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About Jeff5115

  • Birthday 05/11/1953

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  • Location
    The Villages Florida
  • Interests
    Golf and classic car restoration

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  1. I second the idea of a Vanguard kit for your first model. My first build was the Vanguard Lady Eleanor. If you visit the Vanguard website you can read the instructions for the builds. Great products and instructions.
  2. Bob This model is on my future hope to build list. As a relative newcomer to this hobby I learn so much from reading other members build logs. I especially appreciate build logs that include difficulties and mistakes. It is part of the hobby and I tend to learn quite a bit from others errors. As a perfectionist it helps me to realize mistakes are part of this hobby. I look forward to following your build.
  3. My first kit was the Vanguard Lady Eleanor. The quality of the materials and the instructions were excellent. The finished model does have a few minor mistakes but I am happy with the finished result. As my skills improve building more challenging Vanguard models is definitely in the plans for me. This is definitely a hobby where you get what you pay for. Considering the time and effort a good quality kit is well worth the investment.
  4. I have tried using "frog tape" to mask off my models for painting. Each time I have experienced lifting. Can someone suggest a better tape to use on wood ship models?
  5. My humble method of making strops for blocks by Moxis Article is on this site
  6. I just finished this very build tonight. I have some pictures posted in my build log. Instructions are lacking so make sure to reference the build plan along the way. It was fun to build.
  7. Welcome Harland. I am a newbie and am working on my second model. As others have mentioned it is a great idea to start a build log. I have found other members will always offer help and encouragement. Good luck.
  8. I have been working steadily but it has been slow going. Admittedly I am a slow builder. The second deck has been planked. Lots of fun, its just too bad so much of it will be permanently not visible on the finished model. Work on the state room is done. I added trim around the vents and base boards for a more finished look.
  9. Engine and boiler room have been glued to the main deck. I stained the doors for some contrast to the planking. I also added base boards around the buildings although this was not part of the kit instructions. Instead of using acrylic for the windows I painted drywall mesh tape black and glued in place.
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