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Everything posted by shipman

  1. During the Napolionic era I understand a barrel of apples was often on deck for the crew.
  2. Thanks David, that's a resource I was unaware of.
  3. You make the impossible possible. Incredible craftsmanship is overwhelming.
  4. Apologies Pop, I pulled your posted instructions from my own files (for my own use) some time ago and re-posted them to help David. My intentions were pure, unlike my cheating black heart! I do now have a set of the originals, but not a big enough scanner.
  5. I would also recommend 'dafi's' etch sheet which contains VAST numbers of hooks, eye-bolts, kleats etc in a wide variety of sizes. Have a look on his web site, he has a range of etch at very good prices and quick delivery.. Put the commission cheque in the post, dafi LOL.
  6. Just found this gem on the forum. What a fabulous model.
  7. David, I've attempted to download the Revel instruction sheets here. If it works, then I hope this is useful to you.
  8. I've been a graphic artist for 50 years. Give me a drafting board, squares, protractor, ruler and pencil and I've never had a job defeat me. That little lot costs little. When CAD came along and I could see what the outlay for a basic set up would cost and the TIME needed LEARN how to do the most basic work.....well that's when I felt the world had gone mad. There again, I was never going to be an aero development draughtsman and understand these skills are required today. BUT it isn't that long ago it was ALL done on paper. Even by someone as dumb as me. It was all about real human communication and contact. There again, here I am 'talking' to you on the web. Never could do that before!
  9. What a splendid conversion. I've been toying with a similar project. This build is an inspiration, well done!
  10. George, your build shows what can be achieved with skill and vision. It shows what can be done with humble material at little cost. I'm full of admiration, well done mate.
  11. Totally absorbed by all of this. Dafi can do no wrong.
  12. BOB, just found this:- ''Then the high explosives were put into shells. It was noted: “This is done by women workers. “It is done firstly by hand, with the use of a boxwood rammer, and finally under hydraulic pressure.” Presumably boxwood was hard enough to be durable as a tool and wouldn't create sparks. See below. https://www.nwemail.co.uk/features/nostalgia/16458441.king-visits-barrow-shipyard-and-morecambe-shell-filling-factory-in-1917/
  13. Chairs are made from Satin Wood. Clogs are made from Sandal Wood. Crates and chests are made from Box Wood. Any more useful woods?
  14. I hope it can be useful to accept the difference between an 'academic' model and an 'interpretive' model. Both have their merits to different people. One demonstrates theoretic accuracy, the other a satisfying 'artistic' interpretation.
  15. A long time ago I had a temporary job in Bedford Museum as a dogsbody, doing whatever I was asked to do. One task was to make a display of a pile of Victorian ivory fans. Unfortunately I dropped a lovely pierced filigree example which shattered into a zillion pieces! OMG I was truly mortified. It would have been easy to sweep it up and pretend it hadn't happened. With my guilty heart in my mouth I reported it to the curator, expecting dismissal on the spot. 'Mmm,' he said, 'follow me'. Which I did, knuckles dragging on the floor. He took me to a vast wall of mahogany drawers and silently slid one open. 'Don't fret, lad, we've plenty more here'. This drawer must have contained over a hundred of fans similar to the one I'd destroyed. It turned out ok, I'd proven my honesty and was allowed anywhere to look at and touch anything in the museum. Sadly my three months were soon over; I left with a heavy heart. I'd had the most wonderful time and learned valuable lessons.
  16. Hi, looking forward to read your build. I've invested quite a bit in additional parts and built a work station out of an old ironing board (pictures of which are somewhere on these forums). Not started yet. I have the etch decorations for the stern and bow and have been wondering which is the cleanest way of gluing them on (after painting the hull?). Just bought another kit off fleabay, which I think is a bit of a 'find'. Looks to be a 1960 UK first issue. All the mouldings are a lot fresher as you'd expect. It all seems to be there. This issue has no vac form sails or crew figures included. Also included is an original Revell boxed set of untouched enamel bottled paints and original boxed tube of cement. Plus the little 'historical' booklet. Amazing surviving novelty. The original 1959 American issue had portholes all along the sides, which are depicted on the box art I have. So the kit is the first modified moulding which doesn't have them. After 60 years it has survived without any breakages or lost any parts. Even the pre-painted copper on the hull is almost unblemished. Considering how beat up the box is, it all looks good, fresh and new. I've clipped and re-bagged the sprue's for safety. The kit I'm building has much better printed instructions, though the original drawings are displayed differently, with minimally modified captions. One for the stash. (Picture is an archive image)
  17. Hi Bob. Actually, I would be bowled over; but realistically I'd be honest. Flattered and grateful as I would be, I'd have to say I'm in no position to accept the responsibility. It would be better where it was.
  18. I try to love everyone. There are those who choose not to be loved. Certainly freshened up this dormant post with new perspectives Not one perfectly built and rigged model ship can replace all the love in your world. Don't sail for too long in icy seas. If I was (improbably) gifted an obscure, original 18th century model of a Cutter by the NMM collection, I don't think I'd have the discourtesy to say, 'Well, that's all well and good, but aren't you going to have the forestay re-rigged first?'
  19. JerseyCity Frankie, I'm sorry if I touched a nerve here. It wasn't an attempt to infer any criticism of your views. If I've offended you and/or anyone else on this forum, then please accept my sincere apologies.
  20. No one should be inhibited from building their model of choice to their own satisfaction and abilities. Very few have the resources to build into their model complete historical accuracy. It is their hobby too. I agree it is laudible to do the best you can, but don't spoil another's pleasure in their past-time. Who knows, their next project may be very different. Encouragement is what is needed.
  21. Hi, I have five of these books:- The Naval War of1812. The Victory of Sea Power. The Campaign of Trafalgar. Nelson Against Napoleon. Fleet Battle and Blockade. Were there others in this compelling series? I'd be grateful if someone would let me know which (if any) I'm missing.
  22. I've made several comments about the Science Museum debacle and the state of the Longridge model just before the entire collection 'vanished'. SHAMEFULL. The book is a masterpiece written by a true historian and master model maker. I have two copies and am struggling to justify a third!
  23. Just a thought on this topic, guys. Donald McNarry used to swear by Seccotine glue all his modelling life. It's a water soluble refined fish glue and has a good shelf life and still available.
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