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Everything posted by S.Coleman

  1. Cheers Harry. Downloads opened no problem. I like how it even has the degrees for mast angles. This will help out a ton.
  2. Not too bad progress. Bulkheads had alot of fudging around to finaly get planks to lay properly. Probaly going to be few and far between with photos as the planking process takes its time.
  3. Hey there mate. Just wondering how you endeavour went?  Was just looking through your build log as I’m doing the same ship now.   Cheers

    1. hof00


      Hi Chap,

      Things on hold a bit at the mo.

      Endeavour is tucked away in storage for now.

      Looking at moving shortly to Taranaki from Wellington, have sold the house, bought another but no one can move....


      Endeavor is planked, but not happy with the Decks which I'll be sanding back in the near future.

      Not particularly happy with the build overall but time will tell.


      I need to finish Sanson before Endeavour. (Something I need to do starting tomorrow before I go "Stir Crazy!!"


      Happy to send you some photos on PM if you wish or offer otherwise advice. 🙂


      Cheers and Regards,




  4. Yeah sounds about right. I've covered over that hole in the hope i can place it further forward. Plans are so vague on this one.
  5. Started on the deck planking. Didn't like the way it looked with the caulking so ripped it up and started again. AOTS book has the hatches on the waist deck in differnt positions. It shows the main hatch closer to the aft deck step and another hatch a little bit forward from it. I will add in joins and scarf joints later as i find it easier that way.
  6. To let the planks lie 100% on the bulkheads where they bend towards the bow and stern I've marked out the edge of the bulkhead with a black marker. This is so i don't sand too much off the bulkhead profile.
  7. Thanks for checking in. I will look into the mizzen mast dimensions a bit more now I think with that info. This book should help with a lot of small details that the kit has left out.
  8. Removing the frames from the boards was a bit tricky, laser not cut all the way through. After removal a quick sand and now a dry fit. Instructions have the bulkheads numbered but not on the actual pieces so it was a bit of a jigsaw getting the correct order. I have the AOTS book to help along the way.
  9. Ok first of all hello guys and gals. It's been almost three years since my last log on here. I had built the Friesland by mamoli. The build log is still here. So I got this kit awhile ago on a buy, swap and sell page. It's an old one but the wood inside is very well preserved. No warping, The rubber bands holding the strips together has long since perished. Decide to have a crack at it and see where we go from there.
  10. Hull looks superb. I like the deck planking patterns
  11. Lots of detail for this kit. Really nice looking build. How did you etch the plates into the hull?
  12. Looking very clean. It's great when all goes together smoothly.
  13. Those grates are very brittle and fiddly. I remember doing these on my Mamoli Friesland. Yours are looking good though. Nice work.
  14. Good to see another mamoli build. These are good builds.
  15. I wish you all the best. It looks great so far. I love Mamoli kits, this will be a great build.
  16. I rekon once the first planks of the hull are on and all looks aligned it will come up very solid.
  17. That looks good. With the bulkheads hollowed out and the keel only going up so far it looks flimsy. Take your time it shall be good.
  18. I do like a Mamoli build. Looks like a beautiful ship to build. Hope the bulkheads come right.
  19. Victory as a first wooden build will be an eye opener. Looking good.
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