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Everything posted by Knocklouder

  1. Today I used the GAC 400 on my sails with what I think are great results. Thanks so much for the tip. Reading the logs , or should I say looking at the pictures in the logs you come up with SO many ideals, you see one oohh I got to do that ,then you see another one and says I should have done that lol 😆 The GAC 400 was easy the way I did it, was brush on a good coat on both sides of the sails. Then shape them into what I thought would look like wind. Then let them dry. I also work on my sign , I just have to find a pearl for it.
  2. As they say here ,,Pulling up a chair. Cant wait to see what you come up with this time😁 You know your the reason I am hitting the bottle lol
  3. Ahoy, I pulled the Pinta off the shelf, reciving my GAC 400 today.. I will attempt to document the process.. So I just have to curve my sails then hang them. How long can that take lol. .I can see the finish line on this one, and very happy with the way it is looking. I am improving a little on my builds,wish I could say the same for my computer skill lol ,sorry to all members for high jacking their logs, Very slow learner, and the typos lol. But I have only been a member for less than two years, and I had to learn how to spell, type, computers and how to build ships. Ok , off to do the sails later all.
  5. I had an axe turn into a snake right in my hands, had to quit drinking for almost 2 hours lol, Welcome home Dave
  6. Wow, this is all over my head, I just wanted to send my grandson his build log, My son said don't worry about all of this, but now James is going to get involved, he's a busy man don't bother him. The son knows of my fear of authorities tells me if James is getting involved your getting booted lol. And I have not learned how to make water yet. lol. Was not my intention to cause a problem
  7. Well what can I say, my son read this and looked at me and said right click and save. All browsers are different, my question is too vague. I was not trying to back up, just copying that page for the grandson so he can see it some day, on his computer. He taps me on the back of my head and said ask ship questions lol not computer questions 😅 🤣 We can green check this lol sorry!! Lol
  8. Hello, can someone tell me how to back up my entire log please? For example, I want to back up Ramsey's mermaid pirate ship. Please explain to me how to do it so I can show my son how to do it. Thank you. If I try I will delete something lol
  9. Awesome sheilds, makes me want to start my Drakkar, but I got three on the go now lol, very nice 😀 And have a Happy New Year
  10. No I never noticed, here let me use my new BIG arrow button to go back up. Yep its there lol Have a Great new year hollowneck and to all of yours !!!
  11. Newbie for ever lol 😆 Just spent 30 minutes trying to figure out how I got this big arrow that when I press it goes to the top of the page lol. Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain Happy New Year everyone ....
  12. Glad it helped, as far as the Speedwell go's its a pipe dream, by the time I finish all that I have to do they will be sold out lol .Have fun building
  13. Hey Andy you can do it, go to your Frist post 3 little buttons click on there edit change the date then save. Do not delete lol hope it helps.
  14. Hi Andy, top of this page there are 3 little lines, click on those then to Article Date Base, look for MSW guidelines they tell you in there I hope I said that right,I have a hard time reading writing and mostly comprehending Lol .If that doesn't work for you ask a moderator they will help they always help Happy New Year 😊
  15. Pick one that you like and run with it, so many here will help if you ask you'll see !!
  16. Just today I started looking , on how to make water, yours is amazing , I want to be on the list of that NRG online work shop for sure unbelievable work
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