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Everything posted by Knocklouder

  1. This is the place to be, as you know, lots will help along the way Happy. Building!!
  2. Amazing detail,very nice ship. Someday I hope I will be able to plank like you ,very nice job. Bob M.
  3. LOL I wonder how many of us here, lets say miss handle their models
  4. Me again, what I see, you need a really sharp wood scraper, take the high edges off ever so slightly then sand you will be good, you are close to perfection my friend
  5. Hello, this is what I do , careful maybe not the best ideal lol, I use a heat gun a guick second and move things around, I think I read that this weakens the glue, careful to much heat and you pop everything. I also use saw dust and glue, just a little glue lots of dust spread over just the cracks sand good and your good to go.. But this is what I do may not be correct lol. Bob M.
  6. Hi Dave, careful its a deep hole Lol. There are a lot of people here who will help just ask, they are more than willing to help. Most of all have fun
  7. Morning Dave, I was just going to send you a message about how to do a water line and there you go answering it, lol 😀 Are you sure you can give this one away its a great looking model,great stand!!
  8. Ahoy nice ship, this is the place to be !!!
  9. Hello, Dave_E this is my plank bending station. I just heated it up and in seconds after it gets hot, have four bent all ready to reattach them. Well it is hot I bent a few for each side, just before I start to install the planks I use a heat gun to reheat and glue them in place, works for me. As for planking the right way I am still learning, I have a very hard time reading and writing, add numbers to the equation and I am lost. I have to do it Frist then make the corrections if needed, I won't let my lack of reading ,writing, and math stop me from having this much fun,yes my ship won't be historical correct, and they won't be put together right either lol but they are mine and I love them lol My MSW friend Louie da fly told me awhile ago as time goes by you don't see your little mistakes anymore just a fine model and he was right. I still get goosebumps when I look at my Santa Maria lol 😆 . So I am starting to fix the Mayflower and finish the planking then paint the bottom white and seal the rest post when I get to that point. Have fun my friends ,talk soon I am sure Lol 😆
  10. Hello and welcome, I am relatively new at modelling. I learned that you should only put a spot of glue on the first and last shroud line, it keeps it flexible. Just a drop on the end of the lines you cut off, works for me others have their way, you will soon have many ways of making them pick the one that you like. That just my thoughts Bob M.
  11. The is the place to be!!!! What ever you pick run with it, modeling is addicting so be careful or you end up with 7 models Lol 😆 😂
  12. And this is what it looked like today shees, I punched a hole with the back end of my 10 blade as I was applying pressure to the planks bang right though. Well at least I can fix it . This is such a fun build, I am having way to much fun.lol Anyway it going good despite the set back.Talk soon Bob M.
  13. lol no its just going good. But now planking is slow!!!
  14. . The decks turned out great, the reason I had to redo them was because I used this marker for the planks it bleed though the sealer ugly mess. So I moved on to the hull planking. The new plank bender works really well. It so nice to bend the planks to the right shape before glueing them. The planks should just stick on but as soon as you glue it you feel like a surgeon asking for more clamps, more clamps, Lol 😆 Planking POB,is not all that bad I was worried about it. But it is preceding nicely, soon I will be below the paint line so mistakes can be covered lol. You wonder why you paint this nice wood when finished but I understand it is because of some worm that ate the wood, Number one reason for painting Protection!!! Well this is were I am at now so post when I get to the keel lol . Thanks for the likes and help !!!!! Bob M.
  15. Well yesterday I stain the deck today I scraped it off. Lol But I think it turn out ok Also I threw a bunch of Gorilla glue on the stren but it cleaned up well too ,, lol
  16. This is where I am right now just getting ready to start plaking the lower hull. After I watch Chucks video on plaking again. I see the Speedwell is coming along, He must be so excited about it, I was when I started the Mayflower, this will be my first plank on bulk heads Pob. Lol Well get to try my new Amati plank Bender , the bow on the Mayflower is quite rounded this will be fun .I let you know how it goes . Ok later my friend's .
  17. Ahoy,this is a fun build so far lol. It going together nicely. I Did the decks then blacking some deck planks with a black marker . Next came the sides ,lots of glue and clamps but she on lol.
  18. Yes Great news I want one for sure and as soon as I am aloud to buy models again this is the one for sure !! And It will be one of yours if I can find one then LOL
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