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Everything posted by Vladimir_Wairoa

  1. Good day everyone, Im posting some updates from last twoo weeks. There is proper flooring completed on all decks at this point, I aimed for symetry of bibbing on forecastle deck. I installed new sheer and painted proper "cemented dark grey strake stands are moored into, i quite like what it looks like after i twisted metal sheet to prpoper topraip curvature facing outwards. ...i need to fill bowsprit / floor gap though... also showing how did i worked on forecastle from start to finish. Poop deck floor is properly curved along the gangway...and met in center/ probably not like prototype but...well...Toilets have dark paneling as seen on famous picture of cutty moored at melbourne wharf. I see now that proper decking is probably one of most essential parts of boats designing / structural and functional object covering vast amount of space in ship. It looks majestic now.. From now on I will install functional machinery, etc....i have still work on remaining 2 rowboats ongoing, capitain gig and dinghy. so that will come further. This time i will try to put on the floor osmo top finish that should not color the floor. Willl see the outcome. Many thanks for watch etc... V.
  2. woohoo . fantastic. did you incorporate more angled less straight bow angle Rob? I will start my own somewere around winter. i need break after cutty. meanwhile i take first row seat. happy continuation.V.
  3. sooo fantastic build im thrilled wonderful explanation etc. i love model shipways but i onow myself how difficult is to build clinker and so on. so very detailed so realistic and nice. thanks fro sharing fantastic. i think i will try her once. oh treat for eyes .
  4. Fingers crossed Devildog. its fine you will fugure it. definitely better to steam planks so you can bend them at critical points around stern. and there is wood filler after all so nothing to be worry about well done. filler might be definite advantage if you want perfect hull. but nothing necessary. without it you may dill it up with file r after done and sand to perfect shape and after paint or if you want another( thinner) layer of planks its up to you - what helped me was always putting one plank over bulkheads to check if they lay perfectly on so they can be glued - i also sand bulkheafs dame way. with longer srick of wood with sanding paper on. so make sure sanding paper goes always thru at least 2 bulkheads and it will sand off exact amount ...:) well done. Vlad.
  5. i am big fan of clinker myself so will watch eagerly. good luck V.
  6. Hello everyone, Always thanks fof comments likes in advance etc...as weekend went on following up on progress... V. Im rather more than satisfied so far, measuring was spot on as both sides met graciously. I had to overrun foremast as i didnt want to take it out so i hoped both sides will meet at kingplank. They did. I had to check constantly if lines of planks are as straight as possible, otherwise havoc ....Already started nibbing , pretty shaky first but think i figured it out by now...there will be break i guess i have to manufacture new stock if timbers for forecastle deck so i will post once finished. .thanks. V.
  7. Thank you! oh my fantastic build even underroof decorations there, top notch sheathing, congratulations! there is ongoing debate on Robs W. glory of the seas log about her body and more it goes more I am scared if there is a point to build on unproofed plan or vaguely criticized for appearance. even i think myself that glory has to be built more to be brought to wider public....maybe i will jump on fish meanwhile. thatforecastle gangs of anerican clippers are pretty darn complicated to me i would not like to spoil the effort... ok back to cutty sark though
  8. Hi Brian post here for sure. i obtained plan from model snhipways for the reason i am bugeer scaler...but i gravitate towards glory of the seas so the plan will probably lay idle for a bit hovewer it is very useful for masting rigging and overall techniques as model shipways is great at that. feel free to post here she looks very fine thanks. i hope moderators wont concur either. im into american clippers now after i finish cutty. but still to work on her for sure. glad to hear you think of building cutty. cheers
  9. wow flying fish, beautiful work.Thanks Brian for explanation, soon im at planksheer so i can show how it materialize and we can possibly suggest how it goes. finger crossed V. do you have album of flying fish so i can see her?
  10. Many thanks for comment Brian. I should better not complain probably because it is enormous scale...but doing it 1 time really, this was training before i reach sheer on deck..do you maybe have some hint ? I first cut straight plank, attached plank and redraw lije with pencil on share but i did not dare glie the heerline because of wallnut. On deck i have baswood sheer firmly glued so i will have to draw lulijlne cut probably carefully little smaller ..to prevent large gap...will see though. V .
  11. I wholeagree Rob ....that Clipperfan turned it to the right direction. Im happy myself and eagerly following, anyway my opinion is to be taken very lightly only more like observation... as you know i am not that experienced and rather say totally inexperienced as far as american period ships. I must dvelve myself more into mckays package ships etc...
  12. ....planking ongoing. Everywhere for unpatient as i am this is tough. But patience is the key i guess. Disc sand would be beneficial i guess...definitely like subtle shades of colors of timber.
  13. Hello folks, correct Rob, proportionality in height of hull is clearly off. above waterlevel nose is half of what is under water and there must be at least 1/3 rd more of hold under water .....nevertheless i like the curvature of the gang and bow. will compare to my drawings as well.
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