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Dan Vadas

Gone, but not forgotten
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Everything posted by Dan Vadas

  1. Muggebigge, I know what ship it is and it's NOT the Cutty Sark. Sorry to disappoint you . I'm staying out of this game for a few days as I won't be on-line. Danny
  2. Yay - Michael has it . Your turn mate. Danny
  3. A bit more recent than that Jan . Try 1993. Not the Col Seth Warner Nigel. Danny
  4. Nigel, try US Army (yes, they have a few ships ). Danny
  5. - Anthony, it's not HMS Censored. In fact, it's not a Navy vessel (clue). Danny
  6. Sorry about that cheif . This one should be fairly easy : Danny
  7. Stanislav Yudin, Heavy Lift Crane Ship. LINK Danny
  8. Thank you Tony, Brian, Toni, Grant and Alistair. Brian, the stain was spirit based Wattyl. I've thinned it down even more on the rest of the breech ropes (about 60% turps). The first one can go right down the back under the quarterdeck. Hi Alistair, good to see you back again. Enjoy the ride . Here's a couple of pics of a completed gun. I'm going to show them all as "run out" except for Number 3 which will be at full recoil with a train tackle : Danny
  9. Too easy Anthony - that's Australian gambling tycoon James Packer's new boat "Arctic P". If I'm right I'll give this one to Mark - I'm going away for three days at my holiday van and won't be available on MSW. Danny
  10. Mark, it sounds like you may have got it first but ..... you didn't give me the name/number in your post . So the winner has to be Anthony - well done mate. Your turn. Danny
  11. Nope David. As far as I'm aware she only has a Number, not a Name. She was the 16th of 22 built of her type. Danny
  12. You're in the right ball park Anthony, but "she" is neither of those. More clues - apart from generators and pumps she is un-powered. Launched in 1944. Danny
  13. Hi Grant, Good work on the setup - I'm going to do the same myself. I used "store-bought" 2mm blocks to rig the guns on Vulture - wish I'd made my own now (about 20% of them didn't even have holes ). Don't bother with a drill press unless you need the extra height. Rather, invest in the "Sensitive Drilling Attachment" for the Sherline Mill. It's FAR better for drilling tiny holes accurately without breaking drill bits. Danny
  14. Hi Nils, I advise that you do the rudder before anything else. You really should have done it long ago, as the hull will need to be turned upside-down to drill several of the bolt holes more easily - it can be done the right way up, but it's a lot more difficult. Danny
  15. Thanks Druxey. The Breeching line does look a bit stark, doesn't it? I was thinking of giving it a bit of very light stain. I'm still in two minds about the quoin handles too - if I'd have had enough tiny wooden belaying pins (my first choice) I'd have used them. Only had two left in my stock of used kit parts though . Danny
  16. Side Tackles The Side Tackles were used to run out the guns. Each side has two single 6" blocks which have a hook stropped to them. One block also has a becket to take the end of the line, which is eye-spliced to it. I've made up one of these tackles so far to see how it looks, and also to give me the method for doing all sixteen of them. In the pics below you can see the attachments to the carriage and spirketting - the line will be tidied up when the guns are installed permanently : Danny
  17. Breech Rigging continued Once I had worked out the length of the Breeching on the first gun I made a jig to get them all the same. The pics are self-explanatory on the method I used. The piece that the gun sits on is a nice tight fit inside the carriage to support it up away from the base - this gives me room to wrap the seizing around quite comfortably. The wires used to hold the two rings were spaced apart for length from the ones on the first gun : All eight guns with their Breeching : Danny
  18. Hi Nils, I'm glad you have found my build log useful in your construction of Pegasus. Feel free to ask me for any future advice - happy to help out . I've had a look at your build - a very interesting way you are building her. It's a little bit like the way I built a kit of the Bounty with the more open framing to give a better view of the insides - not "historically accurate" as you mention, but a lot more visible. I too got my inspiration for ship modelling when i first saw a couple of brilliant examples years ago and thought I'd love to build something like that one day - still doing it . Hi Toni, Good to see you back on my build log . "Lead time" for the gun barrels was about 3 months - at one stage I thought they would NEVER get here . Danny
  19. Hi Nils, I saw your post on my build log so I thought I'd check out your "Peggy Sue". Yoicks - FOUR MONTHS ???? You are already a mile ahead of my Vulture, and I've been working on her for a bit over TWO YEARS. Yes, I think you can safely say that the time it has taken you is "adequate" . A very interesting approach you have taken here - not entirely "historically accurate" as you admit yourself, but very nicely done anyway. At your current rate of work you should have her fully rigged before Christmas . For your planned galley stove, take a look at the way I made mine - click HERE - I used mostly wood for the main body, painted to resemble cast iron. Danny
  20. Not yet Brian - I managed to score some really nice stuff from a deceased estate (a former ship modeler's son). I think there is enough in the box I got to do the whole ship . Danny
  21. Thanks for the input Janos, Michiel, Mark, Brian and Pat. Janos and Mark - quite right. The tackle you are both referring to was called the "Train Tackle". It was used to hold the gun inboard for reloading when the ship was heeling sufficiently to need it. My Breeching may be a fraction long, but as I am going to show the guns as "run out" it won't be at all noticeable. There is actually enough room for the train tackle and eyebolt on the gun I used as a "template" (I actually shortened the breeching by 2mm after taking this pic). You can see the position for the eyebolt in the pic below marked with a red X. The gun isn't quite centred in the port in these pics - when it is correct everything SHOULD line up : Pat - yes, I'm using exactly the same method for rigging the breeching as you describe. TFFM says that either method would be suitable for the time period. Danny
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