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Posts posted by B-Ram

  1. Hi Yves,


    I agree it's a fishing schooner and all of the pictures I have seen of fishing schooners, that have been working for years, have a lot of wear. I spent a lot of time sanding, filling running my fingers over the hull and looking at it from every angle. I was just surprised that it wasn't as smooth as I had thought. Looking back, I should have used a primer before final paint. That would have allowed me the opportunity fill and sand again before final paint. I think I got a little hurried to see the hull painted and did not take the time I should have taken. Overall, I am very happy with the way it is turning out. With everything I have learned during this build, I will be better prepared for my next build.




  2. Hello everyone,


    I’ve gotten the deck stained. I decided to go with a water based stain. I had to do several coats for the deck to have a uniform color. As a result, the deck turned out darker than I had planned on. I’m going to have some touch up of the white paint after staining. Next I am going to get the hull ready for painting.





  3. Hello everyone,


    I have gotten to where I would like to apply a finish to the deck. This is a step I don't want to mess up and I feel I only have one try to get it right. My big problem is that I don't know anything about wood finishes. There is a lot of very good discussion on this site about finishes, such as stains or dyes, water based or lacquer based and so on. Unfortunately, after reading all of the information, I am still unsure want would be best direction. I would like to give the deck a subtle color enhancement without hiding the grain.


    If anyone could give me any suggestions or direct me  to some information I would greatly appreciate the help.


    Thanks,  Bill 

  4. Hi everyone,

    I'm going along very slowly now. It seems no matter how slow I go, I am still making some glaring mistakes. I'm blaming it on age, but I am having lots of fun and I am learning so much.

    I have made a little progress. I have finished the deck hatches and am now working on the hawse pipe area and the manger. For reference, I am using a picture of the schooner Ernestina. There are some very nice and useful pictures on the Library of Congress website.







  5. Thanks for the kind thoughts.

    Yves - I like the lines of the schooners and as my first build, the lines of the hull made it easer to do my first planking. 

    I am already looking ahead to my next build. I would like to try my hand at scratch building. It would be another schooner, but this time it would be larger. There are several nice sets of schooner plans being offered on the internet.



  6. Hi csander,


    Mating the deck and hull did present some challenges. Check out the second and third photo on the first page. I glued styrene blocks near the edges of the inside of the deck. This kept the hull in the correct position while the glue dried. I used rubber bands to hold the hull and deck together while drying. When it was dry, I just removed the rubber bands. After getting the hull and deck mated, I did not have too much trouble.


    Do you have a build thread going?



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