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Veszett Roka

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Everything posted by Veszett Roka

  1. Never ever step under a swung load sailor! If you feel the figurines a bit too tall, you might scrape/file a very little from their shoes - i think their feet a bit thick due casting, so it wouldn't harm them
  2. Didn't you consider to bash the motorboats a bit? Their shape quite off because the wheelhouse moved too far forward. They had brown wheelhouse and grey hull. Their aft deck was covered by an open top, not a solid structure though.
  3. Bill, i think Henry thought these reef lines on the foremast. I believe it is easy to comb them down if you pinch the sail forward a bit, then the sail's curve will push the reef lines down: I draw the three red curves just for illustrate what i thinking. The red arrow points to the backward curve of the sail whic (in my theory) need to push towards the bow to form the red curve lines.
  4. We're continously doing that in different topics. Anyway, our local modeler club has regular market weekends, where all your surplus stuff could be sell or donate to others. The threads which is not suitable for you could be fine for other modelers, and not just shipmodelers: those market weekends (called boerse) often visited by diorama makers looking for photoetch rails, threads, chains etc. because they would urgently need only 10cm of chain, and they could pick it up from the 'garbage' boxes.
  5. I wouldn't go for the blue. Check out the reflection on water, she's definitely green, although the wheelhouse color match (just darker a bit): I think the blue color on this picture is false white balance, maybe intentional editing. On my UNCALIBRATED monitor the RGB color is Jade Mist HEX061618, whilst the color of the green boat on the first picture is HEX060f11 - they are really close to each other
  6. I think we see here how another legend is born. Very clean work Keith! Wish you Merry Christmas, and all of you fellow sihpbuilders.
  7. Another vote for German Merchant flag. I'd assume that the flag change is rather an artistic, dramatic episode than real event. Captains were never play hero just for fun, they WERE hero because that times require them to be. So realistic flag +1
  8. Nils, Search for Litz, or Litze wire in electronics shops: https://audioverse.de/produkt/21-awg-up-occ-wire-litz-wire Usually they made from very thin, sub-0.05 mm wires, sometimes thinner than human hair.
  9. Hi Bill, let's ask Dafi. As far as i know the depicted sail set weared during battle, warships were kept their mainsails furled to let the deck clean and to minimize shrapnel damage. Anyways, this is a small Revell modell of Victory with its styrene sail set.
  10. Here is the link Kevin, but they didn't say more about the builders. Another one, this is a bit more detailed in German, unfortunately the pictures aren't shown there. Google translator worked for me (i know German a little however)
  11. This is a brilliant idea Bill! I will reuse it on my forthcoming Bounty
  12. Thank you Bill. I never user Vallejo acryllics, but will give them a try. Usually i paint with Humbrol enamels and Tamiya acrylics. I like washing with natural thinners, mostly artistic refined turpentine.
  13. Very good looking anchors Bill. What colors did you use for the wood?
  14. Hi Richard, The servo will have other duties as well? I mean like the following: if the rudder reaches 3/4 of its way, a contact point turns the thruster motor on. In this case i'd use reed (magnetic) relays for switch the motor on-off, and a tiny magnet for trigger.
  15. Definitely do the rigging. You made the ship with great detail and weathering, must add rigging not just for accuracy but this add life to the model. I would use an elastic thread, easy to work with it.
  16. Get well soon Bill. Kentucky Straight wh... eer.. vitamine, once morning and another on evening, before going to bed. Thats the cure. 😉
  17. Hi Patrick, how the keel will be installed? It will be an addednum after the planking, or will it be the first?
  18. Look gorgeous Bill. At this scale it is totally good, don't hesitatae to use or not.
  19. Hi Dave, I built my Vasa some 30 years ago with superglued ratlines, because i found the knots in 1:144 scale way too big. They didn't failed at all. So i think i will follow that path on my Pamir too.
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