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Stephen schultz

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About Stephen schultz

  • Birthday May 30

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    Williamsburg VA & Los Angeles CA USA
  • Interests
    Reading, history, photography

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  1. Exceptional work and build log. Thank you for sharing as all followers and commenters clearly gained much pleasure from you efforts and skill. Thank you and congratulations on a superior result.
  2. You are doing spectacular work and I love your attitude. Your posts are delightful. Thank you for taking us on your journey.
  3. Spectacular work. Enjoying watching your progression. Thank you for sharing.
  4. Spectacular work. And great camera pictures, they really capture your model details. thanks for sharing. Stephen
  5. I just found your builder log. Great work. It seems to be coming along nicely. I look forward to following along. Keep up the good work. Your previous ships look great as well. thank you for sharing.
  6. Jim, Spectacular update as you promised. You certainly delivered. Your progress is looking crisp and fresh. Love the overall colors. I haven’t touched a model in 38 years. I’m looking to reintroduce myself to this fabulous hobby. I think I will take your advice and start with one of Chris’s Scottish fishing boats (Fifie or Zulu) to sharpen my skills and then perhaps this Sphinx… Your work is striking and Chris’s kits are amazing. I look forward to watching your progress. Keep up the good work. Stephen
  7. Hi James, The ship is looking spectacular. Your craftsmanship is fabulous and a real joy to watch unfold. I look forward to seeing your progress. Thank you for sharing. Stephen
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