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Everything posted by Vladimir_Wairoa

  1. Something went wrong when uploading, I am adding some pics. My girl is dressed up now so next work will go around putting some "makeup" on so she could go out properly thank you for watching etc. Execution is not flawless, especially at stern counter line...:( i guess it may take another talent or years of experiences I dont have. nevertheless. Here she is. ready to put some coat on...not sure if leaving her blonde though...but basswood doesnt take stain well so i have to better be careful ...
  2. Teaser before showing details raise the imginary glass for me :)) and cheers to everyone! LAST ONE ! Tour de force is nearing end, i cant imagine how near i am to 3rd part i most excited for. Now unexcited and demanding work is over. Hooray.. Well i sort of liked planing from keel up. Almost no hot bending...thank you for watching. You all are making me doing my best.
  3. Good day all, last week i dedicated to black wale and making of top rail caps, sanding inside hull. it was welcome distraction before i turned back to (almost) completing planking...
  4. Ron, thanks for comment, yea machine for worse or good :)) i just cant imagine doing repeated stereotype thing longer than i dont get fed up. to be honest more i ddi it better it went so after pause it will take me again a lottle while to become robot :). lines ensures where your plans are heading . i cant imagine doing it without markings , as planks are being shortened towards bow end and stern end and ater on widened towards stern end just adding little bit of thickness and keeping it for two planks up can head towards missalignment on extreme sides of boat. wood it is just 1 mm thick baswood basically. but it is well cut bunch so im ok. stock is expriing quickly so i count each one:) as you can see color is not uniform though from light to darker shades so I think of trying to experiment with staining it. i like Rustys pear color but im not sure with stain it will look as glorious as his. for sure not . but i thinkdarker tone could help with uneven shades and rponouce them subtler pleasing way..well thats for later...
  5. Good day. I celebrate a bit today with relief and satisfaction as half is planked. 12 + on each side. Looks like modeling on steroids but it took me a while while i mastered that smoothing straight lines and bending.. I made it over 4 days in total , it took approx 1 hour to make 1 line. I made some helpers and used violin iron bender i use when making violins. I focused on 5 things, to make sure cut line are straight for minimal seams , that bent is curvy and complete so i wont press and damage plank and that contact place is firmly glued to every bulkhead so each next line follows well and planks follows lines closest possible so they are as smooth curvy without bumping and uniform as possible. . With violin bender i did not need to use clamps of any sort just to bend at my will on top of 160 celsius hot plate and stick there in a while. . I only needed to moisture probably 4 planks towards stern clagressive curvature . At the end i made those planks original curvy as it was difficult to bend them qithout damaging it. So it how it went. At this point I really want to congratulate everyone who tried proper planking no matter outcome. Its harderst part of modelmaking for reason and for reason we try to mask omit or avoid it. I want to thank to Chuck to make all way into it predictable and kind of likable even. I really cannot imagine to do it without those lines. Observing others, there is many mistakes on mine and stern part finish is not so smooth as well. There start perfect work with previous perfect sanding of l bulkheads before as now you can see mine there is bump toward stren on one side and all clean work and perfect lines you guys accomplish, but I am happy I built a confidence now that i can finish my first proper planking ajd hull from this point kind of properly and sucessfully and that is important for me. Also that it wont take not months nor weeks probably few days after this pause. Now fairing inner bulwarks and I think of making black line as well. Than i will start from keel up towards the rest buf i am a bit scared not sure how to manage keel plank to instert inti rabbet...well...have to check some works... Oh another important point. I now see disadvantage of lime strips comparing to cedar not only for different shades which makes me firmly think I will go after kind of darker finish where those non uniform planks would look better than blond- ish....what do you think? i lean towards fruity wood colours so ordered some quality stain so i will post test samples. Looking at pics...Should i sand hull even more ? So its all for this week i guess, always apology for elaborate, thank you for stopping by thank you for helping and advices and stay safe!
  6. Good productive weekend to Evewryone. So winnie is marked like an old journal ...I didnt use last two strips that mark transom. Used advantage of red lines and simple math dividing by 6 and mark ending over transom - same on the other side so they met parallel. And now lets party :D. Fingers crossed. Have good weekend all.
  7. Dear fellow builders. Gone are times of mass work updates. Done only one plank per day so 2 per 2 days. !! Important ones. Made drop planks and installed. Making them was tough as they must be straight after bent and tapered. First was hardsip second turned out better as i found some clue. Already started outlining hull but i will not post for some time as it is slow i wish probably 2 strakes a day.. Big thanks to Chuck for that outline ! Im goijt to watch bow video first! And ..not goint after black strake atm , i wish to finish hull first. Hope there is not some peculiar reason for black strake to be done first..somewhere in middle i will sand inner bulwarks so dust can drop away while hole... Thank you for any criticism or comment etc.., v.
  8. Gentlemen, I slowed down a bit , made some dust. I corrected stern and removed 2 planks that go later on. I feel i must clarify my approach before it causes some misunderstanding... I said i dont have or intend to build Winnie to Chucks highest expectations with all fancy bells and whistles along the way as I am limitated by material I have or I will try to make myself...its all learning and part of fun isnt it? that It suppsed to be. I mean of course i will follow plan as close as possible and best i can. But i reserve for myself to make here and there shortcuts where it is covered by sticker or something like that. To clarify that it is not to show some sort of ignorance or harming Winnie - well from ones view it can be seem like that but i will reserve that opinion to oneself. I probably even shouldnt be here as this is advanced modeling and i am just a beginner though. So what the point of learning than? Well plenty - i learn proper planking and i go according to plan Chucks and your guidance guys. I dont have different planks than 6 mm - but i have those for entire boat so i had to accomidate thin 3 mm strike along to fit the measuring - it ensured that very top plank lines perfectly up to the toprail - again this whole will be thankfully covered by frezie sticker so i am happy that thin strake wont be seen. that strak is from Chucks cedar 3rd part so I can say that my Winnie has got original wood - its still plenty there left for fancy mouldings....so ...I did my best at upper planking. I dint have different measure timbers nor wider one so i couldnt try to do those fancy angles around port openings...i can live with that. Went slowly and tried to seam tightly and tried to cut gunports openings as precisely as possible. It was quite challenging. After two or thre I found a way how to mark and cut and It went better... I cant do better i guess for all i wrote i would say i can live with something like my own Winnie, probably ugly duck sort of for small shotcuts, but I would like Chuck to put up with some small hidden shortcuts ... as much as those will do the exact or good for winnie or shortuts where those can be - but i state it is not something to be followed. ...so first coat is on now black line to follow for next few days first I have to make those two planks that narrows into one - as I will make 2 more lines downwards the hull and - for that narrow ones i had to order an extra wood. i also need to sand off some center of bulkheads for marks i will need to make later. that would be counting and recounting as my wide is hust a tad wiser than supoosed to...i would sand off atill a little on a port side bow but im scared i took alread too much so i dont want to hollow that plank entirely. that was a mistake i made as port opening glued off and i put it back a littel too much elaning out so those two planks didnt meet exactly rather way off...also two planks at starboard bow side are not as tight as should be - after sanding it is now visible ... seam a bit thicer.this is hell of a price to pay to each unfocus on this job grrr. photography is a sharp and uncompromising judge - sight can forgive a lot. and You can see I crushed one part of bollard :(( but i hope to repair it and glue that corner back shouldnt be that tough...fingers crossed. I dont consider black line sifficult after I finised all this. that is for couple of days now. good luck with all yours! sorry for elaborate..))
  9. Thank you Ron @Chuck. Happy new year to you as well. Well having everybody around its probably part of that confidence. Frankly, i hate slow working , but i try not to work when having bad day ...i tend to get past least likable work as quick as possible. Learning heck of a lot as i observe works of every Others and Chucks. But speed and my inpatiency has its drawbacks. Every small shortcut that is not thought out pays dearly, and makes it even longer to fix or worse - unfixable. So... i finished both 4 plabks lines..and reached the point i can decide where next. i think will continue peculiar planking up towards rails. .... . Enjoy yours its gorgeous. If things go as thought , i plan to finish planking and probably gallery will see . Than i have other things to do around spring so before summer i would order parts 4 &5 and carvings in one delivery. Well planning as ahead with this corona stuff is stupid idea anyway. Keep safe. V.
  10. Beautiful stern planking preparation Ron. Something i didnt manage to achieve as i wanted. Vlad.
  11. Good day all. Am I doing alright ? I cant stress more how much i love this project. Im bending strips on violin bending iron and its adding up so fast! Made first wale strips in 1 hour. No need to clamp as much as strips are bended properly. I intend to follow Chucks guidance and line up down each strip with pencik down the hull. I havevto recount it as my steips are umiform 6 mm and I dont have tools to cut them stright . Its my first real ship to make and second at all. As i said at the beginning, i am building Winnie with batch of leftovers lime strips. Thry are approx 6 mm wide so i will modify original different wides of planks and i will measure upwards pkanks so frezies will match . Im not likely to invest much apart of original parts from Syrenmodel. Thank you V.
  12. Dear fellow builders ...in progress. Few mistakes here and there. Shortcut! As i didnt purchase part 2 i made stern planking already - as there will be sticker i didnt bother making it piece by piece. Apology. I also sealed bulkheads fully towards end as i always struggle that part. Stern plank shoud end up in sharp angle rhis looks like bluenose intend to correct it when planking and with sticker. Hopefully. 😕 now keel to be attached and ready for fun to start :))
  13. Enough for today. Very slow important work done. Bollards ( without bowsprit angle ) & windows seals secured. As bf1 missing Found other way -not to cut from ply but from bollards. ://
  14. Happy new year everyone! Posting sime pics with showing my way in case it could help somone . As work is progressing at full speed in shipyard. I havent come into much tricky part so far to ask about with such great tutorial plan and i can always observe others way of working. but this is gonna change soon as i run into part 2. I am close to wrapping part one though. Just painting and few installments on gallery. Gallery - i first secured 2 side pieces( st- c ) and used clamps and straight timber to set guide for others. Than i glued up some paper to make some pieces snugged fit. That worked for me quite well. I must say i really enjoy working without keel installed at this point as i can move skeleton to my liking and work even in by bed :D. Well I decided continue this way up to finish first part and last will be attaching keel. I run into one problem Chuck wont be entirely happy about. There is always curvature stem gap so i had to fair from stem - i did probably little too much there which cut off almost half from that beautiful joints. I can live with that as i prefer stem to be stuck with all its round surface firmly. But doung it it also ensures rabbet line to be uniformly wide which is important. As much as i feared fairing glued extentions, it want finally that bad. I worked with knife to bring it as low as possible before i sanded. With baswood easy. I must say that Cedar that came in is very unique wood i never experienced such. Very stiff. I mean very. I was happy to make extentions with basswood i would struggle cutting and smoothing that alaskan cedar- another thing. I would probably invest as time goes in some sort of right angle electic sander. It consumes most of time to try to maintain straignt line it manually and its pain wirh end grains and small oarts. Not bad much with bigger parts. . Well i guess it wont be needed thst much from now on :D. I have another conundrum to solve. I realised i missed to gkue bf part 1 . So gap between main bollards is narrower for that measures. I will have to rasp off from there than. Fingers crossed. Now to finish sternpost and to paint. Boklards than and keel at the end. Am i correct with windows position? . Thank you all a lot for view etc..and take care.oh look what saw i made out of clamping scissors. Vlad.
  15. Dear all ,It is here! And...... it matches the bulkheads I got cut from a friend when I shrink plan on monitor to 96% ! So all work wasnt useless.! Cant say how happy i am. I must say those are such great parts, even timbers i already made myself for cannon windows are there in plenty. Main Bollards in parts in case of mistake wow! So i can use those timbers anywhere else i would need to. Thank you Chuck. So now keel is gonna to be made and move forwwards towards finishing part 1, before I head towards hull planking.
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