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Everything posted by Sjors

  1. Hi my friend, Also congratulations from me at your promotion. Did you notice that i'm learning Augie Dutch???? Sjors
  2. Augie, At the moment i'm typing on the I-pad of Anja, so no smileys.... The lids are above the canons. It's not a paper ship! But a lot of work....so still no rigging. Sjors
  3. Hi Jim, I want to describe only what i'm doing but when I do that I know that there are a lot of guy's who complaining about it! So now and then a picture. But the only thing they are doing is makes me funny…... Do you know why?????? @ Augie, I bring my Mirage to the zoo. My house is not that big that I can have a fully load of bananas. And in the meanwhile I not counting any knot or ratline…... I'm have my hands full on the gun port lids…... And that takes a while When the time is there to go on the rigging, I let you know. @ Jim, Is that answer your second question?
  4. one yard, two yards, three yards……that's a long distance…….
  5. Guy's, I say it somewhere but ok, here it comes again…... I like you guy's but go further at this way and it turns to the other side ! @Andy & Grant, I think you know me to much…... I'm still looking for things that i can do before I have to start at the rigging…... But no worries guy's, I found a monastery that will give me a place to stay when i need some rest…..
  6. Adrieke, I give you one month before you also start building her
  7. Sorry Popeye, That was the wrong expression…... I mean the swimming board at the back. Late at home and early out of bed
  8. John, For you i have put pins into the hinges. Now satisfied?
  9. Thanks John, Patrick and Doris for dropping in, @ John, good question….. I have take a look at the drawing and only at the stern there are no pins in the hinges. Strange…... I have to see if I can change that. Get it loose, drill holes and put the pins in it. Thanks for the extra work! @ patrick, I know that everyone like to see pictures…….yes, I know, from the vessel and not me! @ Doris, Hello there It's not so clean as your beautiful vessels but Im happy with it. And thanks, the fun part is yet to come…………tying ratlines!
  10. Before everybody thinks that I'm only talking a little something. I make a few gunport lids and a few deadeye chains. Also glued the closed lids at the stern. There are no canons behind it!
  11. Hi Robbyn, I do not want to confuse you but…….. If the Aggy was not passing by my attention, I want to build the Mordaunt. Great ship and a big challenge. And I think that you are ready for that challenge….. What ever you choose for your next build, save me a seat at the front row.
  12. Morning John, Simple ways are always the best. And if everybody is doing the same thing at there's paddle steamer, It just belongs like that. Then AL makes a fault by not showing that in his drawings!
  13. She is only thinking Wim She's now into to drawings….. But I promised you……..I get her back at the shipyard!
  14. Hi Augie, Have I send the Sint Bernhard dog to you with a barrel of booze?????? Blizzard…….can not imagen what that is. Thanks for the picture
  15. A few weeks Ben????????? Then you can help me with the ratlines
  16. Thanks Patrick, I need a bigger house…... Maybe we can move to a castle??? My home is my castle…...
  17. Hi Popeye, Augie, Wim and Ben, @ Popeye, I don't send the Mirage around the world…..just a picture And I'm not doing what you are doing, I build two ships at the same time. The Aggy is still not ordered. When I do that there is somebody in the house that not let me do it. The Aggy have to wait for a while…….. I think when I have that kit also, I'm working on three ships at the same time. And I have no space anymore to build…... @ Augie, Is that your home address?????? @ Wim, There is always place for fresh blood! @ Ben, Sorry to hear that you can not help me I was counting on that! Another dream felt into pieces…...
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