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Everything posted by S.Coleman

  1. More blocks added and also the running rigging on the fore and main masts is 99% completed.
  2. A far cry from your aggie build. I followed that build and I think I'll follow this too. Great start off.
  3. What a beautiful build. Looks brilliant. The ornamentation sure has come up good. With Mamoli you usually have to scrape and file away lot of burrs from the the metal ornaments.
  4. I thought about doing that in the evenings but it never eventuated. I take my hat off to you living there for that long! I hate the heat! thanks for dropping by to have a peek.👍
  5. Have been making up more coils for the ropes I have belayed to the pins.
  6. Thank you Zappto. Yes I only use a 50:50 mixture of white glue for all rigging. I only use CA to harden the ends of the line when passing them through blocks.
  7. More rigging. Tied blocks to end of yard arms. Not very exciting bit it's progress.
  8. Looks great. Yes the herringbone looks great. But alot of measurements to get it right. I ripped up my deck a couple of times because of this. Good job.
  9. Well I finally got the ship back down off the shelf and readyed everything to continue. The diluted PVA glue was still runny in the container!! A good airtight seal. The next step is to attach the running rigging for the main and fore masts. Hopefully a pic soon.
  10. It won't be long and you would of caught up on me!! I just pulled my build back off the shelf and will be getting stuck back into it. It's looking great. Good job.
  11. Cheers! I see you scratch built your windows too. I think it looks much better that way. Now is the time to paint thoses gun ports before the next deck goes on. I almost made that mistake!
  12. What a nice start! Those pics bring back memories! I am also, very slowly just finishing off my Mamoli Friesland too. More than welcome to check out my build log.
  13. Red paddles with white tips or a single white stripe could be a possibility.
  14. There is alot of popularity of these card kits rising here on the forum. These kits look high quality. And this is seen on this build. Your doing a master job. It all looks neat and tidy. Well done.
  15. I have this exact same kit with the PE and turned brass gun barrels. The hull is only part plated. If you allow I can follow you as my experience with card is very limited. Your log will be extreamly helpful.
  16. A nice start. Good choice of wood glue too. Same stuff I use. Nice job.
  17. What an interesting little build. The hull is looking great. Good work. Could be lots of possibilities with Extra detailing later on.
  18. Cheers captainsteve. Yes I'm regretting it now!!
  19. Haha. Can i not get a break. Have been posted to a place called Port Hedland for a little while😡😡😡. So no modeling. I was thinking of bringing up a few tools and the rest of the dowels so I can finish off the rest of the yards but it never happend. I guess you do have to be very patient in this hobby. There is really not alot to go. Just some running rigging etc.
  20. Most interesting build. Your actually doing a great job. Looking good for a first card model. Some of the plans for card models are abit confusing but it all works out later. Good job.
  21. Well its almost time for Dad to leave. That means back to the Friesland soon. He was most impressed and wondered where I got my patience from. Will hope to have an update for you guys soon.
  22. It would be interesting how accurate these were for setting correct height etc. Probably wouldn't rely too much on them.
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