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Everything posted by Sjors

  1. Thanks Carl, I see the prices and I need an infuse now…..
  2. Hi Grant, Can you see also in your crystal ball if I'm rich in the future????? I know that there are a lot of ratline coming…. But first some other stuff like the masts….. I think it will be very easy that I make that before I put any ratline on it
  3. Hi John, I've got another e-mail from Corel. I forget to tell them with kit I'm building so at 10 o'clock I give them an answer and 15 minutes later I've got an e-mail back that they have send the items…..
  4. Thanks Carl, I have take a look but I van not find any prices of it. So I think I keep it with Proxxon.
  5. Thanks Janos, Now I know for sure that I don't buy a Unimat…..
  6. Hi John. Thanks for dropping in. Coffee is back in the corner over there….. The decorations……a few are damage, the gold paint is gone. Not my fault , they are like this in the kit. I have send Corel an e-mail about the sheet for the windows and I have all ready an answer. They will send it to me right away! Great service from Corel.
  7. A little update. I placed a few decorations but I found out that I missing some sheets with windows. I send Corel an e-mail to see if they can send to me. I also make the stairs at the outside and the entrance of the ship on the port side. Now I have to go to the starboard side….. The figurine (Mirage) is also in place and the bow is so far ready.
  8. Hi Patrick, At my Mirage I need also a standard. I think I'm using yours…... I only have to measure it to mm instead of inches. But I like what I see!
  9. Great job on the rigging Frank! I love those sails. You know that they are there and you see also the rigging. I like that idea.
  10. Hi Kevin, That looks just great. You can paint the hinges or leave it as it is. The windows on the right and left are also "naked" And the profile above, you let that one also naked?
  11. Amazing job at the stairs Adrieke, I think John has a great example how he have to do it. My compliments!
  12. Hi Piet, I found those 2 pictures of a Dutch lion head.
  13. That looks good Grant. I see pictures….yes!
  14. Hi Larry, Nice planks Did you paint that green on your self? And a cruise….. The only cruise we make is in the snow…..when we are falling Enjoy your cruise and make some pictures
  15. Hi Sherry, I like what I see….. Don't tell Anja about the saw otherwise she also want's one…..
  16. Hi Sarah, I've been away for one day and you started a new build…... Looks like a fun build. And again with tutorials... I follow you also on this one. Good luck and enjoy.
  17. Thanks Andy, I don't translate that in Dutch I know a sailor who was working on a fisher ship and he was seasick…...
  18. Augie, I'm sorry………………. The site was online again at 5.00 pm this morning, I think that you are still sleeping then….. For the snow, why did you give me a call. I pick up my snowboard,shovel,thing and will help you with the snow. Then you can give your arms the needed rest and continue the rigging on the syren. You happy, me happy, everybody happy! And now, of you go to the workbench! Hup ,hup.
  19. Very nice Kevin! I think I move my builds to your workspace
  20. That sounds like business Garward ….. I've send you an invitation on Skype…...
  21. Yes Popeye, The server was changed. There was an announcement at question and problems….
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