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Posts posted by marktiedens

  1. I have decided to add a stern lantern since I have never seen a ship of this era without one.I robbed a lantern from an old model of a dutch ship & modified it slightly.It had some red plastic inserts to represent glass so I removed them & made new inserts out of some clear acetate I had left over from my CC Victory.The separate panes were simulated with some fiberglass screen repair material.





  2. I feel for you Salty - having built the old version of this kit a number of years ago it seems as though they have cheapened it up somewhat.Mine had no laser etched decking or balsa & although the instructions were sketchy the plans & materials were pretty good.It was a pleasure to build & made into a nice looking model right out of the box.The first planking was lime & the second planking was a honey colored "walnut".



  3. Finally able to do some light work on my ship. :) Slowly working on the masts - foremast finished.Not perfect but neither is the rest of the build.Had to make new mast caps as the kit ones were ugly plywood & didn`t show the metal bands holding the upper sections to the caps.The dowels for the masts are walnut so they are probably a little darker than they should be.Got some of Chuck`s blocks - super nice.







  4. I have built this kit & it does make into a nice model.The biggest flaw is the lower gunport metal frames - they need to be set back farther than the plans indicate or the cannons will stick out too far.Plans & instructions are ok.



  5. Frank,


    I juat took some semi-gloss black acrylic paint & thinned it about 5 to 1 with acrylic thinner & painted the cannons with it 5 or 6 times.It didn`t darken them all that much but it made the details stand out better.Seemed to give them a sort of antiqued look.Yours may already look similar.You might try experimenting with different ratios of thinner - if using acrylics you can always wash it off before it dries if you don`t like it.



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