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Veszett Roka

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Everything posted by Veszett Roka

  1. Thank you Bill. I never user Vallejo acryllics, but will give them a try. Usually i paint with Humbrol enamels and Tamiya acrylics. I like washing with natural thinners, mostly artistic refined turpentine.
  2. Definitely do the rigging. You made the ship with great detail and weathering, must add rigging not just for accuracy but this add life to the model. I would use an elastic thread, easy to work with it.
  3. Get well soon Bill. Kentucky Straight wh... eer.. vitamine, once morning and another on evening, before going to bed. Thats the cure. 😉
  4. Hi Patrick, how the keel will be installed? It will be an addednum after the planking, or will it be the first?
  5. Look gorgeous Bill. At this scale it is totally good, don't hesitatae to use or not.
  6. Hi Dave, I built my Vasa some 30 years ago with superglued ratlines, because i found the knots in 1:144 scale way too big. They didn't failed at all. So i think i will follow that path on my Pamir too.
  7. Sometimes i have a feeling that we were sailing together in the past Except we had only 3 canvas, and one of them is the Spinnaker, the rest is so familiar.
  8. Here in Budapest 13 Celsius, 55 Fahrenheit was the peak. In morning it was 5 C 41 F. Pretty warm though, the usual should be around -2/28. Wish you guys Merry Christmas!
  9. Let me guess Valery, this is another model from you? Looks like a second class torpedo boat from a battleship, i seen similar boats on Panteleimon/Potemkin and Retvizan.
  10. Keith, Eve is a lovely boat for a lovely owner! My concern is the keel, what material it is? If thats wood, you might want to add some ballast to its bottom, to avoid capsize and tears. I did not said anything, if thats a piece of tin or something. I will try to dig up my heritage 'scharenkreutzer' from 1946 to make some pic.
  11. Braided ropes still in use today, although not hemp but nylon, and not only 3 line but 6 or 8. https://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.americanrope.com%2Fpub%2Fmedia%2Fcatalog%2Fproduct%2Fcache%2Fd3ceb0298ce06b26d9e80afba584030f%2Fa%2Fn%2Fanchor_rodes_8strand_800_6.jpg&imgrefurl=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.americanrope.com%2Frope%2Fanchor-rodes.html&tbnid=X6vJkL8Iieeh1M&vet=12ahUKEwi6tfas2_j7AhX087sIHcoGCcQQMyhaegUIARCMAQ..i&docid=50IWRblxZN8tqM&w=300&h=300&q=historical braided anchor rope&client=firefox-b-d&ved=2ahUKEwi6tfas2_j7AhX087sIHcoGCcQQMyhaegUIARCMAQ
  12. Hi Keith, doubled jib sheets aren't unusual on racing yachts. Primarily it is for adjust the shape of the jib (the luff) by modifying the tension point, but it also helps to change tack faster.
  13. Very well done Fuji, great looking ship. As she wear the US flag i believe they are on expedition somewhere near Key West National Wildlife Refugee
  14. Excellent work Burma. I can smell the light wind and hear the ship "speaking"
  15. Thanks Valery, i thought something similar. You're a man who wrote my nickname correctly For the community who don't understand hungarian: Veszett Róka meaning 'rabid fox' and i got this nickname ..phew, more than 30 years ago. Valery wrote Róka with special character ó
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