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Everything posted by Sjors

  1. Hi Paul, Are those also your builds? You are working at more then one? If so…..logs please!
  2. Hi Adrieke, I' ve send a few monkey's your way…... With my San Ildefonso i also have not an English translation. I ask OcCre about it and they said….no! So I'm "reading" the pictures and it works just fine. If needed I can use Google translation. Not the hole line but a few words. Otherwise it is Chinese to me
  3. Hi Peter, Nice progress on your ship. And a very nice standard! That felt is a good idea.
  4. Hi jason, The first rope on the ship? Nice job have you done with it. And just what Mort is saying…let those pictures coming from the Hood! Looks great!
  5. Hi Robbyn, You are very buzzy indeed. Good job on the gun ports. Are there coming false canons in it or only the lids?
  6. Augie, You know how many times at the day I'm running upstairs?????? To many times…... In one hour I go to work and have some rest……. Just turning a steering wheel…... Still the rigging take some time. Much other stuff to do! I have looked at the drawings for the rigging and maybe I skip that part I like open space... @ David, That's not a bad idea. I send the Mirage on a world tour and everybody makes him/her contribution on the rigging. Let see…..we have now 3374 members so I think that will work Who wanna be the first one?
  7. Hi Wim, I think everyone is looking forward to the rigging. Specially when they don't have to do it It 's gonna take a few days before I'm in to that.
  8. When i see this Augie, I run upstairs to see what's happened and It is an angle from the camera…..
  9. Thanks Sherry, Popeye, Robbyn,Mark, @ Sherry, There are indeed long masts…..It shows me what I have to do with the ratlines…..long work! I think I will count the knots to see how many there are….. @ Popeye, My workshop is almost 3 meters high…I think I have to cut a hole in the roof when I'm done. @Robbyn, Please send me your SF by E-mail, I hope I received in one piece @Augie, When you take a look at google street view , you see a view Monks in the front of my house, ready for ratline tying……. @Mark, I think that you know where I live, The fruit jetty is close by so the bananas are coming inn every day. The zoo is also close by so I can hire some monkey's……..or I'll ask a few members of MSW to help me
  10. Hi John, Beer at 11 am in the morning?????????? Are you feeling that bad?????? Nice wheel house but I still don't see a stair…... And frustrations is a part of model building…….
  11. Hi Robbyn, That look as a real beauty to me! Don't get to nervous about broken things….. It's wood and you can repair it. It's not fun but most of the time, it looks better after the repair. I think dark forces are involved with that. Something don't like it and it have to break, so it's good when you repair it. Make this any sense????????
  12. Hi Sarah, Pictures…….. And you started on the ratlines So almost to an end….. When you've got the feeling to tie them, I have 2 ships that also need some ratlines so when you are in the mood………be my guest! Only one thing…….are your ratlines not to far away from each other? I mean…..when you look at pictures, the distance between the ratlines are closer to each other then yours. They have a squire and yours not….. Maybe you can put an other one between those who already there? Now they need long arms to get up……..
  13. He Popeye, I'm watching those pictures of the blocks and I was thinking….. When you use that ones, It's not a little bit to big for your Goth?
  14. Hi Frank, A little late but from me also a welcome back I hope that you have a speedy recovery. Hope to see you quick back at the build.
  15. Wayne, You are spoiling me….. More pictures That looks also great. A very nice shipyard you have there. And a lot of books! We have only three but maybe ether are more on the way.
  16. Hi Sarah, I missed something…... The Canoe is finished, great job! It looks real. More confidence for your Harriet?
  17. Hi Augie, Thank you! I have to put her on the ground otherwise I need a chair to make the picture Thanks Andy, I don't carrie her much around. The masts are at a save place at the moment. When everything is done I replaced them and then……careful! David, Also thanks! I think when I see something real on the horizon, I'm running….or sailing
  18. Thanks John, Without the rigging, she is impressive….. Thanks Grant, The rigging stage……. I have to do a little bit more stuff like the chainplates and the canon lids and a few other furniture on the deck. Then it is rigging time. I'm happy that I still have the SI, when I have enough of the rigging. Or I just finished her first. I don't know yet!
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