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Everything posted by NAZGÛL

  1. Nice Vasa. I like your mods, the doors look great! /Matti
  2. Nice! There are some pics In my build thread to if you need reference. /Matti
  3. Noce work, Jan. Its interesting to see the different ways the kits are constructed. /Matti
  4. Started with the bow doors area. I didnt do the doors exactly like the kit instructions said, as I want the thinner in the details. /Matti
  5. Looking very good, Michael! /Matti
  6. Thanks Ferit, Im glad you like it. its tricky to take pics of red. The pics are pretty close, but its darker. The yellowv hue on the hull in some pics are really weird, there is none in real life. /Matti
  7. Welcome, your vasa is Looking good! /Matti
  8. Great to have another Vasa build to follow! Well done. /Matti
  9. Thank you, Lawrence and Nigel, Im happy you like it! /Matti
  10. Yeah, its important to get it how you want it, and difficult to know how colors will blend as the build evolvs. Against light wood, the first nuance lookes different. Here is how it looks now. Its more blood red in real life. Painted the planks a little different from each other to give the paintjob life and scale. /Matti
  11. Cheers, Lawrence and Wolf, your kind comments are most apreciated! Enjoy your bbq, wolf. I wasnt entirely happy with the red I blended earlier and started to make a new one. The old one had to much brown in it and didnt go right with the tarred brown hull. The new nuance is warmer and while the new red isi close to the first one, its more vibrant. I repainted some of the redpainted areas, but I think it will be interesting to have some of the old red left. Like I said its very close, but Im getting more of the "blood" effect Im after with this. /Matti
  12. Im not really sure where I read it, but I can buy the logic. /Matti
  13. Thanks Ferit! From what Ive read it was used for delivering or recieving stuff from small boats. If anyone has a better name for it, it would be great. //Matti
  14. Yay, finally I could do some work today. I glued the top wale/list. Also cut out one of the small windows from kajutan, and the rearest smaller gunport, and also my favourite: the message port located near the waterline. This is done on both sides. Sorry for the smoke in the pic, but its barbecue time. /Matti
  15. Thank you Lawrence and Mark! Lawrence, For my style, acrylics works best, and I love to not have any fumes with small kids around. I like how easy it is to blend and mix, and the ease to wash the air brush and brushes. I also get a good matt finish. I can also use my fingers to "smudge" dirt realistically, and just go and wash my hands before I continue.. Like you I would look at solvent based stuff if I wanted a gloss result, at least a solvent based varnish to finish it off with. There are many great tutorial films on youtube if you search for oilwash, filters, model weathering, acrylic washes. /Matti
  16. Thanks Wolf! The varnish makes it slightly darker, so take it into consideration. I use acrylic washes, oil works well too, but Im used to acrylics. The pastels are hard crayons turned to dust, just use and mix the colors you like. Then apply with a cotton bud or brush. Pastel dust must be bound with a coat of varnish, before doing the next steps. /Matti
  17. Thank you so much guys, its most apPreciated! It went a bit to far, and the feeling of not being able to breath correctly is very unsettling. /Matti
  18. Wolf, thanks for the very kind words! Mixing the stain to a nice shade was a bit tricky. Try it on spare planks before starting anything. Once its applied, I use acrylics and pastels for different shades. Light sanding between layers makes them merge. Airbrush a light coat of varnish to bound the pastels once in a while. A lot of washes in different shades of brown. I mix all my colors trying to get control. Norman, yeah I strenghtened the area, and it seems fine. Visiting the museum is very inspirational. I went to the doctor as I turned ill again, and it turns out I do have pneumonia. Now I got antibiothics, so hopefully Ill get better now. It would have been better if the nurse I talked to the first time would have let me come in for a check. /Matti
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