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Everything posted by AJohnson

  1. Trond, good progress there, admire that you doing your own lettering and stern decorations, all provided for me on my Caldercraft version! 👏 - you are going to be scratch building before you know it!
  2. Great Progress Dave, i'm not too far from starting the masts and yards on my Bounty now, so will be checking in on your rigging progress! 👍 One thing that intrigues me, your lower masts are painted white, is that in the instructions? Caldercraft make no mention of the mast colouration for my kit, I know the larger Bounty replica (the one that unfortunately sank in a storm a few years back) had white masts, just thinking about the historical likelihood before i get to that decision! Keep up the good work! 😁
  3. I use one of these little workstations, it has a cutting matt and tool/paints/brushes holder at the back. Can be a little restrictive if working on the complete hull, but doing assemblies and small parts it is just fine. Matt is 18 inches by 12 inches.
  4. Very good 👏, like others have said I would still be crawling around on the floor looking for the first bit that pinged into orbit! 😆
  5. Yes a 1/24 Corsair would be great - naturally a "clipped-wing" FAA version (for fitting in smaller RN carriers) for me, but I'm biased! I hoped Airfix might do something as they had already got the engine tooled, but if Trumpy do one, just hope they get the basic shape right, not something they always do...
  6. Selection of pictures of the finished model. Some showing the Hellcat with a 1/72 scale Wildcat for comparison! If you have room for only one 1/24 aircraft kit, I would seriously recommend Airfix's Hellcat; or perhaps the equally brutish Hawker Typhoon (I have two of those - one built and one in stock... 😁)
  7. Collection of pictures of the build, the Pratt & Whitney R-2800 Double Wasp was a mini kit in it's own right, added copper wire for the ignition leads. Tried to make the finish somewhat "dirty" to match the real aircraft, but a fine balance with scale models not to overdo that. Collection of pictures next of the finished model.
  8. Its taken me a while to realise "things with wings" were allowed on MSW, so here is a small selection of build shots from a recently finished project of mine of the mighty Grumman F6F-5 Hellcat in 1/24th scale! - A bit of a beast, but it actually went together fairly straightforwardly - well most plastic kits do compared to wooden model ship in my experience! 😆 The markings I chose were for a Fleet Air Arm Hellcat, JZ935 flown from HMS Indomitable by Sub-Lt T.B.Speak, as you will see from the reference photo, it came to grief on the flight deck (take a close look at the front of the engine, pilot fine...) Family link here is that the Admiral's grandfather served in the Fleet Air Arm on HMS Indomitable at the time, so may have witnessed this or the aftermath; he worked in A/C. maintenance from what I can gather.) First pics of the cockpit, engine to follow when I have resized them.
  9. Maybe have a look at pictures of HMS Trincomalee? Doing a quick image search shows plenty of pictures of her with green patina effect on the waterline you might be after. Think you are right, maybe tone it down, but an interesting way of producing a real effect on copper. 👏 well done! All down to personal taste, but like you I don't like bright and shiny copper, others people do, which is equally valid. Only comment I would make is that the "scale" effect of seeing a ship from the distance required to render is 1/60th it's real size will naturally "mute" any bright/strong colours, but I think a well done and muted green band along the waterline would be a great addition and "talking point" for many copper bottomed models.... thinking about my current build now.... 🤔
  10. Beautiful build, nice to see another CC Bounty under construction, we are at similar stages, I'm also doing the ship's boats and considering the bowsprit. I will follow your build. 👍
  11. Really like the copper plates you have done, the kit provided ones for other builds I've done are all a bit too nice and shiny for my liking and you have gone to the trouble to darken yours, wish I had! So good to see someone making their own - well done! 👏
  12. Well, the cannons are in place this evening with their breeching ropes. I soaked the threads in water so they would lay as desired and brushed over with thin matt varnish (MIG Ammo ultra matt.) so hopefully that will keep them in place on the deck. Next up the tackle, I have stroped the blocks and added hooks, so need to rig them next. Note to self for next build - add cannons and ropes BEFORE anything else on the deck! What a pain trying to do this with the Binnacle/capstan etc. in the way! Doh! 🤭
  13. Likewise there are a few carvings on my CC Bounty, I will photograph and send if you want.
  14. Yes I’m using Birchwood Casey Brass Black, seems to work quite well if you follow the guidance and tips here on MSW. Trick is cleaning the parts and diluting the blackener and not trying to get a jet black finish in one dip. Certainly teaches you patience this hobby of ours! 😂
  15. To be honest some of it does, getting better at blackening metal parts, I used to assume that more blackening = darker metal but it just flakes off / goes crusty. So I'm now more patient and use diluted blackener for less time (a minute or two) and dip the parts more often if I want a darker tone. Still it can wipe off a bit, so a quick touch up with thin black acrylic paint is all I use when I have finished messing about with the part, but mostly it looks okay.
  16. I will second that! Just starting rigging my Bounty cannons, thanks all for sharing your knowledge, makes it so much more accessible for the less experienced amongst us. 👍😄
  17. More block tying today for the cannons, also made some ring bolts for the breeching rope, used some wire wrapped around a cocktail stick. Blackened with Brass blackener, then I cut off "split rings" to thread onto the eyebolt in the cannon carriage. Hopefully the "split" bit of the ring can be hidden under the breeching rope. Mock-up picture attached.
  18. It's a great little programme, makes uploading build log pictures a doddle, thanks for doing this and sharing. 😄
  19. Had a frustrating few evenings tying eyes to blocks and doing the rigging for the Tiller/Wheel. Got there in the end, but wish I had waited for the brilliant advice I got from John @JRB9019 who talked me through his method and sent me a wonderful word document on stropping blocks! 😁 - Thank you John! 👏 Also had a mini disaster when threading the thread through all the blocks and wrapping around the wheel when one of the blocks popped out. ☹️ Took most of this evening to redo. Off to practice with Car sponges / rope & gaffer tape rolls! (will let John explain that one! 🤣)
  20. Hi John, Looking good, I'm just at this stage on my Bounty, looking at how to tie blocks to eyelets and hooks, so glad to come across someone doing the same. Yep CC instructions are brill aren't they! 😆 I've got myself some illuminated headset magnifying lenses, as my eyesight is not what it once was! 🤓
  21. The new Binnacle is from Vanguard models, they do them in 1/64th and 1/72nd scale, sorry not your 1/50th scale! However the McKay AOTS book you have just got does show the Binnacle, so maybe you might try building one from scratch if your kit does not provide one?
  22. Seemed to do a lot of faffing about tonight with not much progress to show, except for the replacement Binnacle from Vanguard installed, it's quite a bit wider than the the CC one, hope that doesn't cause issues down the line.... 🤔
  23. That is a good book and I have been referring to it constantly. Yes it does show up discrepancies with the various kits out there; my Caldercraft Bounty is no exception, all us lesser mortals can do is try and make our kits a little better by referring to sources like McKay and MSW of course! Maybe one day, perhaps, gain the skills to scratch build something! 🤣 Keep up the good work!
  24. Thanks Mike, really hoping to finish this one! I'm enjoying following your Snake build closely, as I have one of those in stock! 😉
  25. You have done a fine job Mike! By coincidence I have just done the catheads on my Bounty build, I only channelled out between holes for the catfalls and didn't do sheaves, I salute your dedication! 👏
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