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Everything posted by Vladimir_Wairoa

  1. Thanks Rob. Actually There IS one thing i Wish to ask from rigging working perspectives im not quite sure about. What standing rigging of upper yards IS fór? Topgallant and royal. I mean, yard arms are fixed to from three vectors an moved Up Down by haliards fixed in center on brace. What fór IS firm standing rigging from cross tree to both arms when yard IS movable vertically Up and Down on masť? Strange to me to be honest. Picture would be Better but im sure you know what i mean. Strange enough nor course neither topsail jas it... its additional support for more fragile thinner spars at the top of the ship where IT IS All more fragile and prone to break? Thanks. V.
  2. She was mighty gal, wasnt IT. Probably best thing i could do was to get to study rigging properly AS i am now to understand every bit that there IS. I was foolishly thinking watching plán of flying fish would do not even knowing of Howse rig. Gosh how baad . Its opening a new perspectives fór calculating and planming ahead what i Wish glory to look like and choices there are plenty. Either how much of roping mess i want or i am able to tackle however, Rob must laugh as in my scale there Will be plenty of space whether fór her to be Without sails - rigging IS set quite little differently, or All furled, or partially set meaning with Few sails unrolled. Amazing cinsiderations to plan think and to make. I Now even understand why damn main course yard IS Narrowed - fór loading 😉 you see ? Few more years and i Will reach some rank of newcomer sailor so plenty to learn every day
  3. Wow Rich absolutely beautiful photograph. I ak speechles.i share completely same sentiment AS you , fór such im leaving glory resting now, and being IT significantly bigger than Robs, i intend to accomodate her with best possible ropes that exist, ! With serving and trying to do All that stuff... shackles, chains and sheaves that Rob couldnt do because of the scale. No matter tíme and length of work. Although we see he is master of his craft there IS no scale problém for him as he managed to make it all fantastic even into 1:96 so .more than . Hat off..
  4. Good day folks. Both sides finished. I see i dont have carlings in the middle quite centered so I Will have to be careful when doing work there. Paper offset Will have to be installed fór sure ...waiting now fór parcel with ch. 9 to arrive...
  5. Its lovely Chuck. Could you please tease us unpatient fellas with what Will come next? :)) Will that be those precious bow "tusks" coming out of catheads towards figurehead?
  6. wow, fabulous stuff Rob. congrats. blunts and leechs, crazy packed stuff. i imagine even running rigging to add to it.. and shrouds to bottom pfff. i get now your nethod aou go basigaly opposite way as many - from top to bottom interestingly clever
  7. I said i Will Still slowly upgrade some aspects that was done hastily when having tíme. Started to work on New skylights ...top IS not not finished yet.
  8. she is very nice George some details i was scared to make on 1:72 scale glory.
  9. Wow i missed couple updates. Rob fantastic clean detail work on topgalant standing rigging and sheet chain. That chain must be shockingly small. And that halliard block wow. Amazing stuff ! I see you have fun yourself. Enjoy. Its like read and check fór me with book v.
  10. Thanks Rob. Yes I already see that. there is plenty to carefully exclude from consideration and i see cutt sark iron masting practice clearly. actually its more about steel ones though... Not everything is of my interest but principal function of each aspect of every rope functioning is fantastically described. and for that it is to be donsidered which part of it to use for the model being it with sails or without. buntlines clew etc... not everything has to be projected depends on how messy model can be. I havent decided how far to go with that as i havent decided on sails yet etc....good read indeed.
  11. Exactly. Im mightily strengthened by today arrived book from Mr. Underhill. IT was probably best single step i Made towards getting balls ahead.
  12. Game IS on. Ropes tight, Nice. Looking forward to continuation by the way i Now realised we trated top samé way bottom white top natural. I realised that only now what coincidence.
  13. Hi Folks,I have a small update on upper deck. Decided to go as described from both sides. IT was real challenge to me. Thanks v.
  14. Oh I feel you. Good luck with repair, youre not alone repairing. awaits me some too .
  15. Thank you Steve , yes that shade is I am after. true i will definitely try it before. Good luck . V.
  16. Steve, beautiful work. As I observe it closely I particularly like how you treated figurehead and stern ornamentals with little more toned down shade - exactly same shade what I need for my winnie. would you mind sharing your "recipe" for how you painted them? are they wood or resin? Thank you in advance Vlad
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