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Everything posted by S.Coleman

  1. Cheers mate. Well, No it dosnt look like it surprisingly but trust me about 14 different languages were spoken during the course of it.
  2. Love it! I have the Perseverance from modelers shipyard and cant wait to start her. Looks like you are off to a good start.
  3. Hey all. Some more work has been done and progress is good. Finished planking the hull below the wales and added the stem post, keel and about to add the stern post. One rubbing strake has yet to be added about two plank rows above the wales. This whole thing needs a good sand very carefully because the veneer strips are only 1mm thick. Some touch ups to do but im pleased with it so far. Hope you enjoy.
  4. I’m sure a version of AL Scotish Maid has a basic tool kit that comes with it. best of luck and welcome.
  5. I love the fact that you managed to keep on with those bow planks. Looks really good now. And the gun port lids look great. Nice scratch building.
  6. I want to paint the hull an off white colour with the yellow orcre bands on the top. But we'll wait and see how my planking job turns out. I might just want the wood colour yet. Im affraid the exposed unpainted section of wood will be too dark.
  7. Don't worry guys. Im still building. Slowly getting it done. I've gone down the path of the planks termination at the stem. Actualy working out great. Mapping each plank for fitting and the lie of it. Checking and re checking.
  8. Nice job all round. This ship is definitely on my to do list. That stern gallery come up real nice. Especially with the airbrushed windows. Good job.
  9. Time for another update. Better pic quality this time. Continuing on down the sides with last layer. Coming to the tricky part now. Hope you all like so far.
  10. I'll be honest, I used a little bit just to hold the plank until the tightbond PVA took hold. 😁
  11. The first few planks laid down. The slightest curve and the top edge wants to kick out. Using drawing pins to clamp planks down so I have no holes. It’s tedious work but I think I’m winning. What do you think? Look ok?
  12. Strips are way to damn thin! I knew it would be difficult but not this bad. Sorry guys but it might take some time to get right. Try and update soon. cheers to the guys who chipped in. Obviously something I didn’t know before was the hull can be planked two ways. I’ve gone with the replica version. All your feedback is appreciated. Thanks.
  13. At this point of time i have measuered 7 full planks down to the wales. Under the wales I've planned the first spilled plank. As per Chris picture post. Got it marked out on the hull and test bent some planks to see the lie of them. At this stage no clinkering out so could be on a winner? We shall see..
  14. These were taken in Fremantle. I will try to do this with my limited skill and i guess i can only try 😀. Cheers for the pics and you reply.
  15. Keith, The more you chime in the better. Dont be sorry. Everything helps. Im sure i have watched something like that but cant remeber if it was tbe Gothenburg or the Endeavour. I have been warned however the the AOTS book references are not as acurate as you think they are. Which is where the planks are shown all terminating at the stem. Cheers
  16. Looks like you have everything under control. Lovely job so far. I've never done a ship with removable bulkheads before. Good job.
  17. Got the first layer done. Sanded and tidied up. Looks ok from what i can see. We'll see what happens when i start the second layer....
  18. My opinion is i love mamoli kits. Personal preference. Your doing a great job. Its coming along nicely. Checkout my mamoli build of the Friesland if you have time. The log is still on this site. Looking forward to the next layer planking.
  19. Cheers for your input guys. Yes the AOTS book has every plank terminating at the stem. This clears up alot of confusion. You will have to plank it like cabbie has done To get this looking good. That information actualy will be a help. Hoping to het back to her after work today.
  20. And the planking continues..... will open up the hatches before its all covered in. Going surprisingly well considering its my first ship in a while since the Friesland.
  21. Cheers Chris, It’s actaly been awhile since my last ship so it’s all coming back to me again.
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