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Everything posted by Sjors

  1. Ok Wayne, Because you want pictures here is one…. The masts are finished and the only thing that I need to do is drill a few holes. It is dry fit, so when it it not standing straight, you know the reason. This picture is make with the camera of Anja, so I hope you can see it.
  2. Hi Patrick, Your deck planking looks great. Sorry to read that Jotika keep you on the line. I think when they do that a lot, they are loosing a lot of customers….. Maybe you can write in your mail that you are on MSW and that is not a good commercial for them? Maybe it helps.
  3. Yes please Wayne, I know then for sure that my passengers are standing at the bus stop and wait for me because i'm not stopping for them
  4. Wayne, If I have made some progress, I make pictures….. I'm now struggling with the masts. It not goes the way I wanted. And of course, what about work? I still have to work for 10 more years before I can spend every day at the shipyard.
  5. Thanks Mobbsie and Grant I'll keep it with spars…..
  6. Hi Adrieke, If you need the email address from OcCre, let me know. Was the box open or closed when you received the package? I'm mean then the box from OcCre.
  7. You where posting at the same time as I did. The next serie of pictures are much better Good job on the bow!
  8. Welcome to MSW Andre, You have a lot of a job in front of you…... The bow looks……terrible. I hope you can do her the thing that she deserve it is a beautiful vessel. Good luck with your restoration.
  9. Thanks David, Today there is no post from me. They shut the electric power for the whole day……. No, I did pay the bill ! Tonight I'll be back ( I hope)
  10. Hi guy's, I'm just happy that my bus is gray……... But John, did you see that bus in real? It's strange to see it driving into water.
  11. Adrieke, I'll be patiently waiting…only I have to make more popcorn to satisfied Jim…..
  12. That's one dollar Jim……... You can put it in the kitty….more is also allowed
  13. Hi Mobbsie, I can not help you with the scale of the planks, but I shall keep an eye on Frank…...
  14. John, I always use something to put something on it. So why not a roof? If it is not glued yet, it's no problem No elevator, just a stair is enough…..
  15. I will do that Børge, And take your time with it. A little holiday…….
  16. Hi Adrieke, That's a nice kit you've got there! I have looked it myself to make it so i will follow you with this one also. When you are missing parts ,maybe you can send OcCre an e-mail and they will send it. I was missing a few parts from my other builds from OcCre and they send it right away!
  17. To much snow shuffling Børge???? Take your time with it. I'll wait for the next things that you come up with.
  18. That look good John ( even with my magnifier ) I'm only missing a stair to get in. Otherwise I have to make an split to get in
  19. Hi Augie, You missed nothing but I shall explain a little. Frank is to the hospital today for a surgery. He thinks he will be for 48 hours in the hospital.
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