for the glass are 4 x 4 mm and appr. 1mm clearance to the glass outside contour (compensation of later expected wood shrinkage)
  10. Thanks for your kind input Zeh, with this reminder, but I`ll leave the buoys now as is....., otherwise would have to replace them all with white painted self made horseshoe shaped ones, that would certainly go too far detail wise.. Nils
  11. Welcome Frank, its very nice to see a new scratch builder here, enjoy your stay and have fun... Is your lovely cabin cruiser modeled after an actual boat ? Nils
  12. Hi Jim, most of the square rigger models here at MSW are shown with yards rigged perpendicular to the ships length axis. As many of them are shown without set sails that is OK, but if the yards are braced, lets say about 45° for the mainyards, what would happen ? The yards would leewards foul the the shrouds, if not the truss pendants come into action in the following way...... thus moving the yard a certain distance clear from the mast... Then loosen and give way to the windward truss to allow bracing to the desired angle and also give a bit way to the leeward truss to just avoid friction with the formost leeward main shroud. The yard now will be quite a distance away on the windward side The illustration pic is of the braced mainyard from my "HMS Pegasus" build Nils
  13. Karl, I often look back to the illustrations of your introduction pics and am every time in awe of this "Chebece" typ ship. It is so beautiful ! seeing the frame setup you are doing at this stage tells me that this present model will be incorporating all your skills and talent for another just as brilliant built model as the one in the russian forum. Cant wait to wittness your progress... Nils
  14. An awesome mode 8sillones, beautiful the interior wood joining performannce..., love it that you give free the view into the ship and the decoration moldings outside the hull Nils
  15. Many thanks for catching up Denis, right, I also have uncompleted models, but since including the Billing Boats "Marie Jean" thereafter "bohuslän, etc. I began completing the models. The Cux is a lonely exception, I could`nt afford the fittings kit at that time, and lost interest in it, but the hull was painted since then. One kit I always had a searching eye for is Billings "Hjejlen" paddlesteamer in scale 1:50, but that kit is out of billings production for decades already , what a pitty ! Nils
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