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Everything posted by Sjors

  1. Most of the time Anja is talking……….. Just kidding! We are playing a lot of music from the 60's. Country & Western, Rock ( Deep Purple, Uriah Heep, Black Sabbat) and guitar music from Gary Moore. My favourite are Alan jackson and Elvis and one number is for me the top. The Animals with The house of the rising sun! When that one is going on the volume button goes on 30…..or more…..
  2. Augie, I can not stay behind my friend. Take my advice and go for the Confed!
  3. J0hn, I don't blame you that you can not find "Aggy" It's a short name for Agamemnon It's a kit from Caldercraft. When you typ on the internet Caldercraft Model Kit, you can find her. It's one from Nelsons Fleet. Picture of her below.
  4. HI Gil, I just re-read your log and I'm still impressed with what you are doing. Thanks for the detail pictures of the rigging. I enjoy every shroud and rope that i see.
  5. Thanks Augie , When you planned a trip to Schiedam, our house is your house…... We have only to see if we can find a place for all those ships. You need that room ….. Or I leave one that is not finished, and you can do some building….i think I'll take one where the ratlines are not finished Yep, Mobbsie has convinced me. He may solved all the problems for me When I buy that ship here in Holland it cost me about 1236 US dollar. When I buy it in England it cost me about 905 US dollar. That's a trip to England worth.
  6. Hi Patrick, Glad to see you back at the workshop. I know what you feel about the deck planking. But at the end you'll be satisfied with the result. Don't forget that is a long way of planking…. It looks good from here.
  7. Hi Wayne, Thanks. I'm glad that they are finished. But more to come…..
  8. Thanks John, I'll wait a little longer for the dark side. Yesterday evening is the decision make when I was talking with Mobbsie. The next build is gonna be the Aggy! Wow, again a huge one. Maybe I can rent the house of my neighbours Sjors
  9. Hi Patrick, That's all there is about the crow's nest…. There is nothing more ,only the deadeyes. I just measure the main mast…it's gonna be 788 mm…….. And then all the ratlines…….I wanna build a canoe…... And a update, maybe sunday, when I placed all the deck furniture.
  10. Here are the pain in the……. It's not that round that i want , but it is the best I can do. There is almost no place to put a clamp and the wood break easy….. When all the rope's are there, maybe it look better. It almost nice when I put the pictures in it….. So by the next post you will see pictures.
  11. Hi Doris, If there is an other word for WOW then i want to use that! Really really great job you have done…. Amazing, unbelievable and great. I think there are no words to express what I see and what you have done. Maybe it is better that i say nothing and just enjoy what you are doing!
  12. That looks very good Theo, And only 108 port frames……piece of cake Good luck with it!
  13. Sarah, Thanks for the offer but no thanks. When i buy a third ship to work on I think that I have a workshop where I can do modelling, eating, sleeping …….. And yes, I'm positive! Otherwise The Mirage becomes an plane…...
  14. Nice Lathe Crackers! But i need not only a lathe. I want to buy a drilling standard with a cross table. A router…. Circle saw…. And a pocket of money
  15. Sherry, I see people writing one word, two words ,I write a few more….. That looks nice, very nice. And your wood looks so clean….. It's a shame to cover it
  16. Thanks for the update Danny I know now what it is…. There is gonna be a lot of details. I think that's a strong part of scratch build. You can show a lot of details…..
  17. Very nice so far Robbyn! I like your doors! But are the hinges not a little oversize?
  18. Yes it is Harvey, The most imported thing is enjoy! That's really nice equipment you've got over there. And the price is not bad at all! When i have mine I shall post it.
  19. I know Adrieke, But the name of the ship is Mirage and it is an Mirage. There are no pictures available on how she could even look. In a few years when she is finished, everything has his own place and nobody can tell me that it is the wrong way…...
  20. You are going to the dark side John…. Great solution! I'm proud of you We Dutch people can do everything if we wants to !!!!!!!!
  21. Mark thanks, If I'm going to do scratch build I can come over to the dark side….. But when the scratch is working is that a nice feeling.
  22. Hi Wayne, Thanks for the title Commander ……... Thanks for the comment on my ships. You make me shy with your words. I'm just a guy, I glue a few planks together and it becomes to look like a ship. I have seen more builders who are really craft-mans….. By those builders I'm still a novice but I don't mind. I love what I'm doing and I do my best on it. But thanks again. I wish that my teacher from school can read this…. He always told me that I'm not good for anything….. And now I'm learning something to somebody! Love this hobby!
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