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Everything posted by Sjors

  1. That's a nice update Aldo, You are gonna be sniffing at the dark side? And don't listen to that guy Mobbsie. In about 6 weeks we are visiting him and the Admiral and he is a little bit nervous about that…...
  2. That looks fantastic Theo, And very once gunport lid! Very good job. Are you putting them all to the ship or are you waiting till you have done the planking ?
  3. Hi Augie, Did you find all the eggs that is hide in your workshop? And easter is very quit here. Just a little bit building. I've seen that Mirage. The same kit but totally different. He did a good job on her. When the time is there to do the ratlines I'll be asking for your help
  4. Thank you Sir Aldo Because I have every 5 weeks a week free of work…... Then it's building time. You have to do something with your time….
  5. Thanks Aldo, Glad to see you back again my friend. I've missed you ( and not only me)! Greetings and a big hug from Anja Still no time for the shipyard? We will wait for the updates when you have them
  6. Grant is calling for Voldemort Aldo…….. And yes, pictures please!
  7. Hi Peter, When I look to your name I think that you or one of your relatives are from the Netherlands…... Nice to see a Dutch ship. I take a seat next to John I will see how you bring this to an end. The things I see so far are is very nice. Heb plezier van je bouw (Enjoy your build)
  8. Good morning Piet, Your bakkie leut and koekie are on the table….. Help your self Thanks for the good words. Augie, Thanks you for helping me out with the ratlines. When I'm on that stage, I remind you to give me some encouragement…...
  9. Hi Jim, Just take your time. We entertain you when it's needed…... When you are back on track with your new home everything will come together. Thanks Grant, Starting the rigging…... I just find out that the masts are 3 storages high ,so that's gonna be a lot of ratlines! Maybe when I am almost at the end, I like it Thanks Ben, Yes, she is large. But real fun! For a few months she was in storage and I think that that was not to bad. Now I'm enjoying again building on her.
  10. Hi Mobbsie my friend ( and Anja's ) Thanks for dropping in. Take some coffee……( If the admiral don't give you) You have your wood already? If you have enough, save some for me
  11. Hi Jim, Glad to hear from you! You are now camping in your new house…. The start is there, in a few weeks you are settled? It's time that you go back to the shipyard... Thanks for the nice words
  12. That looks great Kevin, I like your Victory! Let those pictures coming!
  13. Hi Wayne, Funny cartoons…. Are they all that happy? @Andy, What do you find so disturbing……. Those dancing people? It is ( what Augie is saying) a disco vessel…. @ Frank, Thanks for dropping inn. No fear Frank, otherwise Anja is chasing me…... And yes, I'm very happy with how she looks now. On to the next challenge……bowsprit! And the other masts.
  14. Thanks Andy, Just watt I was saying……..fun ship with teeth
  15. No worries Sherry, We are only shooting with words….. I don't want to damage that rowing boat from Augie…..
  16. Hi patrick, Anja don't mind . The only thing she is saying that i have to be on land when the ship sails…... I hope that it not takes to long before I can do the rigging. I just started on the bowsprit. But I have also to make the canon port lids. We will how quick it goes.
  17. Thank you Sherry , Signature after the build
  18. Hi Børge, That a lot of snow….. You can dig a tunnel to go out…... And I was complaining about a little snow that we have. Good luck with your shovel
  19. Frank, Incredible job you have done and still doing! I don't want to destroy that so I give my captains the order to chase another ship….like a Syren or something like that?
  20. Hi Augie, Thank you thank you and Dank je…... I have my moment when I look at her when I take the pictures. I'm very happy ! And I have to agree with you…. I have to put some music on, a few dancing girls and party time. When you shooting at her and you missed then………you really need glasses! But thanks again. It almost looks if you are impressed
  21. Thanks Patrick, I think the Mirage has to loose some pounds now……. She's very heavy !
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