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Everything posted by AJohnson

  1. Hi Dave, the copper plates do come with the kit, you can buy them separately if you haven't got any in your kit. The CC copper plates do have prominent "bumps" on them to simulate the copper nail heads. From reading other posts on MSW, the reception of them is mixed, I think there are other ones available that are more visually pleasing, but seems they are more expensive of course! As for the CC instructions, they are very brief, but the plans are good and almost full size. I have a few CC kits, built their "Sherbourne" & "Mars" (really Orestes), I am on with this Bounty and have CC's "Snake" and "Endeavour" saved in stock, I can say the written instructions are almost identical in them all! (okay slight exaggeration, but there does seem to be a fair bit of cut and paste going on.) The materials seem okay to me, but I have no experience of other manufacturers.
  2. Hi Dave, I have started a build log for my Bounty, so "shadowing" you, good luck with the masts and yards. As for CC instructions they are a bit "sparse" to say the least, the plans are good though and nearly full size, so plenty of room for notes etc. so think we have poor instructions in common, thank goodness for MSW and others build logs! 😁
  3. Bit of progress on the stern, added the Lanterns, the instructions say to only use a single 1mm length of wire to support, but from looking at other builds and Anatomy of the Ship book, then the lantern supports were a bit more detailed, so I added some 0.7mm wire for the side supports. Also added a chain connecting the rudder to the hull. Also spent a good while re-drilling the dead eyes, in preparation for using them, as I can remember what a pain it is to try and do that when mounted on a model and you can't getting some rigging to go through them! Will do the blocks later when nearing the time for rigging. I'm waiting for some marker pens to arrive to try simulating caulking before I start the deck planking, so also made a start on the anchors. All for tonight, thanks for looking
  4. Thanks all for the tips above, I am having just this problem and think now, having read the above I am leaving the PE in too long and certainly haven't diluted the blackener. So will try as suggested for the next batch of hooks and chain plates. Thanks again! 😁
  5. Thanks, I will follow your build as well, I think we both probably fell into the same trap and took on something a bit too ambitious back then. 😄
  6. Glad to have a fellow Bounty builder restarting their build like me, though at 25 years you have me beat, I only "paused" for 10 with mine!
  7. Think you have done a great job on the rudder! 👏 I am at that stage on my Bounty build and like you found it hard to get the straps to lay flat on the "bumpy" copper plates; think in hindsight marking out and flatting the "nail heads" on the copper plates would have helped. Going to follow you with interest, my next project is yet another Snake! 😃
  8. Hi Dave, Your Bounty is looking really good, mind if I pull up a chair and follow you? I am building the Caldercraft Bounty; know there might be a few differences between manufacturers, but still a Bounty! but I am a bit behind you, just about finishing the hull.
  9. So what went wrong was I started doing the Copper plates and didn't pay attention to the fact the "brick" pattern was slowly going wrong and the alternate rows were not lining up. By the time I did notice I had done about a third of one side. 😖 The only course of action was to take them off, which is where the situation got worse and the plates started taking strips of second planking with them (must have been good C-A!) I removed all the plates and put the kit in the garage and forgot all about it for a decade; well to be fair life had also got in the way that year, moving house, job changes and so on and I became very good at making excuses for not going back to the Bounty. But here we are, starting again and attached is where I have got to so far. Next steps are the deck planking, so busy searching MSW for hints and tips, have also done a few deck fittings and started the ships boat's, will post more on that next time. Thanks for looking.
  10. The final few pictures show the addition of the waterline mark and adding a really thin margin strip for the copper plates to butt up to. I experimented with timbers, but they kept splitting along the grain, so in the end I used plasticard cut into strips, these were then to be painted black.
  11. Following on second planking was done; marking out some of the main bulkheads so I could cut the second planking to lengths which helped. Below the waterline; which was to be coppered I cut all the planks roughly to thirds which eased the planking for a newbie somewhat.
  12. Planking was started following the “Simple Hull Planking Techniques for Beginners” published on MSW. I really enjoyed this part of the build and I recall 1st planking not taking that long, with guidance of the notes and MSW 1.0 members.
  13. After examining what had been built I spotted the false keel was curved and the boats were not that well done, so I decided to take everything apart and basically start over. Re-seated the bulkheads, cut in a rabbet line, added filler blocks of hard balsa and sanded and filled in preparation of first planking.
  14. Hi All, This is a relaunch of a build log after a “minor” pause of about 10 years! In 2010 flushed with the experience of building Calderscraft’s H.M.Cutter Sherbourne, I felt back then I could tackle something bigger and came across this kit on eBay, started by someone else and abandoned – and no I didn’t pause to think why! So Here we are in 2021 and I have dusted the old kit off and restarted it, making I think reasonable progress, but also relearning the problems and issues I had with the kit that caused me to lose heart in 2011. I have built one other model since, Caldercraft's H.M.S. Orestes (Mars) so I have learnt something along the way, but happily rediscovered MSW to help me this time! As there has been so many years in between I will just post a selection of the old photos I took back then, to give you a flavour of where I got to, then I will update with where I am now. So here is what I bought back in 2010 full of excitement!
  15. Thank you Tim for the pictures of your brilliant model! 😀 that's given me clues as to what I can do with my Bounty boats, should be able to make something out of the kit sheets for other parts. Also good views on how to tie them with ropes, also might have a go at the hoists to the main stay.
  16. Not sure if is the right thread, but I am wondering how were ships boats stacked on top of each other and tied down? I ask as I am building the Caldercraft Bounty and the two boats are shown stacked, but the instructions are silent on how that was done. Assume some wedges do some sort on the boats underneath? thanks.
  17. Will do, spent a bit of time today trawling my picture files and it brought back some memories, ouch the frustration of ripping off about 200 copper plates! 😆
  18. 😂 I know, blink and ten years whizz past! The usual lame excuses, kids, moving house and work.... 🤭
  19. Thanks Keith for the welcome, I have found some pictures of my Bounty from 2010-11 when I started my last log, I will start a new log and bring up to date to where she is now. 👍
  20. Thank you! 👋 good to be back, I've been hunting out some Bounty build logs to help me with mine.
  21. It has been interesting to read this thread and learn I am not alone in biting off more than I could chew with a build! After a Caldercraft "Sherbourne" I thought I could tackle their "Bounty"..... that was over ten years ago! and one unfinished build log that demised along with MSW 1.0 I think (so technically I'm not one of those with an unfinished build log! 🤣 ) Thing is I did also buy their "Snake" but opted for the Bounty first as I mistakenly thought it would be easier as it was smaller, wrong! Considering whether to start up another build log on the Bounty now I have restarted it, but that might be tempting fate....
  22. Hello All, My names Andrew and I am a returning member from years ago! I've been lurking about a few weeks seeing what's going on and thought I better introduce myself. I've been a life long model maker and painter, but got my first wood ship kit in 2007 - Caldercraft's "Sherbourne" and did a build log on MSW 1.0; reading through some posts there was something called the "great crash of 2013?" that a vaguely recall, but I was an inactive member by then. Anyway after building the Sherbourne I then rashly decide that my next model would be Caldercraft's "Bounty" and had started another build log in 2010, but I found it hard work and gave up in 2011! So fast forward 10 years and I have dusted off the "Bounty" and started it again after all these years and am really enjoying it and made more progress in the last few months than I have for years. But realise I am in need of guidance, as I was in the past, so here I am again - hopefully for the long haul. I am determined to complete the Bounty and hidden away I also have Caldercraft's "Snake" and "Endeavour" patiently waiting their turn! Looking forward to getting involved once more Andrew
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