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Everything posted by Knocklouder

  1. The First Mate hopes you make a video, I think she just wants to shame me again about how I put it in the bottle. Lol. Those sails are great, and I agree with you about Gary's work been to his page many times. You never cease to amaze my freind, looking forward to seeing Ragnar!!!!!!! Lol 😆 🤣
  2. That was yesterday today I took it out of the box went to work. Not sure if I got the scale is right, can't find it on the box. After the deck go's on it was the sails.10 minutes and the first two mast had sails on. Then I added all the sails. Moving along to the side balconies then the rear of the ship. Then all the lanterns and I found these little Birch Bark cut off I had laying around A couple coats of shellac done. It was quick , easy and fun. Not going to put it in the gallery though lol. But I am going to give this one to my daughter in-law for her birthday. And the Viking Iron star to my oldest son , which will have a different base. Ok this one is Finish lol on to the next 🤣 😂
  3. Hello, I got this model for Christmas, stocking stuffer. Actually I got two this one and a Viking Iron star 1:100 scale but I think it's smaller lol. No glue, just needle nose pliers and side cutter. Which I thought would be different no glue , deadeyes , sails or BOTTLE LOL. You get two sheets of metal to take the peices off. After studying the plan a bit , it looked like I just had to follow along number by number..It shows you were to twist it on and were to fold the little tabs at a 90 degree angle. So away I go. First this is not a metal model it's tin foil lol. And did I mention tiny. Lol. After five pieces the deck and rigging were done . I used a paper towel tube to form the hull and snaped it on and called it a night. So I will finish tomorrow . This is a fun one lol
  4. Nice job , I started The Queen Anne's Revange by piece cool yesterday just have 6 sails left to put on. So I did a search for metal ship to see if we make a logs for it and yours pop up. You can thank @Glen McGuire for getting me hooked on small things lol Anyway nice model talk soon Bob M.
  5. Lapinas, hello was just thinking, I wonder if you ever finished your sails. So glad you got your sails. All that care and attention to details is going to pay off big time . I like my Santa Maria, but yours is nicer great job, looking forward to the finish line. Will you be building the other two ships,La Nina and the Pinta ???
  6. This is some amazing work, Rob. I will be following along it's going to be fantastic to see when done 0
  7. Agent of Shield, Bond-Weld- Bond 0014, because you are twice as good as 007 lol, very nice looking water, I can all most see the Kraken drinking the ship,
  8. Thanks everyone, for the three logs I followed thank you . For all the likes and comments thank you. Now if you ever want to build one go ahead they are insanely fun frustrating and when done it will be a nice gift. Now that's it is done it is hard to say good bye lol . 😆 Really glad it's done. Would I do .. another .. I put it to you this way, when I finish all my models that I have I think about it lol. 😏. So now it's done for me. Was going to mark it as finished had to go back an learn how 🤔 when I got hear it was there 😆 🤣 😂 Thanks @ccoyle. @Glen McGuire, @gjdale, @Glen McGuire, @Landlubber Mike thank you. I APPRECIATE IT. I looked at your logs for hour and hour's . Basically that's how I pulled this off thanks it was fun. To any I missed thank you. NOW back to the Mayflower 😆 😆
  9. Wow that's lookin good Brian, I would blacking them my self, but it's your choice, I would agree to anything today lol , got my bottle done
  10. Ok , Did you guys hear the scream of joy. Yes the Hannah is in the bottle. I made a little video of putting it in, you can hear things bending to the point of breaking. When it finally slipped in, you can hear a big sigh of relief. I glued it in places , let it dry good then the fun began. Started pulling the out the lines all felt good,then snap frist pull line broke. Then the other one broke. I could see one sail off and the rear mast was bent badly 😢. 7 hours later I got it the point where I could live with it . Hannah is going to love her Hannah can't wait to give her the ship 💗 💓 The water was made by painting the bottom of the bottle with super glue , then blue, then I scratched the blue and then painted the white. Then I scratched some fish lol just made little marks on the bottle, then painted it black to show up good. Looks like sharks at the back and a couple of whales on the front. I LOVE IT! So now I have to clean it up ,glue on the bottle...easy fix. Now I needto come up with a stand.
  11. That is some amazing detailed work. I willl be following along . Nice
  12. Well today we dug our selfs out of the snow. Not bad waiting for the next one lol. With not being able to go to the model store for water effects, I played around with super glue and blue paint. It was going OK on the practice jar, but then I realized I can't paint the bottle that was supplied , no way to paint in the corner. So I thought out side the bottle in this case lol. Painted the strip on the bottom white scratches for waves and a few black spots for whales. I wish it was going to be that easy on the real bottle. Now for the stand I am thinking a mirror back ground on a oak frame, so you can see more than one ship . Have to see how that looks. So now I will paint the bottom of my bottle seal it with shellac, slip the ship in and put it on the stand. My path along seems straight forward. But you never know . These pictures will show you what I am going for. A great weight is off now that the ship part is finished. Now let's see what happens with it when I smash it up and bring it back to life. LOL.
  13. Ohh , only if I could . I am so anxious to get back to the Mayflower. Then I want to build the Nina, follow by Viking Long Boat, or the Sea of Galalie boat. Then I should be ready for the Pegasus lol. And after that I get to buy any model I want LOL
  14. I remember when I joined 20 months ago I was so over whelmed with all the amazing logs and thought never going to happen. One ship at a time lol now that I have finished one I have three on the go One just about finished , one half way, one waiting for parts. And too make matters worse I am thinking of the Pegasus all the time lol. This is the funniest, finest hobby I every had . My head spins with all the ideas I find here.
  15. Ok this is as far as I go I am done. No rat lines I surrender that's it LOL. I can't do anything until I put the water in. Who knows when ,plus I still have no Idea what stand I will make . So until bottle time see ya!!! I will talk to you all soon.
  16. Wow both you guys have great looking sails. I went with the kit sails, mainly because I have not looked into making my own sails . There is so much to learn here about ships. Some day maybe. This is my Hannah rigged. Not an easy job . But some how I think I got it. There is a few lines that I have to tighten, a few sails to surcure , but for the most part I think the rigging is done. Despite the kit sails, which I think are to large looking they do look nice, and after it is in the bottle it will look great lol. Thanks @Glen McGuire for the advice on the water. Amazon wants double the price that I can get from a hobby store in the city. So will go there, but not today we are in for another round of winter, hooray more shoveling. Here are a few pictures of were I am at now. Going to start looking for some stand ideals. P.S. I forgot the shrouds and rat lines oh boy.
  17. This is the place to be
  18. Today is anchor day. After repairing the little peices I broke off , looks like I am ready to tackle this job. Yep they are not spaced right but who will see lol. The anchors are just hung by bending the eye bolt, will they fall off when I rap it all up and stick it the bottle? Also looking at making water, I been looking on Amazon too many products. I won't need much , no room to spare lol. I put a mast on temporarily to get a measurement 2/ 3/4 . I think I have 3 inches to work with going to be tight. It seem to go in and out of the bottle now but don't have the sails on. I stained the sails, but It didn't take the stain, may brush a little paint on before I insert the ship for the last time. The first Mate sewed on the bolt ropes, after I glued them on with G-S hypo cement. Was not sure if the glue wood hold after crumpling the sails up so we sewed them on as well Its going well but this is so tiny, I really like doing this ship in the bottle, but will be really, really glad to get back to my 1:60 scale Mayflower model lol. Ok need water advice very small amount lol. Later my friend's. Bob M.
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